Chapter 8

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Oof here we GOOOO

3rd POV

I was about an hour after Yoongi had finished his breakfast and he was being help by Dr Choi into an elevator. The lower half of his body was still sore, and it hurt to walk, but Yoongi pushed through the pain. It's not the first time something like that had happened.

Yoongi kept his head down as he felt eyes on him. It's no secret what people thought about Yoongi. Only a few staff members really care, while the rest, who had heard what happened via other staff, were disgusted by Yoongi.

The couldn't wrap their heads around why Yoongi never went to the police. In Their heads, Yoongi never went to the police because he enjoyed it, which is clearly not true. Yoongi never went to the police because he knew they'd just think it was a crazy kid saying crazy shit and because his uncle watched him like a hawk.

Yoongi shivered at the thought of that horrid man, a disgusting taste filled his mouth and throat. Dr Choi noticed Yoongi seized up and gently rubbed his shoulder. 

"Yoongi, its okay" He said calmly as they stepped into the elevator. Slowly the elevator went down, the sickly feeling of throwing up vanished. Yoongi swallowed quietly, feeling anxious about Dr Chois' hand on his shoulder.

He knew Dr Choi would never hurt him, but he had been touched like that. A soft caring touch that turnt into a hating and lustful touch. He didn't know if he should feel safe or not, Hyunjoons' touch was soft and caring at first, but changed so, so quickly. 

Yoongi unconsciously moved away from Dr Chois' touch as the elevator doors opened. Dr Choi helped Yoongi slowly make his way to the front doors. Dr Choi noticed how Yoongi moved away in the elevator so he opted for holding his arm out for Yoongi to lean onto if he needed too.

Yoongi didn't want to lean on him for help but he was still in a lot of pain, so he kinda needed to, just to take the strain off his lower back, ass and legs. All of the pain killers and numbing shots he got kind of turnt his legs to jelly.

Yoongi sighed as he and Dr Choi finally made it out side the building. Yoongi took in a deep breath of fresh air, feeling the cool wind rush around his body. He was glad he had big thick clothes but honestly because Yoongi was so skinny and weak he got cold straight away.

Dr Choi led Yoongi up to a Black SUV that was parked out the front of the Hospital. Dr Choi opened the back door for Yoongi waiting for him to get in. Once Yoongi was in Dr Choi started speaking.

"Okay Yoongi, remember, you can tell Dr Jung anything, anything and everything you tell him will never leave that room. He will be the only one who knows. There are no cameras, okay? He is here to help you." Dr Choi said with a smile. Yoongi nodded, a weak smile on his face.

"I'll see you in two hours!" Dr Choi said as he closed the door. Yoongi sighed and watched through the tinted windows as Dr Choi waved him off. He looked around the SUV and noticed he couldn't see the front of the car. There was just a small window.

He sighed and leaned back, resting his head on the cool leather seat. Within 5 minutes of being on the road Yoongi started feeling anxious, so he pulled his legs up onto the seat, bringing them to his chest and shoved his face into the tops of his knees.

It felt like he was in the car forever, when finally the car came to a stop and turnt off. Yoongi lifted his head up slightly as he heard a car door open and close. Yoongi slowly put his legs down and unbuckled the seat belt.

Yoongi jumped slightly as a soft knock made its way into Yoongis' ears. He looked to his left and seen a man standing there. The man then opened the door for Yoongi. "We're here, I'm sorry if i scared you." The old man, who Yoongi guessed was the driver, said.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now