Will things get better or worse?

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"Kayla wait up!" I hear Michael shout behind me. I stop and turn around. He's practically running after me, which makes me smile. It's been a week since we met and we've hanged out a lot in school. He had a couple of friends, and they actually liked me. I was just very paranoid everyday that they'd leave me. Like all my previous friends. Who left because they didn't want to be bullied. That's the price you have to pay if you want to be my friend. And I'm not mad at them. I mean I would never do that, but I understand them. Michael catches up with me and give me a hug.
"So how was school today?" He asks while we go to his locker.
"It was fine. Just the basic glares and comments. Nothing I can't I handle." I say and smile at him. He gives me a sympathy look and then wrap his arm around me.
"Can't believe that people are being mean to you. You're like the kindest person i've met and the prettiest too"He says, which makes me blush. There's nothing between us yet, but I wouldn't mind if there was. We get to his locker where his friends are as well. Kimberly and James, who are a couple and Michaels closest friends. Millie and Melvin, who are twins. Lilly who's just always there. And then Cole, who's secretly in love with Melvin.
"Kaylaaa" Millie says running up to me with a hug. She's a very loving person.
"Heyy" I say with a laugh.
"Millie, you will scare her away" Kimberly says, with her soft voice. Kimberly is probably the one that I get along with the most. And Cole.
"So what's happening today" Cole asks me while we're all walking out of school.
"My dad is coming home after filming. Gaga too."
"Gaga and Bradley are totally dating, aren't they?" Cole says. They all found out that Bradley Cooper was my dad. But Gaga and my dad aren't 100% official yet. So I don't want to tell someone and then everyone knows. I want it to be their decision.
"Not that I know of" I say, and hopefully Cole will just accept that.
"Even though I really wanted Gaga to date a woman, I still think that her and your dad looks so good together" He says while taking out a pac of cigarettes. Cole is gay, so he stan Gaga and know a lot about her. He still haven't asked me for any favors, even though he knows I know her. Which I appreciate.
"Do you want one?" He says holding up the cigarettes. I nod and he gives me one.
"Kimberly can I borrow your lighter?" I ask Kimberly, who gives me her lighter. I'm kind of glad that they're smoking as well, it makes me feel less bad.
"We gotta go Millie" Melvin says.
"Okay, well Lilly are you coming?" Millie says and the three of them leaves. Lilly is currently living with Millie and Melvin. Her parents threw her out because she was gay.
"I feel for Lilly" Cole says.
"I'm lucky that my parents are fine with me being gay." He says again.
"Yeah, I don't understand how someone can just throw their kid out because of their sexuality" James joins in.
"It's insane, it's 2017 and this is still a problem" Kimberly says
"It's disgusting" Michael says.
I can see my dads car pulling up. Lucky me I had just finished smoking. I take of my hoodie, because now it smells like smoke.
"That's my dads car, gotta go!" I say and hug everyone bye. I get into the car and my dad hugs me, please don't smell the smoke.
"I've missed you" He says, and starts to drive.
"I missed you too, how was filming?"
"It was great, I hated that I had to be away from you for two days tho."
"Yeah, well you're back now" I say, smiling at him.
"I guess, it hurts me being away from you. You know that." He says.
"I know, and it hurts me too. But I know that you have to do things for work. And I've learned to accept that" I tell him, taking his hand.
"I love you pumpkin" He says, kissing my hand.
"I love you too"
"By the way, we're not going home" He says.
"Uhm what? Where are we going?" I ask confused.
"We're going to Gaga's home instead" He says, smiling.
"Oh really? I've never been there before" I say, feeling a little excited.
"You'll get to meet her dogs as well" He says which makes a smile form on my face. I love french bulldogs, and she has three of them. I've always wanted a dog, but dad always said no. We get to her apartment and she opens her door with a smile.
"Hi" she says, giving my dad a kiss and then me a hug. That's when I notice the three dogs. They walk over to me and less than a minute after, I'm cuddling with all of them.
"I can see that they're already loving you" Gaga says with her beautiful voice.
"They're adorable" I say.
"She have always wanted a dog" My dad tells Gaga and she nods.
"Kayla, come, I want to show you something" Gaga says and I stand up and follow her. She walks into a room where a big piano is standing.
"Oh my god, that's beautiful" I say looking closer at the piano. She sits down at the piano and pats on the seat. I sit next to her, and she starts to play a song. She's very good at the piano. She finishes the song.
"You're very good" I say, admiring her.
"Well thank you, I've been playing since I was 8" She says.
"Can you teach me?" I ask her, a little scared that she will say no.
"Of course" She says. She show me how to play and which keys are which. And after some time I think I'm starting to get it.
"You're a very quick learner" She says after i've played a little.
"My dad says that too"
"You're multitalented" She says and I just look down at the piano.
"What's on that beautiful mind of yours" She ask while stroking my hair.
"I just, I'm confused" I tell her.
"Why are you confused?"
"Because people have started being nice to me all of the sudden. I don't understand why. I've never experienced this before. And I thought that this would make me happy, but it kind of hurts more. Because now I realize how bad people have treated me before" I say lookin up at her. She pulls me into her arms.
"You're an amazing girl. You deserve the world. Do you mind telling me what people have done to you?" She asks.
"It's a lot. Once they threw me into the trash can and yelled that nobody would ever love me. They push me a lot, and call me things. They say I'm fat, I should die, I don't deserve the famous life, that my dad is too good for me. They've threatened me a couple of times. And then there was this one time." I start but the memory makes me stop talking. It hurts just thinking about it.
"What happened" She asks. Still holding me in her arms.
"I don't know if I can say it" I say, tears streaming down my face. She notices and pulls me closer.
"It's okay, I don't want to push you."She says with her soothing voice.
"And I want you to know that how they treated you were wrong. The things they said, are not true. And you will and are loved. Your dad loves you, I love you, I've seen you have new friends and I'm sure they love you as well." She says.
"But what if I deserve it"
"You don't"
"But they're right, I am fat..."she interrupts me.
"No they're not right. You're not fat, you're very skinny. And I've been in your position. I was thrown in a trash can as well. I think you should talk to your dad as well. Or tell the school. You can't live with all of this hatred."She says looking into my eyes.
"Maybe you're right" I say, resting my head on her chest.
"Now, shall we go back to your dad. I have no idea what he's doing" She says wiping away my tears. I nod and she takes my hand. I go up to my dad and hug him.
"I love you" I say.
"I love you too" He says, looking at gaga with a questionable look.
"Are you alright?" He ask me.
"I don't know"
"Do you want to tell me about it?" He asks me.
"Yeah, I think it's time now." I say sitting down in the couch. My dad sits next to me and so does gaga. She takes my hand in hers, because she knows this is hard for me.
"In school rarely anyone likes me. They threaten me, push me in the corridors, say comments like I'm not good enough, that I'm a spoiled brat, no one loves me. They even threw me in the trash. They do this everyday. And I never told anyone. Because I thought that it was normal and I deserve it. It wasn't until me and Gaga talked that I understood. That these things were wrong. I've never told you because I didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry." I say, and my dad opens is arms for me and I crawl into them. I let a few tears out.
"Pumpkin I will always worry about you. It's okay. The only thing I want is you to be happy. I'm gonna talk with your principal, this behavior can't go on. If you want to see a therapist, just tell me. I will do anything for you" He says as he hugs me tightly.
"How are you feeling, mentally?" He asks me.
"Not so good. It's all these thoughts just fighting. There's these thoughts that are like voices just saying things in my head. I just want them to stop. I just want to be completely okay and happy"
"I'll get you an appointment with an therapist"
"She can go see mine, i'll give you the contacts" Gaga says.
"Thank you"Dad says, taking gaga's hand in his. Maybe this wasn't that bad. Maybe things will get better now. For real.

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