You weren't supposed to know

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I'm stupid. I'm worthless. I'm dramatic. I'm a liar. I'm nothing. I'm an attention hoe. I don't deserve love. I don't deserve happiness. I deserve nothing. No one loves me. They're all faking it. It's all just some made up dream. They just want me to go away. How could anyone love me. I'm an disappointment. If it weren't for me, my dad would never get his heart broken. I'm making it worse, for everyone. I'm going to make it hard for my friends. I'm a troubled kid. I should just leave. Gaga and my dad deserves the world, not me. My friends deserve the world, not me. No one deserves me, I'm worthless. I need all of this pain to go away. I can't do it anymore. I'm not doing it for me. I'm doing it for everyone else.
I get up from the couch and walk towards my bedroom. Towards my bathroom.
"Pumpkin where are you going?" My dad asks. Me, him and Gaga were watching a movie.
"To my room" I say, with a plain voice and keep on walking. I close the door. I shoot a quick glare at my phone. Should I call someone, text someone? No, I shouldn't bother them anymore. I continue walking towards the bathroom. Getting my blade on the way there. I close the door to the bathroom. Pulling my sleeves up. I look closely at the blade before pressing it towards my skin.
I hate myself. Everyone else should too. I'm a mess. I didn't even try getting help. This was the best way. The best solution.
"Kayla?" I can hear a voice from outside my bedroom door. Now I don't know if I should end everything, or pull down my sleeves and talk with Gaga instead. She calls my name again. I picture myself on the floor, and Gaga finding me. No, I can't do that to her. I just can't.
"I'm in the bathroom hold on" I weakly shout. I quickly wash my cuts and put the blade in the cabinet instead. I pull down my sleeves and open the door. Gaga is sitting in my bed now. She looks at me when I come out. She pats at the bed next to her.
"Come sit" She says. I walk over and sit next to her.
"I love you" She says out of the blue.
"I love you too" I say, confused. One of the cuts were too deep and I can feel how it's starting to bleed again. Fuck. I hold my hand on the wound and put pressure on it.
"Are you okay?" She asks looking at me. I nod.
"Kayla don't lie." She says with a look, her attention turn to my arms. She quietly gasps.
"Pull up your sleeves" She says, still looking at my arms.
"Why?" I ask, trying to stall her. I don't know why, I know it's not going to work.
"Please" She says. I let out a sigh and pull up my sleeves. Only revealing a very bloody arm.
"Kayla, you cut it way too deep" Gaga says in a panicked voice. She grabs me and leads me into the bathroom. She tries to get all the blood away. So she can see how deep the cut is exactly.
"Kayla there's so many" She says with a sad voice. I can see tears in her eyes.
"Don't cry" I say, very weak. I'm losing a lot of blood and it's making me weak.
"But I hate seeing someone I love, hurting themselves" She says, she loves me. She shouldn't.
"I'm sorry" I say, my eyesight is getting blurrier.
"It's okay" She says, still cleaning my wound. I feel that I'm dozing off.

Gaga's POV

"The cut is very deep, it might need stitches" I say, turning to look at Kayla. She isn't conscious anymore.
"Fuck" I say, getting more panicked.
"BRADLEY" I yell, I hear his footsteps coming closer. In just a quick moment he's there. He's shocked at what he sees, he didn't know about this.
"Call an ambulance right now" I say to him, he nods with fear in his eyes and take out his phone. I can tell he's shaking. I'm holding Kayla in my arms. I moved down, I couldn't hold her up at the sink. I still have a compressor at the wound. So she won't bleed even more. She's already losing a lot of blood.
"They're on their way" Bradley says still with a shaky voice. Not a long time after the ambulance arrives. I let Bradley go in the ambulance and I'll drive after them. In the car I call my mom.
"Mom" I say with a shaky voice. I've been crying since Kayla lost consciousness.
"Stefani? What's wrong?" My mom says with a worried voice.
"I love you. And now I know how you and dad felt when I was hurting" I say, trying to get my voice more steady.
"I love you too honey but what do you mean?"
"The girl I consider my daughter, is dying. Mom, if she dies I-I don't know what I'll do"
"Is it Bradley's daughter?"
"Be there for Bradley. I'll be here for you, but Bradley needs you now more than ever. Show him that you love her just as much as he does. Show him love. You need to be there for each other. Do you want me to come over?" Mom says as I get to the parking lot at the hospital.
"Okay mom, I'm at the hospital now so I've got to go. I'll text you later where and if you need to come. I'm going to be there for Bradley now, I think he's the love of my life" I say and hang up the phone. I run towards the doors, walking up to the reception. The receptionist looks scared. Probably because I just ran in here and there's blood on my shirt.
"What can I do for you mam?" She asks.
"Can you tell me the room of Kayla Cooper?" I ask, I'm not crying as before but tears are still streaming down my face.
"Relation to the patient?" She asks, she obviously know who I am. I notice when people know who I am pretty quick.
"Mom, I mean stepmom" I say, she nods and give me directions and the number. I walk until I find Bradley sitting outside of her room. He has his head in his hands.
"Bradley" I say, walking towards him. He looks up and stands up. I hug him, tightly.
"What's happening?" I say, starting to cry again as I saw Bradley's sad face.
"They're doing everything they can."He says, hugging me tighter.
"She will be okay, she's a strong girl"I tell him while we sit down at the two chairs outside her room. Holding each other's hands.
"She really is, and if I'd lost her I don't know if I would manage. She's my world" He says.
"I know, and I love her so much. Like she was my own. I don't want to lose her" I tell him and he looks into my eyes. With a slight smile.
"I'm happy you're in my life. I couldn't do this on my own, and Kayla loves having you in her life" He says, kissing my hand. I nod and then the doctor comes out. Making the both of us stand up.
"She will be okay, she hasn't woken up. But will soon." He says. I nod while Bradley just stands there.
"You can go in there now, and wait" He says. I nod again and the doctor leaves. We walk in there without exchanging any words. Seeing Kayla's body just laying there. This is the first time I've ever seen her arms. There's a lot of scars. I think this is the first time Bradley sees it too. He breaks down crying at one of the chairs next to her.
"Kayla, why, why did you do this to yourself, why didn't you tell me, I would do everything for you" He says between his sobs. I run his back.
"She loves you too much, she didn't want you to worry. And I think she is ashamed of them. She never shows her arms." I say.
"I'm always worried about her. She shouldn't feel the need to hide this from me. It almost got her killed" He says, taking one of Kayla's hands.
"I love you, so does Kayla" He says.
"And I love both of you, so much." I say kissing his hand and sit down in the chair next to his. I rest on his shoulder and put my hand on Kayla's bed.
"She really trusts you as well, and I'm glad she feel like she could talk to you at least" He says. I nod in his shoulder.
"I just want her to wake up already." He say again.
"So do I, but we will wait here for her. And when she wakes up, we will be here for her with love and support" I say.
"We will" He says, kissing me on the top of the head. God I love this man, and Kayla. Right now I just want her to wake up so I can tell her how much she is loved.

A/N:Sorry I didn't upload earlier. But I've been very busy lately, but I'll try update sooner. Thank you so much for reading my story, it means a lot!

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