Chapter 4

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A/N TODAYS THE DAY BOIS! TIME TO MEET HOBI! (also look at those bois ^)
***WARNING!!!*** sensitive  subjects***

3rd POV

Yoongi moaned as a stream of light flooded into the room through his curtains. He rolled over, or tried to at least. The pain in his arms, legs and ass were to much. He laid there for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. He turnt his head to the left, looking through the small portion of the window that allowed light into the room.

'I've got to go see this Dr Jung Hosung guy today..I don't want too..'  Yoongi thought as he looked over too his right. He seen the small letter Seokjin and Namjoon left. Reaching over to grab it slowly. His arm and shoulder aching at the movement.

He finally grabbed it and unfolded it, reading it out loud. "Yoons, Joonie and I have to go back to school today, and since your going to see Dr Jung we won't see you until you get back to the hospital since we don't know how long you'll be.." Yoongi trailed off, skimming over the rest of the letter before throwing back on the side table.

He started crying. They made a good point. It was going to be hell for him at school. They'd all be after him.He rolled over despite the pain seeing his school bag was on the left side of his bed. Without even thing he sat up. He ignored all the pain that shot through his body like bullets. He reached over and pulled the dip out of arm, not caring if he ripped his skin. He reached over and grabbed his bag.

Pulling it up onto his lap before digging through it. He Kept digging through it, panic setting in. 'T-They went through my bag?!' Yoongi screamed to himself violently throwing his school bag onto the floor.  He got up, knees nearly giving out, as he wobbled his way over to the bathroom door. He opened the door slowly, walking in and closing the door. Locking it.

He sat down on the floor by the door. Head in his hands as he began sobbing. 'There's no point in living..why should I have to live just to be in pain?! Why are people so set on making sure I live?! DO THEY NOT CARE THAT I..that I just want to be free..?' Yoongi continued to cry for an hour. When someone came into his room.

The nurse gasped as she seen Yoongis' bed was vacant. "DR CHOI! DR CHOI! MIN YOONGI IS GONE!" She screamed as she ran down the hall to Dr Choi. Dr Choi looked up from his papers calmly. "It's okay, he shouldn't have gotten far." He said as he stood up, going to Yoongis' room. 

He sighed once he seen that Yoongi was in fact gone from his bed. He walked over tot he other side of his bed and looked at the drip and Yoongis' open backpack that was thrown across the room. There was small droplets of blood that lead in a trail to the bathroom door. He sighed and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yoongi you need to stay in bed. If you needed to go to the toilet you should have pressed the button. Could you please open the door?" He said softly as he pulled out a key and slowly brought it to the lock on the door.

What Yoongi failed to notice was the door has a double lock on it. Hospitals need to be prepared for their patients to try and hurt them selves. That's also why they searched Yoongis' bag. Dr Choi knows Yoongi suffers with depression and might try to hurt himself. So he had a search done, and sure enough, there were razor blades in his bag. He also took out the pair of scissors that were in his pencil case.

"I-I'm..not o-opening the door.." Yoongi hiccuped out. Dr Choi sighed as he put the key into the lock and unlocked the door. Yoongi gasped as the door swung open. His mind went blank. The door he was hiding behind was forcibly opened. Meaning only one thing, it was uncle.  

All blood drained from his body, he paled completely. 'NO! I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG! W-WHY IS HE HERE?! WHAT DID I DO?! W-WHAT IS HE GO-GOING TO DO?! PLEASE NO, DON'T COME NEAR ME!!!' Yoongi began screaming, panic setting in. Dr Choi tried to calm him down but Yoongi bit him, drawing blood.

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