Update :I

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Okay, so I havent been feeling the best as of late. The chapters will now be very slowly updated, which even I am upset about. Its getting very hot here, and I cant do chapters on my phone (since I don't have one at the moment and might not for a while) and my computer is in my room. Everywhere else in the house is lovely and cool but my room is boiling hot ;-;

And being in the heat so much is giving me nosebleeds, which isn't good for me, since the more blood I lose the lower my iron in my blood gets, and I'm already taking pills for it, but it doesn't help to be bleeding from my face for no reason. (AND ITS A PAIN IN THE ASS)

I'm so sorry and I hope you guys can understand.

The chapter that I'm working on is going to be a lot long than normal, but I'm doing it in parts (like within the span of a week or so) hopeful i'll be able to get around to it soon.

Again, I'm very sorry for not updating,

I hope you can forgive me.


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