Saturday vibes

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I wake up, feeling arms wrapped around me. That's when I'm starting to remember yesterday. I look at Michael. He looks like a sleeping angel. Fuck now I have actually feelings for him. Not just oh hey hug me. Now it's more like, love me if you love someone else I will die. I move his arms slowly and try to get up without him waking up. I succeed and I walk out to see where everyone else is. I hear voices from downstairs. I walk down and see Lilly Millie and Cole in the kitchen.
"Good morning sunshine how was your night?" Millie asks and everyone looks at me like me and Michael did something.
"We didn't do anything but sleeping" I say and they just nod.
"You want some coffee?"Lilly asks and I nod.
"Yes please" I say and Lilly get up and take a mug. She pours coffee and milk in it before handing it to me.
"It's saturday" Cole says. We all look at him and nod slowly.
"I don't wanna go home and sleep away the day I wanna do something today" He says. Both Lilly and Millie groans.
"Noo I wanna sleep away the day after everyone leaves" Millie says.
"Agreed"Lilly says.
"You know, I agree Cole. Sunday's are for sleeping away."I say and he claps his hands.
"Cole do you wanna come home with me? It may or may not happen that I'm meeting Gaga today" I say and he jumps out of his seat. So he's standing.
"OMG kayla you have no idea for how long i've wanted that but I didn't wanna ask because I didn't want you to think that I was using her. But god Kayla, Yes I do" He says with a straight face that makes us others burst out laughing.
"Well then it's settled." I say with a smile. We sit down in the kitchen for some moments more before we decide it's time to go. It's already eleven. Everyone else is still asleep tho.
"Tell the others bye" I say, hugging Lilly and Millie.
"Of course" Millie says with a smile. Me and Cole leaves, Cole wanted to go home first. So he could get a little more ready than he was. We also decided we would have a girls night, so he was gonna prepare for that as well. When I get home both Gaga and my dad is home.
"Heyy" I say when I get in.
"Hey pumpkin" Dad says. Then gaga comes into the hallway with a smile on her face.
"I saw your text, and I'm absolutely on it." She says winking. I asked her if she wanted to be with me and Cole for a girls night. Because dad was going to his best friend and was staying the night. I guess they were gonna have a boys night or something.
"I'm leaving now" He says hugging me and kissing gaga.
"Bye" Both me and Gaga say in unison. My dad leaves and shuts the door.
"So this Cole guy, tell me a little about him" She says, walking into the living room.
"Super gay, loves you, always happy and he's very kind and cares about everyone" I say, gaga smiles and nods.
"I think i'll love him" She says.
"So do I. But now I'm getting into the shower." I say. I walk into the bathroom and do my shower routine. When I'm done I go pick out an outfit. I want it to be cozy.
I clean up a little in my room so it doesn't look like a complete mess. Then I walk into the living room. Gaga isn't here but I look and see that I have a text from her.
"I'm getting my dogs💞"
YES I've missed her dogs so much. Especially Asia. I'm kind of bored just waiting for Gaga and Cole. So i put on a series on the tv to pass the time. After an episode Gaga is back. Asia runs up to me and licks my face.
"Asia hiii" I say cuddling with the dog.
"I'm back with guests" Gaga says with a little laugh.
"I can see" I say with a smile. Gustavo and Koji comes running after her. Both of them jumps on me as well.
"Oh hi" I say with a laugh.
"My pigs really like you"She says with a smile.
"And i love them" I say kissing the top of each of their heads.
"Sooo, how much did you drink yesterday?" She asks all of the sudden looking at me. Before I get the chance to answer she speaks again.
"Don't worry, you're not in trouble. Both me and your dad did it in your age. It doesn't make it good tho but we're not mad" She continues.
"I didn't drink that much. I could still see clearly" I say, kind of telling the truth.
"Good, you know as long as you have control."She says petting Koji.
"Yeah, and it was only our friend group." I say, looking at the black tv screen.
"But if anything ever happens to you when you're drunk. You have to tell me or your dad okay?" She says, sounding worried.
"Okay, don't worry" I say. Hopefully that day won't come, I just think that to myself.
"But did you have a fun night?"
"Yeah it was fun, we played some games" I say, not gonna mention Michael yet.
"That's good. By the way do you wanna go buy some snacks and stuff?" She asks I nod.
"That sounds great, Cole isn't getting here until six anyways" I say. We go down to her car and she drives to the closest store.
"I have a question" I say when we arrive.
"Go ahead" She says while taking a cart.
"Do you ever get tired of being famous?" I ask.
"Yeah. I get tired of people following me and constantly taking pictures of me. Like sometimes I wish I could go to a restaurant without people bothering. But don't get me wrong. I love my life. I love my little monsters so so much, and I love my job. But sometimes it gets tiering. Like people forget that we celebrities are people too."She says. Wow, I didn't except that big of an answer.
"I understand that. My dad isn't as famous as you. But I get irritated when we're just going somewhere and people keep interrupting. Or when people just want to be my friend because i'm famous or because of my dad." I say while taking a bag of popcorn and buy it down in the cart.
"That's understandable. You didn't choose this life. People constantly recognizing you and bother you and your dad. And sometimes it can be hard to notice when someone's using you or someone actually wants to be your friend" She says and puts down two bottles of cola in the cart.
"You're right" I say.
"Can we get strawberries?" I ask and she nods.
"You want chocolate with the strawberries?" She asks. And I nod with a smile. We get the rest of our groceries and walk towards the car.
"Take my hand" She says. I first look at her then I see a mob of paparazzis. I take her hand and we walk faster. They're taking a bunch of pictures before we get into the car. Then when we're in the car she starts driving almost immediately.
"Paparazzis work fast" I say and she chuckles.
"They certainly do. I don't know how they find us and then get to the spot so fast" She says shaking her head.
"I think they're kind of scary" I say looking at the road.
"I can fix so you have a guard with you. If you're worried" She says. I shake my head.
"No it's fine. I got you, and that makes me feel safer" I say with a smile, she squeezes my thigh.
"Good it's important that you're safe. If something happened to you when I was with you, I'd never forgive myself" She says, and stops the car. Already home.
"I assure you, that if something happened it wouldn't be your fault. I would never blame you" I say, and get out of the car.

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