Chapter 5

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Oof my eyes hurt, I also found out ya boi might need glasses.. everything kinda blurs together unless im frowning at what im reading XD RIP ME anyway. MORE HOBI AND YOONGS TODAY! might not be as long as normal, but eh.

Yoongis' POV

I continued to cry in front of this man, I've only just met him and I feel like I can trust him with everything. I sniffled into my hands as the tears kept coming down. The memories of that night haunt me. The faces of my own parents as they watched what that man did to me..

"I..I don't...want to live...anymore...please.." I quietly sobbed out hoping this man would put an end to my suffering. My hands moved to grip onto my hair, pulling harshly.

My whole body was in pain from the memories of everything, and the looming horror of what will happen with Jackson. Everything is out to get me. I know it is..why me..? Why am I the one this happened too? I can't even have a normal school life.. I guess that's my fault though isn't it..

I brought my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. It was my fault Mark had a reason to look my history up..If only I hadn't gotten involved with one at school would know I'm not a virgin..It's not like I gave it up willingly.

"Yoongi, please calm down. You must understand that I'm here to make you better, not help kill your self." I looked at him, he has a look of pity on his face. 'That's a first' I thought.

"Why do you d-do it..?" I asked quietly.

"Do what?" He asked as sat upright. Adjusting the clipboard he had with him.

" job.." I asked, my question muffled but my kneecaps.

3rd POV

Dr Jung nodded his head gently to the question as he took a deep breath. "My mother was a rape and abuse victim. I was what came out at the end of 9 months after the rape, she told me that even though she was raped by a random man who she had never met before, that she'd still love me with all her heart, and she did." He took a deep breath as he continued.

"Unfortunately, the past didn't leave her and kept to her. She became schizophrenic, and depressed. She held out until I was 12 years old when she had killed her self, saying that HE was coming for me and the only way I'd be safe was for her to kill herself. She wrote in the letter that he told her; "You got to kill your self or I'll go for him" It broke my heart that she thought such a thing. My whole life growing up, since I was able to understand what happened I just wanted to make my mother feel safe and happy." Dr Jung smiled at Yoongi softly.

"That's why I do this. I don't want something like what happened to my mother happen to others. You're still so young Yoongi. Life is precious. Even if it feels like you're alone, there are still people who care. The young man who called me a week back to have you come to sessions with me, I could tell that he cares about you dearly. He broke down crying to me. Saying he didn't want to lose you too." Dr Jung moved forward, placing his hand atop Yoongis' fluffy chestnut brown hair, rubbing gently.

Yoongi lifted his head up, flinching at the sudden touch. Yoongi slowly relaxed, feeling the touch was gentle, and slow. Tears welled up in his eyes within half a second, and started falling right away. He had never received such a gentle and caring touch from anyone but Seokjin and Namjoon before. Yoongi started to let out ugly sobs as one had came to grip at his chest.

"Are you okay Yoongi?" Dr Jung asked as he slowly pulled his hand away from Yoongis' head. He watched Yoongi as he shook his head, a pained expression on his face. Yoongi gasped as it got harder for him to breathe.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now