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I'm in an unbelievably  happy mood :) for once lmfaooo so i was like, i want to write something HAPPY! SO THATS WHAT IMA FUCKING DO. 




Hoseoks' POV

I sighed as I got in the cab, work was taking a lot out of me more and more everyday. I smiled. 'Even if work is horrible I get to go home to Yoongi' I thought to myself as I gave the driver my address.

I feel bad for leaving Yoongi at home so often, but if I don't go to work and get money I'd have no other way to support us.

I sighed and leaned back in the seat, looking out the window. The trip should only be 10 minutes until I get home. Then I will finally be able to see Yoongi again. My fluffy tail thumped against the seat at the thought.

A small grin was plastered on my face.

3rd POV

The driver looked at Hoseok through the mirror. Observing how happy the fox was. Thankfully the trip was quick. The driver pulled up out the front of Yoongi and Hoseoks house.

"That'll be $19.69" The driver said to Hoseok. Hoseok pulled out $20 handing it to the man. "Keep the change" Hoseok said with a smile and got out quickly.

Hoseok ran up the pathway to the front door, stopping to unlock the door.

Just as Hoseok opened the door he was hit with an overly sweet smell. 'Yoongi' Hoseok thought as he stepped inside, closing the door and locking it. Hoseok took his shoes and socks off leaving them by the front door. Hoseoks ears were twitching, listening for any sound.

The Hoseok heard it, a soft and needy moan coming from the bathroom. Upon hearing the sinful sound Hoseok released his Alpha pheromones filling up the whole house in under 10 seconds. His scent sticking to everything. Hoseok knew that his scent reached Yoongi the moment he screamed out in pleasure.

Hoseoks lustful scent filled Yoongis horny body, giving him a small amount of release. With Shaky legs Yoongi stepped out of the shower, not bothering to turn the water off. With no clothes on he opened the bathroom door, and called out for Hoseok.

"A-Alphaaa p-pleasee fuck me~" Yoongi moaned, his black tail between his legs and ears pinned back.

Hoseok took no time in walking towards the bathroom, stripping his clothes off as he went. As Hoseok turnt the corner his eyes narrowed at the sight in front of him. There laid Yoongi on the wooden floor, literally dripping wet.

Hoseok was quick to undo his pants, pushing both them and his boxers to his ankles and stepping out of them.

Yoongi looked up through his wet hair, his cat like eyes loving the sight of his Alpha. Hoseok walked over to Yoongi and pulled him up off the floor, yanking him into his chest. Hoseok growled lowly making Yoongi bare his neck in submission.

Hoseok looked at the mark that adorned his mates neck, pride  swelling in his chest. Hoseok nipped at Yoongis ear, pushing Yoongi into the steamy bathroom. Hoseok pulled Yoongi into the shower, closing the glass door behind him.

Hoseok pushed Yoongi up against the cold tiles, pulling Yoongis hips back bending him over slightly. Hoseok gripped the base of Yoongis tail and yanked it making Yoongi mewl out in pleasure. Yoongi pressed his ass back into Hoseok, loving the feeling of Hoseoks rock hard cock pressed against him.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now