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Kayla's POV

"Kayla are you ready to leave?" My dad asks. I'm finally allowed to leave the hospital. After talking with a therapist, and she said even though this was a mistake I still have a lot of problems I need help with. I guess she's right.
"Yes I'm ready" I tell him. He takes my hand and a bag in the other. Gaga is already in the car, she went first so she could see if there's any paparazzi out there and if so how many. There was a couple of paparazzis. I don't know how they found out but they did.
"We'll walk fast. Stefani's guard will take care of you as soon as we get to the car. So no one will hurt you. And don't talk to anyone" He says. I just nod and we walk out to the swarm of paparazzis. My dad is holding me close to him. I've been told to always try not listening to them. But sometimes I just can't ignore them.
"Kayla are you okay"
"Bradley what's going on"
"Gaga are you pregnant"
"What's the problem with Kayla"
We get in the car and I shrug of all the weird comments. Paparazzis are surely the most negative thing about being famous. And I'm not even that famous, like god Kim Kardashian. I don't even want to think about that.
"Pumpkin are you okay?" Dad asks me and I nod. He pulls me into a side hug and I lean into him. He tells the driver to drive us home. I don't know if I'm excited to go home or if I'm dreading it. I look over and I see gaga looking out of the window. She looks sad. I grab her hand. Which makes her shift and look at me. She gives me a small smile and I give her one back.

Gaga's POV

Every time I look at her I can just see her in my arms, nearly dying. I tried helping her but I failed. I know she's still alive and she's better now, but what if it happens again? What if I can't save her this time either, and no one else can. What if she actually dies. I could never forgive myself. She smiles at me and I give her one back. Her smile is one of those who makes you smile. I've only known her for a couple of months, but I still look at her as my own daughter. I would risk my life for her.
"We're here" Bradley's voice interrupts my thoughts and we get out of the car. Bradley holding Kayla's hand, and he reaches out for my waist. I walk closely to him. We walk into the apartment and I feel this weird feeling. I can just think about what happened in Kayla's bathroom. I think Kayla feels the same way as me. She looks at me, with fright in her eyes. Bradley's phone rings and he walks into his room with his phone. It was work so he had to answer.
"Stef, I'm scared" Kayla says, I look at her an open my arms. She walks into them and I hug her.
"So am I" I say and kiss her head.
"I'm scared of walking into my room, and the bathroom" She says. I release from the hug and take her hand in mine.
"We can do it together" I say, she nods slightly. We walk, slowly, towards her bedroom. I open the door and we walk in there. The blood is not here anymore, someone cleaned it. Both in the bedroom and bathroom.
"How are you feeling" I ask her.
"It feels weird, being in here" She says and looks at me. Then she walks to her bed and sits down. This feels like the last time, when she nearly died. I walk and sit down next to her.
"I'm scared" She says, looking down at the floor.
"Of what?" I ask.
"I don't know, I just have this feeling."she says.
"can we go into the bathroom?" she asks quickly before I could answer on the last thing. I nod and she takes my hand and drags me towards the bathroom. We go in there and I get flashbacks.
"I'm sorry" She says, she notices I have tears in my eyes.
"It's my fault you're sad" she continues.
"I'm sad because I thought I would lose you. Because I couldn't save you. Because I love you so much Kayla" I say and she hugs me.
"I love you. You won't lose me. I promise." She says. Then her phone rings. She takes it out and looks at me for approval. I nod and walk out.

Kayla's POV
Gaga walks out and I sit down in my window. I answer the phone, it's Michael. I had texted him right before we came home that I'd been in the hospital.
M:Are you okay? What happened? I was so worried.
K:I am now. I accidentally cut myself too deep so I started bleeding a lot. So I've been in the hospital for some days.
M:You wanna meet up? Maybe it's better to talk about this in person.
K:Tomorrow, I'm too tired to do anything today. I just came home.
M:That's okay, but Kayla
M:I love you and care about you so much, never forget that. I'll always be here for you, never hesitate to call me
K:I love you too, and I have to go now
M:Please take care okay bye
K:I will, bye
Ugh I don't know what I feel about having feelings for Michael. I think having a relationship is not the thing I need right now. What I need is sleeping, and not have all of my problems. And oh, a smoke. I can't smoke until Gaga and dad goes to sleep tho. So I'll have to wait. In the meantime I'm going to watch some movies and eat my feelings. Because that's what I do best. Before walking towards the living room I see that I have tons of messages from my friends. I haven't been on my phone since that day so they have no idea what's going on. I don't have the energy to talk right now. So I just send a message in the group telling them I'm okay and I'll tell them what happened soon.

A/N:Hey! I'm so sorry it took me forever to update. But I have a writers block right now, so please help me with ideas. There's also a lot going on in my personal life so that's also why it takes me so long to update. But thank you for still reading!!

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