Chapter 14

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eeyyy over 300+ views, nice -u- its also 3 in the fucking morning :) Also Min Hyonjun and Min Mi-Yung are NOT YOONGIS' IRL PARENTS at least i dont think so lol, I chose the names at random :P

3rd POV

Hoseok sat in his room. He had been told to stay in his room for a few hours while Yoongi was being operated on. Hoseok sighed and laid on his back. He thought back to what Youngjae had said to him.

'Yoongi is incredibly lucky to be alive Hoseok-Hyung. If that truck hadn't have swerved to try and get out of the way, Yoongi would have been killed on impact.But lucky he wasn't hit with the full force of it.. If Yoongi was a..healthy...teenager it would have done less damage, but since his body is already so weak..the impact of the truck hitting him threw him 25 feet down the road!'

Hoseok sighed again. Turning over onto his side. Youngjae was right. If Yoongi was a healthy teen he would have only come out of it with a few fractures and maybe a broken bone. Not broken bones, and lots of fractures. Hoseok sat up quickly, a thought coming to his head. 'I'm still his Psychiatrist' he thought, getting out of bed.

"I have work to be doing..I-" Hoseok paused.

"I need to go see the people behind all of this.." Hoseok said to himself as he ran to put on his clothes.


Hoseok sighed, happy that he was able to be discharged so soon and with little to no troubles. While he wasn't 100% healed, it was okay, as long he doesn't over do it. The pain was rather dull but still there. Hoseok made his way over to his G-Wagon and got in. He was quick to put in the address into the GPS. Sighing once he realised it was an hours drive to the destination.

Hoseok was quick on pulling out of the hospitals parking lot, starting the hour long trip. The weather was cold, frozen wind filled the car. Hoseok hates driving with the heater on. He finds the cold air nice. Even if the right side of his face was numb, he still enjoyed the cold air.

Luckily the highway wasn't packed, little to no cars or trucks where on the road. Probably because of the snow and ice, but that's nothing new. 

Because of the lack of traffic Hoseoks' trip was cut in half, only taking half an hour to get to his destination. Hoseok pulled off the highway, driving down the long road. He could already see the massive building, snow making the whole place look bare.

Hoseok was stopped at the gate.

"I'm sorry sir, visiting hours are over" The security guard said in a dull tone. Hoseok leaned out his window, handing the guard a paper. The guard read over thoroughly, before handing the paper back to Hoseok and opening the large steal gate.

"Park over there" The guard said pointing to where Hoseok had to park. Hoseok nodded and drove in slowly, the car bouncing as he went over the two speed bumps. Hoseok pulled into an empty parking space and turnt his car off. He got out and locked the car, and began walking to the front of the big grey building briefcase in hand.

The building was made out of grey bricks, towering up into the open air, casting a dark and dreadful shadow over the parking lot. If Hoseok had to describe the building.

He'd say it gives off an Azkaban prison kind of feel. All it was really missing were the Dementors. This place was meant for horrible people, after all.

Hoseok walked into the building. The guards inside the lobby were eyeing Hoseok, watching his every move. He walked up to the guard that was behind the bulletproof glass. She looked up at Hoseok, her face void of any real emotion.

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now