Chapter 2

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Namjoons' POV

Hyung and I had gotten dressed for school 2 hours ago. It's now 6 am and we've been playing video games for the past two hours. We already had our showers so we were ready for school, even though it doesn't start until 8:30. 

Hyung and I were sitting on the couch in the lounge room immersed in our game of COD, to the point we forgot it was early in the morning. Yoongi-Hyung was screaming loudly about  being targeted by one guy, claiming he's hacking. I honestly don't think he's hacking because Hyung is just bad at COD, but the targeting thing is true.

"AGAH! STOP KILLING ME YOU DOUCHE!" Yoongi-Hyung was red with anger, which surprisingly, was a nice change to his mopey quiet self. He's being himself, and that's good.

"HAHAH! YOU'RE JUST BAD HYUNG!" I Screamed out laughing. "DON'T HATE THE PLAYER! HATE THE GAME!" I continued to laugh my ass off until--

"YA! NAMJOON-AH! YOONGI-AH! KEEP IT DOWN! ITS 6:11 IN THE MORNING!" Seokjin-Hyung screeched at us from the bathroom. We both looked at each other, remembering it really was early in the morning.

We both shrugged  and started laughing, enjoying the moment. I honestly miss when Yoongi-Hyung was so carefree and happy..but he's getting better..I hope..

3rd POV

Time past quicker than the 3 thought, one moment they were sitting in the lounge room, the next they were walking out the door to Seokjins' car. Seokjin got in the front and turnt on the car waiting for the two boys in the back to put their seat belts on.

"You both got your seat belts on?" Seokjin asked looking in the mirror at them. He smiled as he heard then answer."Oh! Before we leave, Yoongi you grabbed your pills right?" Seokjin asked looking into Yoongis' eyes through the mirror.

"Yeah I did  Hyung" He said as he opened his bag, pulling out the 3 prescription bottles of pills. "See? Don't worry!" Yoongi said with a soft smile. Seokjin nodded his head as he looked back in front of him and put the car into drive.

The drive to school was short and quick, since they live so close to the school. They arrived at school 15 minuets early, which honestly, is the worst. The two boys hopped out of the car and thanked Jin.

"See you both this afternoon, Yoongi-Ah I'll give you a ride back to your house this afternoon okay?" Seokjin smiled. Yoongi nodded his reply as he and Namjoon began walking away waking to the elder in the car.

Seokjin waved back as he began driving off, heading towards his collage. Yoongi sighed as he looked back at the school before him, hesitantly walking forward with Namjoon. He didn't want to run into him but the chances of him not running into him are slim. Despite the school being quite large, everyone knows everyone. People will give up information for money as well. So there's the chance they wont cross paths but someone could give up his location to him..

'I just hope he isn't here today..' Yoongi sighed loudly at his thought as he and Namjoon began walking towards the library. Yoongi kept his head down, his chestnut brown hair covering his eyes as students stared at him, whispering things to their friends about him. Namjoon glared at the people who weren't whispering and saying their thoughts out loud for everyone to hear.

"Did you hear? They broke up?" One said to her friend. "Yeah, not surprising though, Yoongi is such a slut, if I were him I would have dumped him sooner..Staying with a freak like Yoongi..What was he thinking?" The other replied back, giving Yoongi dirty looks.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now