Chapter 11

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Hoseoks' POV

I walked out of the room, Seokjin following behind me. I walked towards the elevator and to the open waiting room in front of it. I sat down on one of the chairs and waited for Seokjin to sit down.

Seokjin sat down hesitantly. He kept his hands in his lap with his head down. I turnt to him.

"Seokjin, you do know why I'm talking to you right now, right?" I asked trying to look in his eyes. Seokjin didn't say anything and just nodded.

"Listen, I know you are worried about Yoongi, so am I. It's my job, but now that we know more about what happened, mainly that Hyunjoon was doing things to Yoongi, we need to be more careful. What you yelled obviously re-awoke trauma, and we need to be careful about that. If we aren't then he could regress into a mindset where, I know he won't be able to come back from." I said in a stern tone.

Seokjin looked up at me, he had tears in his eyes and his cheeks were red.

I sighed. "Seokjin, I've watched many people come back from these sorts of things, but that also means I've see my fair share of people falling in too deep. I grew up and had to watch someone close to me fall victim to that darkness. I believe I can save Yoongi from that darkness, but I obviously can't do that on my own, you and your brother need to try your hardest as well." I said with a small smile.

Seokjin nodded weakly and looked away from me and brought his hands to his face. "Are you alright Seokjin?" I asked he nodded again, a small yeah leaving his lips. I nodded my head and stood up. "I'm going to go check on Yoongi okay? Why don't you try cooling off?" I suggested as I walked away.

As I walked back down the hallway I cracked my neck and ran my hand through my hair. As I got to Yoongis' room I seen Youngjae hooking Yoongi back up to his drip.

"Hey, how's Seokjin?" Youngjae asked. "He's okay, I hope. He understood what I was saying so, hopefully we wont have another problem like today. How's Yoongi?" I asked sitting down on the chair next to Yoongis' bed.

"Great! I checked his bandages and he is healing nicely. I gave him another numbing shot just in case. How was he today?" Youngjae asked as he looked up from what he was doing. I smiled.

The thoughts of the day came back to me. I was able to check off a few phobias which was good, and I got him to loosen up a bit around me. Things are going good, the more he realises that I'm someone he can trust the more he will hopefully be able to open up to me about. I could tell that he was scared to talk about things, but he started to open up to me.

"Things were good, he opened up to me quite a bit. Though half of the day was spent playing with wild deer, it was actually better than just talking. He relaxed more and that's a good thing." I said as I looked over Yoongis' sleeping form.

"Wild deer?!? What on earth? Are you crazy hyung? You and Yoongi could have been hurt!" Youngjae whisper yelled at me. I laughed.

"I thought so too! But Yoongi just walked right up to them! I was scared that the big buck that was standing in front of him would crush him, but it was okay, Yoongi clearly trusted those deer." I said with a grin on my face.

"Hyung! You still could've gotten hurt! Those were wild deer!" Youngjae said sounding stressed like a mother. I just laughed. "Well we weren't hurt, were we?" I said as I stood up walking over to the door, I turnt off the light and looked over at Youngjae, who had opened the curtain to let the moonlight into the room. 

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now