A relationship is born

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Gaga's POV
"You did great!" Bradley tells me. I start blushing.
"Thank you, you didn't do bad yourself" I say back with a smile.
"Oh well thank you" He says. Blushing a little himself. God I love this man. He's so handsome and so kind. I just want to be in his arms all day long, and not only on set. But I just broke up my second engagement. Yeah I never have any luck in love.
"Hey beautiful, what are you thinking about?" Bradley asks me, taking me in his embrace. God I feel safe in his arms.
"Just about my sad love life" I say, laughing it off a little.
"You're not the only one with a sad love life, if that gives you any comfort" He says and sits down, I sit next to him.
"Do you, one of the most handsomest man have a sad love life?" I ask.
"Yeah, everyone just leaves,cheat, use me and so on" He says.
"You're not alone"
"But I'm willing to try, if we could work out" He says turning his beautiful face to look at mine. Yeah so we have maybe been out on a couple of dates. But we don't really know what kind of relationship we have.
"I am as well" I say, looking deeply into his beautiful blue eyes.
"I'm glad. And Kayla seems to like you as well. Which is unusual" He says giving me a quick kiss on the lips.
"I like her as well. She's a beautiful girl" I say smiling as I remember mine and Kayla's talk yesterday. I want to meet her more often, and maybe she will trust me enough to tell me more about her problems. She didn't really have anyone to talk to.
"If this is a though subject, don't tell me. But what happened with Kayla's mom?" I ask Bradley. He looks down at his hands.
"She left. We were leaving the hospital, Kayla had just been born. And I turned my back on her for like a minute. And when I turned back she was gone. She left a note, telling me that she didn't want to be a mom. She didn't want Kayla. Or me." I can see that this is still a hard subject for him. So I lean on his shoulder and take his hands in mine.
"That must've been horrible. And how she just left her daughter like that"
"That's what hurts the most. Not that she left me. But Kayla. How it was so easy for her. She didn't even tell it to my face, she left me a god damn note." He says, more irritated.
"Does Kayla know this?" I ask.
"No. I didn't want to tell her this story. I just said she left. But not the reason. That would probably upset her."
"I guess that's true" I say stroking his arm.
"Anyways, I should go home to her now. Do you wanna come?" He asks. Which made me happy.
"Yes, I'd love too" I say with a smile. He gives me a kiss before standing up. He give me his hand to help me stand up. We walk hand in hand to his car. It's a rather silent ride to his house. But he never lets go of my hand. Which made me rather happy.
"Don't worry hiding anything from Kayla, it never works. And she always predicts my relationship before even I think it's going to happen." He says. Smiling with his beautiful smile, he always smile when he thinks about his daughter. Which I think is really sweet. I just beg that our relationship will work out. I know we've only been on like a couple of dates. And it's only today he told me he wanted us to be more like a couple than just dating. But still, I just can't help but thinking of marrying this man.

Kayla's POV
I always feel guilty smoking. But smoking makes me not cut myself. And I don't know if smoking is better, but we say it's better. But today was just awful. The kids in school where such bitches. And I mostly just look past it, because I always want to be happy in front of my dad and act like it's all good and that i'm fine and everything is fine. But maybe it wasn't so great that I thought. All these feelings is just overwhelming me. I've never told anyone about anything. I've just tried to either move on and forget. Which never works by the way. Or just push it away from my brain and keep it inside of me. Just hide my feelings. I know I should talk to someone. But I just can't. And I don't know why my feelings is getting worse all of the sudden. But I'm thinking more than usual. Thinking is always bad. My cigarette is coming to an end and I'm about to take another when I notice I don't have any left. FUUUUCK. My anxiety is still here. How am I now supposed to cope. Oh well. I go to my bathroom and take out my precious little blade. And add some more lines on my arms and legs. My dad doesn't know this. But that's what I'm saying. I'm good at hiding things. I look out the window and see my dads car. I see him and Gaga getting out of the car. Okay let's be quick. I quickly make the blood stop and put the blade away in it's hiding place. I Put some perfume on and in my room as well. I change sweater and put my hair in a bun. I brush my teeth and wash my hands. Right when I'm done I can hear the door unlock. I throw myself at the bed and take up my phone .
"Kayla, I'm home!" My dad shout. I get up from my bed and walk to the front door. Gaga is so pretty I just have to say this. I can see them holding hands. YES. I knew they've been on a couple of dates so it was a matter of time until they were gonna be a couple.
"Hi Kayla" She says with her soft voice.
"Hey hey" I say. Hugging both my dad and Gaga. None of them notice the smoke. I think.
"Soo I see you're official now?" I say with an raised eyebrow.
"Not official to everyone, but to ourselves and you. Yes." Dad says.
"Okay I'll take that. Sooo what's for dinner? I guess you'll eat with us" I say.
"I'm thinking I'll make something. And you guys will bound or something." My dad says, looking at Gaga at me. Which made both of us smile.
"Kayla I really want to see your room, if you don't mind" She says and I nod. I walk to my room and she follows.
"Woah this is very beautiful" She says in awe. Which makes me happy. I'm really into interior design and stuff so when it comes to our house, it changes a lot. Especially my room.
(Here's a couple of pictures on how Kayla's room could look like. Just inspiration, but so you know a little more, and she has a window seat btw. Very important)

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