Chapter 19

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I have glasses now uwu, I can see again!

Seokjins' POV

I stood up and followed Dr Jung outside. I watched as he closed the door and motioned me to move away from the viewing glass. I looked at him confused.

"Dr Jung? Is everything okay?" I asked looking at him worriedly. Dr Jung shook his head looking me dead in the eyes. "Hyunjoon, he- He was going to be released, without even going to trial! His lawyer asked not too! And the judge said yes!" My eyes widened as I watched Dr Jung start to pace back and forth his hands in his hair.

"Seokjin, I filled for a restraining order, for you, your brother, Yoongi and myself. That way he has to be present at court. Tomorrow, we will all be going tomorrow. The judge has no idea what kind of state Yoongi is in, both mentally and physically, but even so, we need to bring him along, he will be the last one to be done. You and your brother will go first then me, then Yoongi.." Dr Jung took a deep breath.

I just stood there. I was confused, why didn't they lock Hyunjoon up for good?? All of the evidence was there! He did those things to Yoongi so..why?

I watched as Dr Jung stopped pacing around. He look back at me slightly. "Is he doing okay?" Dr Jung asked me sadly. I perked up slightly.

"Y-yeah! He is doing a lot better! He still seems a bit airy in the head and he cant talk because of the pain but his eyes speak louder than words. He is actually awake, why don't you say hi? He'd appreciate it" I said looking at Dr Jung hopefully.

"I..I can't not today. I actually need to get everything ready for tomorrow, The staff already know Yoongi will be joining us tomorrow but I asked for them not to tell him. If you could, could you tell him? Try not to stress him out over it, and try not to mention Hyunjoon.." Dr Jung said as he looked over at me, but not at me.

I seen his eyes were on the floor, like he was avoiding something. Why didn't he want to even just pop in for 10 seconds to say hi to Yoongi? 'I-Is he avoiding Yoongi?? Why...?' I thought to my self as I nodded my head "Yeah, I can do that.." I said hesitantly. Dr Jung gave me a quick smile before saying goodbye.

I watched him walk down the hallway quickly, his head down and his hands in his pockets. I waited until I couldn't see him when i went back into Yoongis' room. I closed the door behind me quietly and walked back over to where I was sitting

3rd POV

Seokjin sat down and looked at Yoongi. 

"Yoongi? Dr Jung asked me to tell you something..but can you look at me please?" Seokjin asked. Looking at Yoongis' back hopefully. Seokjin watched as Yoongis' shoulders lifted slightly, a soft exhale leaving between the boys cracked and dry lips, his breath fogging up the oxygen mask slightly.

Slowly Yoongi rolled onto his back, wincing at the pain he felt all over his body.  Yoongi looked at Seokjin dully, Seokjin just gave a small smile back.

"Dr Jung asked me to tell you that we will be going out tomorrow. You, Dr Jung, Namjoonie and me. We will be going to- to court.." Seokjin stumbled on the last part, scared that Yoongi may figure out why.

"But I don't want you to worry about anything okay. We will take care of everything, and we will keep you safe.." Seokjin said looking down at his hands. 

Yoongi hummed slightly, the noise letting Seokjin know what Yoongi understood. Seokjin sighed and looked Yoongi in his uncovered eye. "Yoongi-" Seokjin paused. Debating whether or not he should ask if anything happened between Dr Jung and him.

"Did..Did anything happen between you and Dr Jung..? You don't have to tell me but..he was acting strange.." Seokjin mumbled. Yoongi froze. His eye going wide, and his breath hitched in his throat. Seokjins' eyebrows knitted together in worry.

"Something did happen. D-Did he do something to you Yoongi??" Seokjin asked his voice straining at the thought of something happening to Yoongi. Yoongi opened his mouth but said nothing. He only shook his head no.

"He didn't do anything to you? Did he say something? Did you say something..?" Seokjin asked, leaning in a bit closer to the  glass that was separating them. He watched as Yoongi nodded his head.

"We-...We b-oth said t..the same th-thing..." Yoongi mumbled out. His face becoming sad and gloomy. Seokjin nodded his head a little bit, encouraging Yoongi to continue. "O-Only h-he didn't me-mean it.." Seokjin watched how quickly Yoongi broke down, able to do nothing as he had to watch him tear up.

" both said the same thing..but Dr Jung didn't mean it..but you did?" Seokjin asked carefully. Watching as Yoongi nodded his head. A single tear running down the side of his cheek.

Seokjin decided not to ask what they said and dropped it. He didn't want Yoongi getting any sadder than he already was. Just as Seokjin was about to say something else someone knocked on the door. Seokjin turnt around to see a nurse standing there. Seokjin smiled at the boy.

"Um Mr Kim visiting hours are over..I'm going to have to ask you to get ready to leave, Mr Min has some tests to do today." The dark grey haired boy said, giving Seokjin an apologetic smile. Seokjin smiled back and gave a small nod. "Okay could you just give me a moment to say bye?" Seokjin asked politely and the boy nodded his head and closed the door.

Seokjin sighed and turnt back around and looked at Yoongi. "Listen, Yoongles. No matter what happened between the both of you, just know he will still be there to help. Don't feel sad about it, okay?" Seokjin said as he stood up. Yoongi nodded his head slightly and sniffled. Seokjin smiled at him lovingly. "I'll see you tomorrow eh Yoongi? Get some rest okay? Also remember Joon and I love you okay??" Seokjin said as he looked over his shoulder at Yoongi, watching Yoongi nod once more.

Seokjin nodded back and walked to the door, opening it. He stepped out of the room and gave Yoongi a little wave as he closed the door carefully. Seokjin sighed and stood up straight. He felt bad for making Yoongi cry..


Sadly there was a death in the family. (My step dads aunty) and a lot happened...she passed away on my birthday (the 2nd of march) Because I didn't know her I obviously wasn't as affected by her death than my step dad and mum but it was still sad to see them upset.

But now that everything has calmed down and the family is better I felt good enough to write!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Im in the mood to write smut so the next chapter to come out will be an extra (a different AU from the last AU uwu)


bai bai


Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now