Chapter 13

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:I nothing to say tbh, have fun

3rd POV

Yoongi lent against the elevator, tears in his eyes. It was time to go. The elevator doors opened and Yoongi stepped out onto the roof. The cold night air freezing his weak and bony body. Yoongi looked around the roof, noticing there was another elevator on the other side of the roof. He walked over to the railing, leaning over the side.

His warm salty tears fell from his face and into the wind, being carried off somewhere. Yoongi jumped at the sound of the elevator doors closing, panic spreading through his body. Yoongi ran to the other side of the roof, gritting his teeth through the pain.

He pressed the button quickly, thanking it quietly as the doors opened. Yoongi stepped in and pressed the lobby floor button and pulled his hood up over his chestnut brown hair. He wiped his eyes, resting on the wall. His body was aching, he felt horrible but he knew Dr Jung was in a much worse condition.

He was in no place to complain. There are people who have it so much worse. Yoongi was lucky compared to others, at least that's what he thought.

Yoongi had every right to complain, but he never really did.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Yoongi shoved his hands in his pockets and walked out. He kept his head low as he walked past people. Yoongi was surprised he made it to the front doors with no one stopping him.

That is until he ran into a police officer.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't leave" The officer said pushing Yoongi back into the building slightly. "There was a suicide, but we cant let anyone leave the building. The kids who jumped shot a Doctor and we are yet to know why." The officer said crossing his arms while looking down at Yoongi.

"I-I've been released..a-and my..uncle is waiting a-at home fo-for me.." Yoongi mumbled out, his voice shaking. The cop eyed him suspiciously before bending down to try and look at Yoongis' face. Yoongi turnt his head off to the side not letting the cop see his face.

"Hey let me see your face." He said. Yoongi panicked and pushed the officer out of the way and ran. "H-HEY! GET BACK HERE!" The cop yelled as he was about to start running off.

"Let the kid go! He just came out of the hospital for god knows what" A female officer yelled. The other officer sighed angrily and walked over to his car.

Yoongi had no idea if the police officer was following him but he didn't care, he needed to get away from that hospital. 'I'm the reason for two deaths!' Yoongi thought as he ran. Yoongis' bare feet pounding on the concrete path, his breathing ragged and his body screaming for him to stop.

Yoongis' body got the break it was screaming for as Yoongi tripped over his own feet, sliding across the concrete. Yoongi laid there for a moment. Tears filling his eyes at the stinging pain.

Yoongi lifted his head off the ground and looked down, seeing his own skin and blood on the coarse concrete. Yoongis' chin has been shredded by the concrete along with the palms of his hands and the tops of his feet.

"Ngh! F-Fuck" Yoongi groan miserably, as he slowly stood up again. He looked at his palms and gagged at the sight. His hands got the full blunt of the fall, that much was obvious. It was so bad you could see the muscles, the skin protecting them long gone. Blood pooled in the palm of his hands, dripping over the sides and onto the pavement below.

Yoongi looked down at his feet. The sight not much better than his hands, the tips of his toes bleeding, and his toenails ripped and lifted up. Yoongi wiped harshly at his chin, hissing at the contact of his hoodie sleeve touching the raw and bleeding flesh.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now