Chapter 16

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*screams in gay* HIYA IM BACK?! oof lets get this done man.


3rd POV

Yoongis' small heart was broken. Not literally, but it might of well been really broken. Yoongis' heart ache was not the only pain, it hurt to breathe, but still. His tears continued to fall hours after Hoseok had left to go home.

Ever since Hoseok left Yoongi laid there crying. It was now 1 am and Yoongi was finally quieting down. His sobs turnt into sniffles and hiccups. After a few minutes he stopped hiccuping and sniffling, only to realise hours of crying made him dehydrated. Thankfully the nurse who is looking after him left the remote where Yoongi could reach it with hurting himself.

Yoongi grabbed the small remote weakly  his hands shaking slightly. He lifted it up to his face, well as close to his face as he could, and looked at the buttons. After a moment he seen the one he needed to press and pressed it. Yoongi let his arm fall back down onto the bed.

Moments later a nurse opened the door. "Are you okay? Do you need anything??" The young man asked Yoongi. Yoongi shook his head yes, and the young nurse came over to him. Yoongi took a moment to look at him, reading his name tag.

"W...W-a..ter..." Yoongi stuttered out weakly and brokenly. The boy nodded his head and left the room, coming back a minute later with a foam cup, a clear straw in the top. The nurse opened the small door and held the cup for Yoongi. Yoongi moved slightly trying to get the straw in his mouth. Once he did he sucked as hard as he could, cold water filling his dry mouth.

Within 2 minutes Yoongi drank the whole thing. The boy was surprised but happy as he pulled the cup and his arm back trough the small opening. "Is there anything else I can get you Yoongi?" He asked softly. Yoongi shook his head no.

"T..Tha-nk yo-u...Y-Yug-yeom..." Yoongi mumbled out as he closed his eyes, falling asleep straight away. Yugyeom smiled softly. He closed the small door and stood up and left the room, closing the door quietly.

Yugyeom walked over to a bin and dropped the foam cup into it before heading back to the staff room where he was before Yoongi called for him. Yugyeom walked in and sat down laying his head down on his arms. He sighed. He didn't really like working the night shifts. But His hyung asked him too since his wife went into labour.

Yugyeom didn't say no because his Hyung told him about Yoongi, and what he went through. Yugyeom felt sad hearing about Yoongi and he wanted to help him. He had to still go to school but he decided sleep wasn't THAT important.

Yugyeom was working at the hospital as an apprentice, he wanted to become a doctor or a full time nurse, god bless him.

Yugyeom sighed once more closing his eyes slightly. "Yugyeom!" Dr  Young said loudly scared Yoongi as she walked into the room. "Dr Young..sorry I was-" She cut Yugyeom off.

"Listen here, its nearly 2 in the morning, you were meant to finish at 12! What are you still doing here huh??! You have school! You need sleep!" She said sternly. Yugyeom looked up at the clock and she was right, It was nearly 2 am.

"I'm Sorry Noona..I guess I didn't realise how fast time was going" Yugyeom said as he stood up. Dr Young scoffed. "Yeah right, listen Yugyeom don't worry okay? Just go home and get a good nights sleep" She said walking past him, a gentle squeeze on his shoulder to reassure him.

Yugyeom was hesitant about going home. What if someone needed his help and he wasn't there to help them? Of course it was really nothing to worry about, there would be other nurses and doctors to help. Yugyeom just wanted to be useful.

Within 10 minutes Yugyeom had collected his things and was walking out the front door. Since it was so late he didn't have a ride home meaning he had to walk. Yugyeom was fine with this though. He quite enjoyed being by himself, the cold frozen air helping clear his head.

Yugyeom reached his house just before 3:30 am, pulling out his key he opened the front door quietly. Yugyeom closed the door and locked it, taking off his shoes and putting them in the shoe rack by the door.

"Yugy?" Yugyeom jumped. He turnt around to see his older brother standing by the doorway to the lounge room. "Jesus Hyung...You scared me" Yugyeom said quietly. His brother chuckled waving him over. Yugyeom followed his brother into the lounge, the room being illuminated by the movie that was playing on the TV.

"I didn't know you and ma' were coming home" Yugyeom said as he threw himself onto the couch. "Yeah, no. It's just me, ma' was getting worried about you. She said she doesn't want to leave you alone for too long. I told her you'd be fine and that you where a big boy but she just told me to shut up" His brother chuckled sitting down next to his brother.

"Also you look like shit Yugy.." Yugyeom scoffed. "Shut up Jinyoung..You don't look any better" Yugyeom said laughing slightly. Jinyoung laughed. "Your right. Listen shitface you need to go to bed" Jinyoung said standing up tapping the back of his little brothers head.

Yugyeom laughed a little bit mumbling out a 'yes mum' and got up and went to his room. Jinyoung sighed watching his little brother retreat to his room with a yawn. "Night Hyung, love you" 

"Love you too" Jinyoung yelled back, a small loving smile on his face. His little brother was his pride. He was proud of him for being a good person, and not following him down the wrong path. Jinyoung wasn't exactly proud of who he was. He wasn't proud at all, but he was insanely proud of Yugyeom for doing what he wants and not being influenced by his older brother.

Jinyoung loved his Mother and his little brother more than anything, and he'd do anything to keep them safe and happy. Sometimes Jinyoung wonders where he went wrong growing up. Why did he like beating up kids at school? Why did he like to deceive people? He had no idea.

Park Yugyeom; 16 years old

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Park Yugyeom; 16 years old. Park Jinyoung's younger brother. Yugyeom is the complete opposite of his older brother, he wants to be useful to people and help people. He hates just sitting around doing nothing.  

Okay guys so ive decided to make each chapter at LEAST 1000 words. I normally aimed for 2000 words per chapter but it always takes a little too long. So each chapter will be the bare minim of 1000 words...sorry :(

anyway i hope you enjoyed the chapter

bye bye


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