Meet Gaga

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I come home after a really stressful day at school. Today have just been shit to be honest. I failed a test and there's some cunts at my school. You know the usual teenager life. I open the door and it's all quiet.
"Dad?!" I yell. No answer. I guess he's not home. As usual. Oh well whatever. I guess I'll have to wait for dads hug until he gets home. If he gets home. Ugh I really need a hug right now. You would think being the only child, and have a famous dad, would be the dream. But no. I'm alone most of the time. Cause my dad works a lot and my mom left us when I was a baby. So I never really had a mom. Yeah dads girlfriends, but I never liked them. Most of them were just fake bitches who used my dad. And I've learned to not be to close to them. Cause they never stay for long. I walk into the kitchen to get something when I notice a note on the table.
Hey honey! I'm sorry but I won't be home until tomorrow night. I'm at the movie set! Directing AND acting in a new movie, and an big musician is my co star! I love you, text me when you see this note!
Oh great. I'm not mad. I'm happy for him. I just really wanted to see him today. But oh well. I love how he writes notes instead of just text me. Oh well I'll just text him so he knows I'm okay.
Hey dad I saw your note. Good luck with the movie, which musician btw? And I miss you!
I put my phone in my pocket and walk into the living room, and put on a movie. After a while my phone rings. I pause the movie and look at the screen. It's my dad.
B-Hey pumpkin! Are you okay?
K-Hey dad yeah I'm fine, I just miss you.
B-I know Honey, and I miss you as well. But you know I have to work.
K-Yeah I know. It's fine.
B-And btw the artist is Lady Gaga
K-Oh that's cool, is she nice?
B-She really is, she's a nice person
K-Okay that's good
B-Yeah well I'll see you tomorrow. Have you eaten anything?
B-Kayla don't lie too me
K-I was about to eat right now
B-Okay that's good enough. I have to go now, Love you!!
K-love you too bye
I hang up the phone and put it down on the couch. Ugh food. Let's see what we got. I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge and look after something. I'm too lazy to cook at the moment tho. So I'll just take some leftovers. Oh great we have some pesto pasta. That'll do. I put the leftovers on a plate and put it in the microwave. Then I sit down at the kitchen island and wait for my food. While waiting a thought hit me. Lady Gaga. It sounded like dad liked her more as a friend. Will she be his new girlfriend? Even if she is. I don't think it will last for long. I mean I don't think a woman like her would like a step kid. And she don't need my dads money or fame either. I mean she's richer than him. And besides,dads relationships never last long. And most of them always hate me. I decided I'm gonna look up Gaga and see what she's like. Hmm she has an documentary on netflix. I have time, why not. I take my food and sit down in my couch and put on "Gaga five foot two". Is that her height? Because then she's almost as short as me. That's cute.
Woah that movie. That was something. I'm not gonna lie, I cried. It was emotional. And wow I love her now. She's amazing. I need more.
"Kayla" I feel someone nudge my arm. I slowly open my eyes, and I see my dad kneeling down next to the couch. My eyes quickly lit up.
"Dad!" I jump on him with a hug, and he laughs as he hugs me tightly.
"Hi pumpkin" I look behind him and I see that the television is paused on "top 10 moments gaga wowed us". Yeah so I accidentally stayed up all night watching Gaga things.
"So I guess you did some research on your own I see?" My dad says turning around, facing the tv.
"Uhm yeah, It all started with her documentary and then it just, well I ended up here" I say, sitting up and turning the tv of.
"Okay honey, well I was just going to wake you up and ask if you wanted to come with me to set. But I guess you're all busy here, researching my costar..."
"NOOO I'll come! Let me just go change and stuff" I say and practically run to my room. I put on a sweater and a pair of jeans, matched with my vans. I brush my curly brown hair and I'm too lazy to do my makeup. Not that I need it that much either. I grab my phone from my charger and walk to my dad. He grab my hand and we walk to his car.
"So, how much can you tell me" I ask.
"Hm I don't know, I mean i'm the director." He says, making his thinking face.
"So everything"
"Yes, but only..."
"but only if I don't tell anyone, I know, I don't have anyone to tell anyways." I say looking out the window, I can feel my dad looking at me. Not too much, because he has to look at the road as well.
"What do you mean?" He asks, sounding concerned.
"I don't really have friends or anyone to talk to besides you, you know"
"No I didn't know, but at school? Are you alone?"
"Yeah nowadays, but don't worry about it. I'm used of being alone so I'm fine"
"That doesn't sound good honey, but are you sure your fine?" He asks. No I'm obviously not fine, but I don't want my dad to worry. So I just nod my head yes. And thank god we're at the set. And when we get out of the car, the most beautiful woman approach us. She has beautiful brown hair, green eyes and she doesn't have any makeup on and she doesn't need any. That's when I understand, that's Gaga.
"Bradley!! Hi!" Gaga says giving my dad a hug, the hug lasts for a while. Then they break the hug and Gaga look at me, with her beautiful smile.
"You must be Kayla! Your dad has told me about you. It's so nice to meet you." She says and give me hug, that was weird. But her hug is probably the best thing ever. Better than dads.
"Hi, oh really? Bet it's only bad things" I say and we both laugh.
"There's nothing bad about you" My dad says and kisses me on the head. Gaga smiles at us.
"Gaga do you mind keeping an eye on Kayla, I have to go direct you know" My dad says, gaga nods and my dad walks away. It's often at this point dads previous girls starts being mean to me and shit. But gaga seems to be different. She doesn't threaten me or takes out her phone and starts ignoring me. No, she actually starts a conversation with me. We sat down on a bench.
"So Kayla, do you go to school or?" She asks, woah does she actually want to get to know me?
"Yeah I go to school, I know most famous kids are homeschooled. But dad wanted me to be as "normal" as possible, and have friends. Not that I have any" I say the last part more quietly, but she still heard.
"What do you mean? Don't you have any friends?" She said, sounding worried.
"I mean, I had. But not any more. They didn't have the energy to get bullied anymore for being friends with me, so they joined the bullies instead"
"Honey I'm so sorry, you know I was bullied too" Gaga says, laying her hand on my shoulder.
"Really? I don't see how anyone would bully you."
"Yeah. It was bad, they threw me in the trash and said that there's where I belong. They bullied me because I was different I guess"
"They threw you in the trash can too? I don't get some people, different is good. Normal is boring"
"You're completely right, does your dad know about this?"
"No, you're the first person ever I've told. I love my dad but I don't wanna worry him, it's probably my fault anyways.
"Kayla, it's not your fault. It's theirs" Gaga says, looking deep into my eyes.
"And I really think you should tell your dad, he loves you so much. His face always light up when he talks about you." she says, taking my hand in hers.
"You know, you're not like the others. You're actually nice to me." I say, a smile is formed on her face. You know, I really hope dad will date her, he would be an idiot if he didn't.

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