*Panicked gay screaming*

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I wont be able to update the main story for a while, alots going on.

But some good news? 

I Made a Webtoon! on 'Webtoon' Discover! It's called "Not so Demonic" its only got the prolauge so far but its actually (just a lil bit) more important than this story ^^' I love this story but its been my dream to start up my webtoon. Feel free to check it out!

But the main reason i have been able to update is because ive just been feeling like shit. Not to mention i was just put in a rotten mood by someone calling my depression "me being a drama queen" im honestly fucking sick of his shit and i wanna do some horrible things to him that i kinda cant say because its illegal....ANYWAY

I'll post what i have done of the EXTRA chapter as a sorry.

Im honestly so fucking sorry. Im all over the place and i hate it, i wish i could stick to a proper schedule  but its hard for me. Sorry but thank you guys so SO MUCH, for sticking with my shit. you are all amazing and i love you all! (not sexually! take me to dinner first jeez..jk jk)

Thank you guys!

Mari <3

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now