Chapter 20

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wow! look who decided to fucking update! ME :')

3rd POV

It was about 12 pm when Nurses came into Yoongis' room. They moved him carefully onto a wheelchair, his drip still attached to him. Yoongi was giving painkillers so thankfully he wasn't in much pain. Yoongi was barely awake at this point, his body was so exhausted.

Yoongi didn't remember when he got outside but the cold wind woke him up rather quickly. Yoongi peaked his eye open, seeing soft snowflakes falling to the ground gracefully. Yoongi sighed, his breath turning into steam and rising upwards before disappearing.

Yoongi didn't pay much mind to what was going on, just going with the flow like reed boat in a river. He didn't try to fight anything not now anyway. He had no idea where he was going, why was he leaving the hospital? Isn't he meant to be healing?? Yoongis' questions went unanswered unsurprisingly.

Yoongis' wheelchair was pushed into a van and strapped down, his drip following in suit. Once again Yoongi dozed off only to be woken up when his wheelchair began moving around. He looked around and seen Namjoon walking alongside Seokjin. Yoongi looked up at who was pushing his wheelchair and froze.

Dr Jung was pushing his wheelchair, NOW he wanted to run away but he couldn't. Yoongi quickly looked away from Dr Jung, his eye instead focusing on the huge building in front of him. It was, without a doubt, a court house.

Once they reached the doors Namjoon opened them and waited for Dr Jung to wheel Yoongi in followed by his older brother then himself. Namjoon kept his head down, while Seokjin was fixing his tie. Seokjin turnt to his younger brother quickly. "Namjoon your tie is lose, here let me fix it." Seokjin said quietly. They stopped for a moment for Seokjin to fix it.

"Come on Joonie" was all Jin said as he and Namjoon caught up to Dr Jung and Yoongi. The 4 stopped at a pair of big mahogany doors. "Yoongi" Dr Jung started as he walked around and stood in front of Yoongi. "I don't want you to be scared. No one will hurt you okay? Not while Namjoon, Seokjin and I are here. If things start getting too much for you just close your eyes and breathe okay?" Dr Jung said to Yoongi. Yoongi nodded softly in understanding.

Dr Jung nodded at him then at the two men at the doors. The men opened the doors and escorted them to where they were meant to be. Namjoon and Seokjin sat behind where Dr Jung and Yoongi where along with a lawyer. Yoongi looked around carefully. Not seeing anyone of meditate danger. He relaxed slightly, but he did notice everyone in the room was looking at him. He could feel their stares of disgust and pity.

Murmuring around the room could be heard obviously about Yoongi. The murmuring quietened down as the judge entered the room.

The judge read over some papers before looking up. "Lets just get right to the point. We are here to decided the prison sentence of Min Hyunjoon and Jackson Wang." The Judge spoke, glancing at the papers he hand.

"Bring in Jackson Wang" The judge said. A man nodded on the other side of the room and walked over to the door behind him and opened it. Two guards walked out with Jackson in handcuffs wearing prison clothes. Jackson had his head down but looked up when he entered the room.

His eyes locked on Yoongi. First with anger than pure regret. He seen the state Yoongi was in and felt bad, think HE caused it. Jackson was lead over to his lawyer and stood next too him before being sat down.

"Jackson Wang you are here because you raped Min Yoongi in the H block toilets of Seoul high school. Am I right?" The judge asked looking at Jackson. Jackson just nodded his head. "Speak please" "Yes..I raped Yoongi.." Jackson said loud enough for the judge to hear him.

"And why did you do it Jackson?" "Because..I was angry at him..because ****** liked him". "Who is this ****** person?" The judge said. "Yoongis' ex boyfriend..." Jackson mumbled out. The judge nodded. "So, you raped Yoongi because you were angry with he for dating this ****** boy?"

"pretty much.." Jackson mumbled out. "If, I may, your honour?" Jackson lawyer asked. "You may". "Min Yoongi forced himself on Jackson first." Jacksons lawyer stated confidently looking over at Yoongi. Yoongis' eye widened. The judge looked at Yoongi. "Is this true Min Yoongi?"

"N-No!" Yoongi stuttered out, his voice cracking horribly. "If I may your honour" Dr Jung started. "You may". "I believe Min Yoongi should be the one to tell us what happened." The judge nodded his head, agreeing with Dr Jung. "Well Yoongi? Could you tell us everything that happened the day Jackson raped you?"

Yoongi nodded slowly. "Ev-Everything..?" Yoongi asked, getting a nod from the Judge. "from the moment you woke up to the moment you passed out"

"I-I was st-staying at N-Namjoon an-d Seokjins..I-I woke up fr-from a nigh-nightmare and stayed u-up with h-hyung and j-joon..H-hyung took us to sc-school a-and on o-our wa-way to the library..I-I r-ran off be-because peo-people were talking abo-ut me..I hid in the H-H block toilets un-until J-Jac-Jackson and M-Mar-K c-came in..M-Mark wa-s called to the of-office to g-go home an-and J-Jack-son we-went w-with him, s-so I th-thought it was s-safe to lea-ve..but J-Jackson f-f-forgot his b-bag..and c-came back...H-H-He.." Yoongi started choking up.

"It's okay Yoongi, take your time" the judge said looking sympathetic.

Yoongi took a deep shaky breath. "H-He cornered me..and pushed m-me into the toilet c-cubicle..he closed t-the door a-and made me s-swallow two p-pills..I-I lost all feeling i-in my body..b-but I-I could s-s-still feel th-the p-p-pain.." Yoongi started sobbing quietly as he spoke, reliving the horrifying memories. "I-I b-b-begged h-him t-to st-stop! B-B-Bu-t he ju-st k-kept go-going!" Yoongi was now full on sobbing. 

Dr Jung reached out to rub Yoongis' back gently. Jacksons lawyer stood up. "Your honour I have proof that Jackson didn't force Yoongi to swallow any pills. It was the other-way around--" Jackson cut his lawyer off and shot up.

"Shut up! STOP TRYING TO DEFEND ME! I DID IT OKAY?! I REALLY DID, I FORCED YOONGI TO SWALLOW THOSE PILLS THEN RAPED HIM. I KNOW WHAT I DID WAS WRONG, AND NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I APOLOGISE-- IT WONT FIX MY FUCK UP! I really am sorry for what I did..and I wish I didn't do it..but that wont change anything, I've ruined his life and I'm ready and willing to pay for that mistake. I'm a monster and deserve everything thrown my way." Jackson said, looking over at Yoongi. Yoongi looked up, tears running down his face. He looked over at Jackson shocked, that JACKSON just said all that.

"Yoongi I'm really sorry..Mark told me what ****** did to were never the one a fault, it was all of us..we're the monsters.." Jackson said looking Yoongi in the eye. "Your honour" Jackson said looking up at the judge who was just as shocked as Yoongi. "I confess to my crimes, I'm prepared to do anything." Jackson said.

Hushed talking was heard from the jury. The jury all stood and left the room to discus whether or not Jackson was guilty. 5 or so minutes later they came back in. "Your honour, the jury have found the prosecutor guilty for the rape and forceful drugging of Min Yoongi." The judge slammed his gavel down onto the block. "Jackson Wang will serve 7 years in prison, and will not be aloud bail." The judge said as Jackson stood up and was escorted out of the courtroom.

Jacksons lawyer was still in shock as he got up and left. As Jacksons lawyer left another walked in and sat down where Jacksons was. "Please bring in Min Hyunjoon." The judge said.

Yoongi looked over at the door that Jackson came in through. His eyes widening in complete horror and fear as Min Hyunjoon walked in wearing handcuffs and the same outfit as Jackson. Unlike Jackson though, Hyunjoon looked directly at Yoongi, staring him down with hate...and lust..


Ill try n update but im worked thin with alot of things tho. I really enjoyed writing this tho, feels good to write again! (also did it all in one go uwu)


Ill see you guys later

bai bai

Markie <3

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