Chapter 18

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Ey, im back! Quick shameless promo! Follow me on Instagram @ shooky_the_kookie93 My profile picture is one of my own drawings lol, and just so i know dm me that you came from wattpad? XD ANYWAY! ON with THE CHAPTER!

3rd POV

Seokjin sighed, as he walked into the hospital. He was so tired, but he wanted to see Yoongi. He wanted to make sure he was holding up by himself. Not to mention Namjoon was worried sick. Literally.

Namjoon had gotten sick because he wasn't looking after himself. Of course Seokjin wouldn't worry Yoongi about it or try to not at least.

Seokjin was kind of scared to see Yoongi, he was scared that seeing him or hearing his voice might trigger him, since he hadn't actually spoken to him for a little while now. Seokjin just wanted to see him. His head was telling him 2 different things. One, was that he had no right to see Yoongi, and the other saying he had every right too.

Seokjin was still hesitant on seeing him though. He powered on for Yoongi though. As Dr Jung had said, Yoongi needs the people around him to make an effort as well. So needless to say, he went to the ICU to see Yoongi.

Once Seokjin was done putting on everything he needed to he was let into the hallway of the ICU. Seokjin made his way down the hallway looking for room 07. After a minute he stopped in front of the door that had '07' on the middle of it. Seokjin took a deep breath, and reached out for the door handle.

Seokjin slowly opened the door but stopped. Someone else was in the room.

"Listen, I'm sorry..I honestly didn't mean to do those things..I know I'm not a good person but It was never me pulling my own strings..What ever I say will never be enough to apologise for what Jackson did..Yoongi- I'm so fucking sorry" Seokjin froze. He didn't know who this person was, but they knew Jackson and clearly had done things to Yoongi.

Seokjin was just shocked they were crying. Seokjin kept the door barely open, making sure he couldn't be seen as he listened.

"I--It's...ok..ay..." Seokjin heard Yoongis soft broken voice mumble out. He could barely hear what he had said. Seokjin listened to Yoongi mumble something else out that he couldn't quite catch.

"Yoongi, when I go back..I'm going to talk with Jinyoung...He cares deeply for his brother and mother..he should understand..and I'll try to talk to Jaebum and BamBam...Though..I highly doubt BamBam will listen..I'll leave him till last.." The person mumbled.

"T-..Tha..nk yo..u" Yoongi struggled out. Seokjins eyes widened. THAT'S MARK?!

Seokjin had never met Mark, Jackson or anyone else to bullied Yoongi. Namjoon refused to say anything about what they looked like, telling him "Hyung you don't need to worry! Just focus on your schooling!". Namjoon never let Seokjin know anything about them. Seokjin kind of knew why though.

If Seokjin knew Yoongi would be worried that Seokjin was worried, even more than what he already was. Even through his pain and suffering Yoongi was a kind hearted soul.

"Mhmm..Yeah..Again..I'm so sorry and I hope you make a full recovery...please stay strong..if not for me..for Namjoon and his brother...Bye Yoongi-ah..." Mark said as he got up from his chair and gave Yoongi one last sad look before walking to the door. Seokjin panicked and booked it. He bolted down the hallway to the waiting area.

He sat down quickly and grabbed a book, bringing it to his face, pretending to read it. Moments later Mark came shuffling down the hallway looking horrible. His clothes were a mess and so was his hair. As Mark walked pasted he glanced at Seokjin.

The quick look was enough for Seokjin to see that Mark wasn't sleeping, his face looked like shit. (not really tho because Mark is FUCKING HOT EVEN WHEN HE LOOKS LIKE SHIT??!) Mark had deep bags under his eyes and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot. All up he looked like a total mess.

How the hell is that guy one of Yoongis bullies? Seokjin has no fucking idea. None the less Seokjin waited to Mark to leave before putting the book down and getting up. Seokjin made his way back to Yoongis room and opened the door with a smile.

Yoongi glanced over at the door and his face lit up slightly. The sight of his Hyung made him happy. A weak smile made its way to Yoongis face as he mumbled out a broken "hyung".

"Hey Yoongles..How are you?" Seokjin asked as he walked over to Yoongi. Seokjin sat down on the other side of the glass. A sad smile on his face.

"No offence look horrid.." Seokjin chuckled, looking Yoongi up and down. Yoongi smiled weakly and mumbled a weak "I know hyung". Seokjin and Yoongi just sat there for a moment in silence. "Has anyone other than me come to visit? Dr Jung or Dr Choi?" Seokjin asked looking Yoongi in the eye, since one of Yoongis eyes were covered.

Yoongi nodded his head. "D-Dr Jung..he c-cam..e me the ot..her day.." Yoongi choked out. Seokjin was sad, Yoongi sounded like he was in pain just speaking. Seokjin nodded listening to what Yoongi had to say.

They spoke for a little while, Seokjin telling Yoongi not to speak and just make a movement for an answer. Everything was quiet and calm..

That is, until Dr Jung opened the door abruptly. Yoongi jumped slightly, and Seokjin nearly fell off his chair, a loud squeak leaving his lips. Dr Jung looked out of breath, sweat falling down his face, his hair damp and sticking to his forehead.

Yoongi thought it looked quite hot, he didn't say thing though. A warm blush spreading over his cheeks at the thought. Yoongi looked away slightly, avoiding eye contact. "S-Seokjin, Can I..Can I have a word with you please?" Dr Jung said out of breath.

Yoongi watched as his Hyung stood up, walking over to Dr Jung. He watched as Dr Jung gave him a glance before pulling Jin out of the room and closing the door. 'He didn't come to see me...?' Yoongi thought sadly.

'Of course, why would he come to see something like me..' Yoongi thought, as he did his best to roll over, ignoring the sharp pains in his body as he faced away from the door.

Yoongi didn't know what they were talking about but he didn't care. At least that's what he told himself, he really did want to know. This was the second time its happened in one day. 'Dr Jung must be avoiding me..I mean why wouldn't he..'



Mari <3

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