Chapter 17

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3rd POV

7 hours after Yoongi had fallen asleep, he woke up to quiet talking. Yoongi yawned carefully, the oxygen mask moving slightly. Yoongi blinked his eyes a few times before turning his head slightly to the left.

Out side the room, in front of the viewing glass stood Hoseok. He was talking to a woman in doctors clothes. Yoongi couldn't make out what they were saying, he could only hear mumbling. Hoseok had a frown on his face, and a sad look in his eyes.

Yoongi watched as Hoseok ran a hands over his face. Yoongi watched as they both continued to talk a little longer when a 3rd person joined them frantically. That person was Dr Choi, he ran up to them and said something, looking at Dr Jung. 

Yoongi watched as Dr Jungs eyes blew open, an angry and disgusted look on his face. Yoongi wished he heard what Dr Choi had said, he wanted to know what was join on, but by Dr Jungs reaction it wasn't a good thing.

Dr Jung looked like he had gotten 10x angrier. The sound of them talking increased but Yoongi still couldn't really hear any words just muffled sound. Yoongis' eyes widened as Dr Jung turnt to look at him through the glass. He looked devastated. Hoseok said a few more things before running off somewhere else.

Dr Choi looked at Dr Young. "we can't tell him...He isn't well enough.." Dr Choi said to Dr Young. She nodded in agreement. "Not to mention if he finds out it could scare him.." Dr Young said looking over at Yoongi. She noticed he was awake and gave him a soft smile and a small wave. Dr Choi noticed and looked over at Yoongi as well, giving him a worried smile.

"Any way Mei, I've got to get back to work, tell Yoongi I said hello yeah?" Youngjae said to Dr Young. "mhm! Good luck, oh! Also don't let Jung do anything bad.." Mei said patting  Youngjaes' shoulder. He nodded and walked off, giving Yoongi a wave before he went.

Yoongi wanted to know. Why did Dr Jung have that look on his face? Why did he look angry and upset? Why?

Hoseoks' POV

I was pissed off. No. I was fucking enraged!! The fucking NERVE! What were the police thinking?!

I made my way out of the hospital and over to my car. I opened the door and got in, slamming the door. I put my seat belt on and started my car. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove off. I gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white.

"FUCK!" I yelled angrily as I pulled up at a red light. I was tapping my finger on the steering wheel impatiently, waiting for the light to turn green. Once it did i floored the gas pedal. 

3rd POV

Hoseok pulled up and turnt off his car. He got out and slammed the door closed and stormed up to the front of the police station. He threw the door open and walked up to the officer at the front desk.

"Can I help you sir?" He asked sitting up. "Is Min Hyunjoon here?" Hoseok asked his voice an angry growl.

The officer was taken aback by Hoseoks' tone of voice but checked if a Min Hyunjoon was within the confines of the building. "Uh Yeah he is. Why? Are you family?" The officer asked Hoseok, still looking at the computer.

Hoseok scoffed. "No I'm not his family or his friend! I'm here to know why he isn't behind bars! Why is he being released?!" Hoseok said slamming his fist down on the top of the desk. The officer jumped and looked up at Hoseok shocked.

"I-I don't know? Sir please calm down..If you have a complaint I can get the chief?" The officer asked slightly worried. Hoseok nodded angrily. The officer nodded and stood up. moments later the officer came back with an older man following behind him.

"Hoseok?" The older man said looking at Hoseok.  Hoseok glared at the man. The older man turnt around and mumbled a 'follow me please' and walked down the hallway he came from, Hoseok following him.

"Have a seat" The man said to Hoseok as he sat down on the other side of his desk. Hoseok grabbed the chair and sat down. "Now what seems to be the problem??" The chief started.

"I want to know why Min Hyunjoon isn't in jail! And why he hasn't even had his court day set!" Hoseok yelled.

The chief sighed. "He got a lawyer, one that cheats the system. He got Hyunjoon written off as having Dissociative Identity Disorder. Meaning he couldn't be charge with Rape and Abuse of his nephew. Listen Hoseok, there is nothing we can do. Not unless Yoongi himself can prove him wrong."

"You know Yoongi isn't well enough to do that! He was hit by a bloody truck! Not to mention seeing that bastard will trigger him to most likely go into shock!" Hoseok said getting even angrier.

"Hoseok! There is nothing we can do! Trust me..I tried everything! Hyunjoon will get off Scott free! I don't want him to either! But unless Yoongi can testify then he will be released in the next 36 hours.." he said looking down at his hands.

Hoseok just sat there for a moment. Never once, has Hoseok dealt with something like this. Never once has on of his patients  offenders pleaded insanity and never even gone to a trial.

And for the first time Hoseok had a thought that he hated more than Hyunjoon. 'I'll Kill him..'. Hoseok was upset with himself for thinking such a thing. He despised himself for even thinking it. Hoseok didn't want to become the very thing he hated and despised. But he couldn't stop the thought crossing his mind.

Hoseok knew Hyunjoon was guilty. Everyone did. Yoongi knew he was guilty. Yoongi knew he was doing it, not some other personality. He couldn't let Hyunjoon just..walk away and not be prosecuted..He can't let Yoongi down.

It's not just about helping Yoongi get better...It was about putting the man who destroyed him behind bars for life. To be able to look Yoongi in the eyes and tell him that Hyunjoon will never bother him again, and that he was safe..

How can Hoseok look Yoongi in the eyes if he cant even keep him safe from Hyunjoon?

"I want a restraint order. Now." Hoseok said. "For who? Yoongi?" The chief asked. Hoseok shook his head. "Not just Yoongi. For myself and Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon" Hoseok said looking up at the man.

"Why the last two?" The chief asked writing down the names he was given. "They're Yoongis' friends. If only Yoongi has a restraint order he could go after them, I don't want to risk it. Mine will be for just in case." Hoseok said running a hand through his hair.

"What are you planing Hoseok..?" 

"For a restraint order it needs to be held in court right? With a proper reason. Yoongi will be the last to have his done..We will get him there..He won't get away with this"

Oh look at that...i did another chapter today..coolie-o :) 

 I hope you guys enjoyed

Bye bye


Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now