Im sorry

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okay, so i wont be updating until after Christmas sadly. My mental health isn't the best at the moment and my family is struggling financially.

Fights have been breaking out among my family and the internet keeps going in and out.

I'll TRY to update before Christmas but that may not happen. Even if my internet is on its getting hotter here. Not to mention the fires that are spreading though out Queensland. The fires are only about 3-4 hours away from where i live so that may also be a problem. 

I'll try to update and continue writing chapters when i can. I do have a bit of chapter 9 started but i wont post it until its at least 2000 words.

I hope you guys can bare with my horrible updating skills.

And thanks for sticking around ^^'

Bai Bai


Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now