Chapter 6

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So i found that im updating every 2 days, which is good i guess! ALSO! Thank you too those who have been supporting this story! It means alot! Also i used my mouse to write everything  in the picture so it looks like a child did it but thats the lay out of his apartment.  

Hoseoks' POV

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Hoseoks' POV

I sigh as I unlock the door to my apartment, opening the door I'm welcomed by darkness. I stepped in, closing the door and locking it behind me. "I'm home.." I said out loud to no one as I was taking off my shoes.

I have a habit of saying that I'm home out loud even though there is no one here, I must be getting lonely. I sighed once more as I loosened my tie, walking down the dark hallway into the small lounge room. I flicked the light switch on the wall and watched as the room lit up. I walked over to my bedroom door, opening it and turning the light on.

I pulled off my tie, throwing it on my bed as I began unbuttoning my dress shirt. I threw my shirt onto my bed as well as I put my arms up in the air, stretching out my muscles. I moaned at the cracking of my back, finally feeling my body loosen up. I reached down to undo my black leather belt, pulling it through the belt loops on my pants.

I reach down to unbutton and unzip my pants when my phone starts ringing. I sighed pulling it out of my pocket and looked at the screen, seeing it was Youngjae calling. I answered it as I sat down on my bed.

3rd POV.

"Hey Hoseok-Hyung, Just thought I should let you know, Yoongis' uncle is in the police station, and they are currently hunting down the kid who raped Yoongi." Youngjae said.

"That's good, I just got home, I was about to have a shower then go over what Yoongi told me today. Try and figure out the whole story and have a better idea of what he's been through." Hoseok said, feeling refiled that Hyunjoon was in handcuffs.

Youngjae hummed in agreement. "I thought I'd tell you this as well, since Yoongis' uncle has been exposed he will have no where to stay. I had a chat with his only friends to see if he could stay with them but, it seems that they are both still kids them selves. Seokjin, the older brother, said that he is barely keeping up with all the bills. So staying with them is a no go, so he'll just be staying here until we find somewhere for him to stay." Youngjae said as he let out a huff of air.

"Yeah, well at the moment he isn't well enough to go away where, both physically and mentally. So until then, he'll only be coming to my office for his appointments  with me. Anyway Youngjae, I've got to go. I'll call you back soon when I've finished going over everything." Hoseok said as he looked up at the clock on his wall.

"Yep! I'll talk to you soon then! Bye Hyung!" Youngjae said as he hung up. Hoseok chuckled and threw his phone on his bed as he stood up, undoing the button on his black dress pants and unzipping the zip.

He let his pants fall down to his ankles as he stood out of them, walking into his bathroom with nothing but his underwear on. He opened the shower door, and reached over to the taps, turning them on. Cold water followed by hot water. The water got to the right temperature, and Hoseok stood back, sliding his black briefs down his full thighs stepping out of them and into the shower, closing the big glass door behind him.

Hoseok stood under the shower head, moaning quietly as the hot water ran over his body, washing all of the sweat and dirt away. He lifted his hands up running them through his now dark brown locks, as he cracked his neck. Hoseok let out a huff of air as he put his hands onto the wall in front of him. Thoughts of today going through his head, thoughts of Yoongi.  

Hoseoks' eyes widened. "No..way...W-What's...WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!?!" Hoseok screamed as he stood up, his tanned face bright red. He reached up and pulled his hair a groan leaving his mouth as he hit himself in the face with his other hand.

"H-He's..HE'S A FUCKING MINOR JUNG HOSEOK! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He screamed out as both of his hands pulled at his hair. In his defence, he has been pent up for a LONG time. 3 years to be exact, and He couldn't hide the fact that he thought Yoongi was gorgeous.

Jung Hoseoks' dick sprung at the thought of a 17 year old. One who has been treated like shit his whole life. Hoseok was disgusted in himself, thinking of a child like that. Hoseok couldn't help it though.

He sighed. 'I don't want to do this...' He thought as he looked down. Seeing his dick was harder than steal. 'I guess I have too..' Hoseok thought as he reached down. His hand slowly wrapped around his shaft, a quiet hiss left his mouth as he slowly began to move his hand. "This is s-so wrong.." Hoseok said to him self.

The hot water hitting his back, and running down his body turnt him on even more. He slowly picked up the speed. Jerking his hand back and forth. A soft moan left his throat at the sinful thoughts of the 17 year old.

"A-Ah.." Hoseok moaned out as he came, his sticky white semen being washed away by the hot  water. His face flushed bright cherry red. He had just prematurely came, not touching himself for over 3 years left him sensitive as hell. He lent back as he cursed himself. Not only did he just jerk off to the thought of someone who is a lot younger than him but he came so quickly.

"Fuck my life" He said as he grabbed his sope, and began cleaning himself.

A/N JUST A SMOL FILLER! was kinda fan-service..Your welcome? And yeah their is a 8 year age gap but they wont do anything until Yoongi is 19. SOOOO DONT GET YOUR PANTIES IN A KNOT.

anyway I'll see you guys later! hope you enjoyed this little filelr!



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