Chapter 10

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oh wow look who is updating :D but i feel kinda shit bout this chapter ;-; it makes me sad.


3rd POV

The ride back to the hospital was quiet. Not because it was awkward but because Yoongi had fallen asleep, curling up into a ball on the chair. Soft gentle snores could be heard and Hoseok found it adorable. 

Thankfully Hoseok made it back to the hospital before it got too late, and because Yoongi was so worn out from today Hoseok decided on not waking him up. Instead he opted for carrying Yoongi. 

Hoseok pulled up in a parking spot and turnt off his car. Getting out and closing the door quietly. He walked over to the other side and opened Yoongis' door, reaching over him to unbuckle his seat belt. Carefully he lifted Yoongi up out of the seat he was curled up on. Holding Yoongi with one arm, Hoseok closed the door and locked his car before putting his keys back into his pocket.

He moved Yoongi gently so he was holding him with both arms, carrying him princess style. Hoseok walked into the building walking over to the elevator. Pressing the 5th floor button. The ride up was silent other than the soft dinging and elevator music. Yoongi shifted a little bit, pressing his face deeper into Hoseoks' neck, inhaling deeply without knowing.

Yoongis' body subconsciously sought out the warmth from Hoseok, along with his alluring sent. Once Hoseok reached the 5th floor he stepped out of the elevator, walking down the hallway towards Yoongis' room. Hoseok looked down at the small boy, smiling lovingly at him.

'Why would anyone want to hurt such a thing?' Hoseok thought to himself as he got closer to Yoongis' room, hearing screaming coming from the room. Hoseok looked up from the boy and seen nurses standing out side the room, freaking out. Hoseok got a bit closer without the nurses noticing when he hard a familiar voice scream.

"WHERE IS HE?! HE WAS MEANT TO BE BACK AT 3! IT'S NEARLY 7!" Hoseok thought back to remember that voice. If he remembered correctly that was Seokjin?

"Seokjin! PLEASE, calm down! He is with Dr Jung! He's fine!"

Hoseok got curious and stepped behind the nurses looking into the room. He seen a stressed Youngjae and a very angry Seokjin. "Excuse me" Hoseok whispered to the nurses he was standing behind. They looked at him shocked and worried.

Yoongi groaned a little bit at the loud noises, gripping onto Hoseok black shirt tightly. "If I may step in, Seokjin, Yoongi is fine we just got a bit caught up in what we were doing is all." Dr Jung said as he stepped into the room.

Seokjins' head snapped towards the voice. He looked the man up and down quickly, seeing his messy and dishevelled hair and clothes. His eyes then dropping to the boy in his arms. A soft nearly unnoticeable blush on his pale cheeks, his hair messy like Dr Jungs, along with his clothes.

Seokjin was in such a panicked state of mind he didn't stop to think about what he was saying. His mind wasn't stopping to let him think.


Seokjins' loud outburst woke Yoongi up, scaring him. Yoongi latched onto Dr Jung tighter whimpering softly. Yoongi had always been smart enough to remember that if his name was yelled in such a tone. What ever happened was his fault, and because he had just woken up he isn't in the best state of mind.

"ANSWER ME!!" Seokjin screamed as he stepped closer to the two. Yoongi was now sobbing. Gripping onto what ever he could, burying his face away. Trying to shut everything out. Hoseok looked shocked. Both at what Seokjin was screaming about and Yoongi who was sobbing into his shoulder.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now