Chapter 9

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Oof I hate being a girl ;-; The cramps are killing me ;-; 

Yoongis' POV

Dr Jung and I walked back down the dirt trail. I was looking around as all the small wild flowers that grew on the ground. 'This place feels magical' I thought to myself as I kept walking. I followed the sound of Dr Jungs' foots steps not really paying attention, but when the lush green grass turnt into concrete I was rather confused.

I looked up from the ground and seen a car park surrounded by trees.

"Uh..Dr Jung..where are we?" I asked. Watching as Dr Jung walked up to a matte black G-Wagon. Dr Jung pulled keys out of his pocket and unlocked the car.

"This is where we park our cars, the office is over there." Dr Jung said pointing through the trees. I looked and seen the building. I nodded my head but I was still confused. "Why are we here though..?" I asked.

I walked up to him but, my dumb ass just happened to trip on a lip in the concrete. It felt like my life flashed before my eyes. I closed my eyes waiting to hit the ground, but it never came, instead I fell into strong arms. I heard a chuckle come from Dr Jung. My face flushed red in embarrassment. I tried to get out of his hold but the moment I did I fell to my knees.

My face got redder if possible, 'how embarrassing' I thought, my legs just happened to give out for no reason. "You alright Yoongi?" Dr Jung asked a smile on his face. I shook my head 'no' and let my hair cover my face. Dr Jung chuckled a bit and bent down, picking me up bridal style. 

"W--W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" I screamed, grabbing onto Dr Jung tightly so he wouldn't drop me. "Putting you in my car since you can't walk?" Dr Jung said walking to the other side of the car, opening the door and putting me on the seat. I covered my blushing face, not wanting Dr Jung to see me, as he reached over me to buckle in my seat belt.

Dr Jung closed the door and walked over to the drivers side. He opened the door and jumped in, closing the door and starting the car. Dr Jung pulled out of the parking lot and started driving down a one way road. I looked out the window and watched the trees go past. I could feel my face was still burning. 'God how embarrassing' I thought again.

I decided on not looking over at Dr Jung and decided to just watch nature fly by me. I noticed how wild everything looked. Everything was clean and nearly untouched other than the one way road that ran through the forest. I let out a loud gasp as I seen something.

"Stop the car!" I yelled quickly as Dr Jung freaked out a little bit. Dr Jung quickly pulled up on the side of the road. "What's wrong?? Are you okay??" Dr Jung asked, sounding short of breath. I nodded my head and unbuckled my seat belt and quietly opened the door. I slowly turnt my body to use the step below the door and got out closing the door behind me.

I slowly moved along Dr Jungs G-Wagon, before making it towards the forest. I heard Dr Jungs door open and close, along with his foot steps as he made his way over to me. I looked over my shoulder at Dr Jung and brought a finger to my lips.

"shh" I whispered, slowly walking into the past the line of trees that lead into the forest. I could hear Dr Jungs foot steps as he walked behind me. Slowly as we walked through the trees I seen them. A group of deer. I moved over to a tree and crouched down next to it, Dr Jung following suit.

"I knew did they get here?" I said under my breath as I continued to observe the deer that lay in the short grass in front of me. "Deer? How did you see them from the car?" Dr Jung asked quietly. I looked up at the tree we were under. I pointed to the tree and Dr Jung looked up. "Those are deer markings, I seen them on the trees by the side of the road, but for these kind of deer to be here.." I said as I looked back over at the deer.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now