Chapter 15

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Hey look at that over 400 reads! nice! Also a milestone since i thought id not update past like 7-8 chapters!

Hoseoks' POV

That woman..What a horrible person. Saying those things about her own child. Yoongi never really got any love from them did he?

I sighed and leaned back, resting my head on the back of the chair. I closed my eyes for a moment. "It's so quiet.." I said out loud to myself. A shiver of coldness shook up my body, as little snowflakes fell from the sky. A few of them falling into the car through the open window.

'I wonder how Yoongi is' I thought. He was on my mind all day. I have no idea why, but it feels like I care more about him then myself. Maybe I do? I sat up, resting my hands on the steering wheel.

'I'll go check up on Yoongi at the hospital then head home..' I thought as I pulled my seat belt over my shoulder, buckling it. I turnt on my car and pulled out of my parking spot and drove over to the gate I came in through. The guard opened the gate letting me drive through.

My trip back to the hospital was quick, thanks to there being no traffic on the highway. As the hospital came into view I slowed down, pulling into the front. Once I pulled up in the 'staff' parking lot, I turnt my car off and got out, leaving the brief case in the passenger seat.

I looked around and noticed a TV station Van on the other side of the parking lot. I frowned and started walking to the front of the hospital, picking up my pace into a jog. I was quick to get on an elevator and pressing the 5th story button. 

I made my way to Youngjaes' office, knocking on the door once I got there. 

"Come in!" Youngjae yelled out. I opened the door and stepped in. I gave Youngjae a slightly worried and worn out smile.

Just as I opened my mouth Youngjae spoke. "He's been moved to the ICU, he is still in a horrible condition but he is stable. Room 07." Youngjae said and held out his hand, a key card in his hand. I walked up to him and took it.

"Thanks Youngjae" I smiled and quickly went back to the elevator. "YOU COULD HAVE CLOSED MY DOOR HYUNG!" I heard Youngjae yell as I stepped into the elevator, pressing the 1st floor button.

The doors closed and the elevator went down. Moments later the doors opened and I stepped out into a room with thick bullet proof glass in front of the elevator. A window on the left hand side with someone sitting behind the box.

I walked up to the him and handed him the key card. He swiped it over something and nodded. He stood up and walked over to the door and opened it. I walked in and stopped.

"Since this is the Intensive Care Unit I must ask you to take off your shoes and jacket." I did as I was told and slid my jacket off, and took off my shoes. The man put a lab coat on me and gave me a pair of hospital shoes. I put the shoes on quickly.

The man then gave me a hair net and a pair of rubber gloves. I put the hair net on over my  messy dark chocolate brown locks. "And last but not least your face mask" He said and handed me a face mask.

I thanked him silently and put it on, and waited for him to open the next door. Once It was open I walked in and made my way down the hallway. Looking at the big red numbers on the floor in front of each room.

Finally I stopped at room 07. I took a deep breath and looked up.

And what I seen, made me angry. Looking into the room through the view glass I could see a camera crew in the room. This was the ICU! They had no right to be in here! They aren't even wearing protective gear!

Black and Red Roses {YoonSeok} -!DISCONTINUED!-Where stories live. Discover now