Chapter 12

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Oh look its a new year! 2019. Please be a good year.

3rd POV

Yoongi sat on on his new bed silently, cursing himself. His mind was wandering, thinking about how nice Dr Jung was to him even though they are strangers. Thinking about how Dr Jung saved him from his uncle, and how he stood protecting Yoongi from that man. Yoongi pulled his knees up to his chest and whimpered, why did god forsaken him?

Yoongi sat like that for a while, the room only lit up by the bathroom light. 

A knock on the door startled the quiet and stale room, Yoongi only shifted his head slightly to look dully at the door. His head slowly lifted up as he could hear nurses and doctors screaming and yelling outside the door.

A loud thud echoed from the hallway into Yoongis' room. Yoongi shuffled around on the bed, throwing his legs off the side of it, walking over to the door and opening it quietly. His eyes widened as he seen a nurse cleaning up a splattered puddle of blood on the ground.

"W-What..?" Yoongi question quietly. He shuffled out of his room, leaning on the door frame and wall for support. His legs still a little numb.

"U-Um..miss..W-Whos blood is t-that?" Yoongi sputtered out, his voice cracking and wavering. The nurse looked up at him and gave a sad smile.

"Mr Jungs'" She said as she stood up walking away.

Yoongis' eyes widened. 'Was Dr Jung the one who knocked on my door?' Yoongi thought as he looked around. 

Yoongi couldn't tell what floor he was on so he went back into his room and over to the window. Yoongi struggled to open the window, his weak arms aching after he finally got the window open. Yoongi lifted his short body up slightly to see out the window, looking down at the ground. 

He seen police cars and police tape all over the place, guessing they were there because of the person who jumped..

Other than that he noticed he was up very high, and that he was most likely on the 7th or 8th floor. Yoongi moved away from the window and went back to the door, opening it again and walking out. 

About 5 steps out of his room he realised he was in a hospital gown. Making Yoongi question if he passed out or not. He doesn't remember passing out but there was a dark spot in his memories.

Luckily he had a pair of boxers on. He figured it was because he was still healing from what happened at school. As he walked down the hall he took in his surroundings, looking at the nurses and doctors that were walking around. He could see into a few of the rooms with lights on.

In one of the rooms, a little boy sat on his bed, hooked up to multiple machines. He looked about 7 or 8 years old, his head void of any hair. Yoongi figured he must have cancer, but what stood out the most was an older man and woman in the room with the little boy. All 3 of them smiling and making jokes about a book the man was reading.

It was clear that was what a family was meant to be. 'Is that what a normal family looks like..?' Yoongi asked himself, before letting his gaze drop to the floor as he continued shuffling along the hallway, one hand on the wall to help steady himself.

Yoongi was in his own head space when he bumped into someone. He fell backwards and landed on his ass. A small scream leaving Yoongis' mouth at the horrid pain that shot through him. Small tears filled his vision at the burning and stinging pain as he seen a hand in front of his face.

Yoongi hesitated to take the hand but took it and stood up.

"Oh hey, I know you! You're that kid who was rapped in the bathroom at school, I'm sorry that must have hurt, I was in a rush and wasn't looking where I was going. my bad!" The person said loudly.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now