Chapter 7

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Oof I didnt want to wake up today at ALL. but i must power on ;-; m' so sore from last night Q-Q

 but i must power on ;-; m' so sore from last night Q-Q

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3rd POV

Hoseok sighed as he flopped down on his bed, he still felt bad for what he did. He sat up, running a hand through his damp hair. He stood up and yawned, walking over to his desk. He sat down and started looking through the information he has on Yoongi right away. He pulled out a note book and began writing everything he wrote earlier in the day down.

Hoseok stopped writing as he looked at the paper on the clip board. 'W-When did.." Hoseok thought as he seen the messy handwriting on the bottom of the page. He could barely read what it says, but he managed to read it. 

'Thank you for helping me. For saving me. It means a lot I guess.' Hoseok chuckled as he read it. It was Yoongis' handwriting, but why was it so messy? Dose he not know how too write properly? Hoseok sighed. 'I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't read or write properly since his whole family are monsters.' Hoseok thought as he continued writing everything down.

Once Hoseok was done writing everything down he started looking over everything, trying to put everything together. He began dating everything, making a timeline of whats happened. He needs to have some knowledge of the timeline to help things move along. After 30 minutes of moving things around he got a timeline done of everything. Of course there are things he doesn't know but what he does know has been put into their right places.

"So--" Hoseok said to himself as he sat back in his chair. "The beatings started when he was about 3 years old and the rape started when he was about 4" Hoseok said as he put the end of his pen in his mouth chewing on it. "Hmm, his parents brought their co-workers home with them and let them have their way with him..So that explains why he keeps to himself.. I had a feeling he was scared of being in a closed room with strangers alone.. well, I might as well right down the phobias I can see.." Hoseok said as he sat back up.

He began writing down every phobia he could see Yoongi had symptoms of. Agraphobia,  Aphenphosmphobia, Ecophobia? Maybe. Genophobia? Mastigophobia? Mnemophobia?Syngenesophobia? Virginitiphobia..? God damn..there are so many that he may have.." Hoseok said as he stopped writing. (Dont worry about looking them up they will all be explained later in the chapter)

Hoseok stood up and stretched as he turnt off his desk light. Walking over to his bed and throwing himself onto it. He sighed as he rolled over onto his side. This was going to be harder than he thought.


Yoongis' body lay flat in his bed. His breathing was normal. The room was dark and cool, the mornings sunlight being held back by the thick curtains. Yoongi was curled up on his bed. A small smile on his face as he slept.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now