Love you dad

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I wake up and see my dad sitting in my window seat.
"Dad?" I say and he turn around. He walk over to me and kisses my forehead. He sits down on my bed.
"Do you want to come with me to set today, or do you wanna go to school?" He asks.
"I can come with you" I say. Which made him smile.
"Good, we'll leave in an hour. He says and leave my room. I stretch a little and then I go onto my phone. I see a few notifications on snapchat and open them. It's mostly just selfies from "the gang". I look at Michaels for a little too long. I reply to all of them before going up. I look for an outfit, long sleeves as usual. And then I do a little makeup and brush my hair. I brush my teeth and then I go out to my dad.
"You ready?" He asks and I nod. We walk to the car and we get in. My dad puts on the music station and starts driving. I snap with my friends.
"So, I guess the people you've been talking to. They're new friends?" He say, his eyes not leaving the road.
"Yeah, I've just known them for like a week. They're actually nice to me" I say.
"I'm happy for you. You deserve it" He says, and I can see a smile on his face.
"And I called your principal this morning. About the things you told me yesterday. He's gonna need names." He says.
"Yeah, well do I tell him or you" I ask.
"On the meeting we will have with him on Monday" He says. Today's Thursday.
"You sure you can do that?" He ask me, stopping at a stoplight and looks at me.
"I think I can" I say looking at him and then out the window. There's a silent for a while before my dad speaks again.
"I'm glad you and stefani are getting along well"
"Yeah, so am I. She's really nice" I say, and my dad looks sad.
"What is it dad?" I ask.
"I'm just scared I will ruin everything. Like I always do"
"Dad please don't worry about that. It's never your fault. It's just that you fell in love with the wrong people. I know this time it's different. She's a good person and so are you. You both deserve happiness" I say and he takes my hand and kisses it.
"I'm so glad I have you as my daughter. What would I do without you?" He says with a chuckle. He stops the car and I look out. We're at the set. He gets out first and then he opens my door. He takes my hand as we walk into the house that's supposed to be "gaga's and my dads". It's very cute. Gaga is standing at the front door and she waves happily when we came. She greets my dad with a kiss and hug. Then she gets over to me and hugs me and kiss me on the forehead.
"I'm very proud over you for what you did yesterday" She says. Smiling at me. I give her a smile back.
"Yeah, I guess I am too" I say.
"Good, you should be proud"She says.
"Stef, come here we have some scenes to shoot" Bradley says and takes Gaga's hand.
"Kayla you can be with my team, they're over there" She says and points at a few people. They look nice. I walk over there and I think they know who I am because a smile is formed on their lips.
"You must be Kayla, I'm Sarah" A pretty woman says and I take her hand.
"Yes I am" I say with a smile.
"This is Freddie and Bobby, we're the only ones from the haus of gaga here on set" She says and they guys nod at me. I've seen them on instagram and some gaga videos. But never met them.
"Sarah you forgot me" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around.
"Hiii, I'm Natali" She says and greets me with a hug. I was a little shocked from the reaction.
"Hi, I'm Kayla" I say, still smiling because manners.
"Oh I know that, I'm Stefani/Gaga's sister" She says with a smile.
"Oh you're very pretty as your sister" I say and she smiles at me.
"Thank you, and you're very adorable"
"Sooo Kayla, what do you want to do?" Sarah asks me.
"Oh I don't know, whatever is fine." I say. I hate making decisions.
"I really like your hair" Freddie says, looking at me for approval before touching my hair. I nod at him.
"It is very soft, if you don't know I'm a hairstylist." He says and I nod. Makes it less creepy.
"I heard you're an artist" Sarah says.
"Yeah, I mean I'm not so talented but yeah I draw/paint" I say.
"Do you have any pictures or something we could look at?" Natali asks.
"I always have my sketchbook with me. But they're just fast sketches so they're not the best" I say taking out my sketchbook and hand it over to Natali. The four people stand closer and look into my sketchbook.
"If this is just your sketches, I can't believe what the finished product looks like" Freddie say and I blush.
"This is so good" Bobby says.
"Thank you" I say and Natali gives me back my book.
"I noticed you drew a lot of fashion. Are you into that world? I mean fashion designer world" Natali asks. Truth is I've always wanted to be a fashion designer, but also an interior designer and of course an artist.
"Yeah, I'm very into that world." I say and she nods.
"Maybe you'd like coming to my office sometime? I'm a fashion designer you know" She says with a smile. I nod excitedly which makes her chuckle.
"Awesome" She says and then someone calls her name and she's needed on set.
"Kayla, come here" Sarah says and I follow her. We walk into Gaga's styling room and I'm in awe. It's so beautiful and so full with stuff.
"I thought you'd like this" Sarah tells me.
"I do, I love it" I say.
"Then you should see Gaga's closets" She says with a chuckle.
"I can't even imagine her closets" I say, just thinking about all the outfits she has worn before.
"Yeah, it's impressive" She says. I really like Sarah, she reminds me of Gaga and she's just really nice.
"How do you like Gaga as your "stepmom"?" She asks.
"She's the first one that I love. She's just nice to me and she is very beautiful" I say.
"She truly is. You should tell her that, I'm sure she'd be thrilled." She says.
"Yeah, some time." I say, looking around.
"You know, she truly loves you and your dad. She talks about him all the time, you as well" She says, which warms my heart. I knew this was different than his other girls.
"He loves her too, and I love them together" I say with a smile. I really hope this will work out. I would really love to see Gaga as my mom. I don't know if she feels the same but, you can always dream.

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