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Kayla's POV

I've always liked going on rollercoasters. Since I was a little kid. Because I always felt like life was a rollercoaster. Life has its up and downs. And honestly passes by so fast. Just like a rollercoaster. I remember the first time I was at a amusement park. I was too short for like every ride. Which made me mad so my dad bought me cotton candy. When I finally could go on the rollercoasters I wanted I went on everyone. My dad had to go with me on everyone, he obviously didn't have a choice either.
"Kayla we're here" Dad says turning of the engine and interrupts my thoughts. He looks at me and smiles and I return it.
"Let's go" I say and we get out of the car. He looks around to see if there's a lot of paparazzi out today. Luckily we can't find one. When we get in I get all excited seeing all of the rollercoasters.
"Let's go on this one first" I say and he looks at it. It's one that goes upside down a lot.
"Ooo I like that one" He says and we walk there. We don't have to stay in line because we're famous and safety reasons. We always get to take the express line. It's nice not to stay in line but sometimes I kind of wish I could stay in line, and not with people whispering, pointing, taking pictures and so on. It's like when you're famous and people know who you are, you're not a real person anymore.
"I'm so ready for this"Dad says while looking like a little kid. I laugh at it, he's a little child. Before going on the rollercoaster I send a text to Michael.
"Turn off your phone Kayla, it's our turn now" Dad says and I do as he tells me.

Michaels POV

*phone vibrates*
Oh I got a text from Kayla. Telling me she's gonna be unsocial because she's on rollercoasters. I reply and then shut my phone off again. I'm studying math, because we're gonna have a test, and if I fail math my parents will be disappointed in me. And I can't have that.
"Michael can you come here?" I hear my mom shout. I sigh and walk to the kitchen where she's sitting.
"What is it?" I ask her. She looks up at me.
"Can you take care of your sisters today? I've gotta work and your dad can't take them" She asks. I don't have a choice really, I see how stressed my mom is. Raising four kids as a single mom, having multiple works because she isn't making enough money.
"Of course, I'll just have to study later" I reply with a smile and she hugs me.
"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you" She whispers. I walk to the living room where I find one of my sisters, the oldest. She's 13 so I don't think I'll have to watch her that much.
"Mia, moms gonna work so I'll be in charge when she's gone" I say and she simply just nods. This isn't something that's new, I've watched my sisters for a long time. I walk towards my two youngest sisters shared bedroom. They're 5 and 7.
"Maria and Maya, Moms got work so I'll be in charge" I say and they both look at me.
"Michael do you have a girlfriend" Maya asks with a giggle. I roll my eyes, here we go again.
"What do you think?" I ask and they look at each other before Maya replies. Maria doesn't talk that much, maybe because she's 5 or she doesn't like it.
"Mia said you were on a date so I think yes" Maya replies and Maria hits her and give her a look.
"Sorry, we think yes" Maya says and Maria looks satisfied.
"Okay bye now, tell me if you need anything I'll be in the kitchen" I reply and starts to walk out.
"Wait! Is she pretty?" Maya asks and I turn around facing them again.
"Very" I reply with a smile. They both start giggling and I leave. I look at the clock, 11am. Mom will be out until five or later which means I'll have to make them dinner. My family isn't the richest, at least not my mom. But I honestly don't care, I'm happy that I have them. Me and my sisters lives both at my dads and my moms. On Monday is changing day which means we're going to dad. Our parents separated two years ago, when my older sister died in a car crash. None of us are over that, and my parents took it pretty bad. They couldn't live together or see each other. So they separated, me and my sisters had each other through this difficult time. My mom started drinking again and our dad started dating. Still thinking of my sister is hard, we have pictures of her everywhere. We didn't touch her room for a year, but then we decided it would be easier if we did that. So now I have that room instead. Mona, my sister, was just one year older than me. So we had friends in common. We were always raised like twins, so we were very close. Losing her was the hardest thing ever. She was always better in school so now I'm trying my best to succeed so my parents can be proud.
"Michael? Can we like cook food I'm hungry" Mia says while coming into the kitchen and making noise.
"You cook, you're better than me and I have to study." I say, realizing I haven't done anything else but thinking for the past half hour.
"Sure, I'll just make some pasta like the true Italian that I am" She says while holding the pot close to her chest.
"You're so silly" I say and we both start laughing.
"So what are you studying in?" She asks while starting to do some tomato sauce.
"Right now.. math" I say and look down at all the numbers I have in front of me that I don't understand at all.
"Hmm can't help you with that, maybe Karen can, she's smart" Mia says disgusted. Karen is dad's wife. Mia doesn't like her, i'm not sure why because she's nice but Mia doesn't like a lot of people.
"I know you're sarcastic but it's actually true. She's smart" I say and take out my phone to text Karen.
"Oh whatever" Mia says with an annoyed voice.
"Mia, you should try to like people" I say still looking at my phone.
"Like your new girlfriend?" She asks and turns around, I look up from my phone directly to her.
"She's not my girlfriend, we're just dating" I say with a duh tone.
"Mhm, for now. But she's famous right?" Mia asks sounding excited.
"How do you know all this and why do you care?" I ask suspiciously.
"Because we go to the same school, remember? I see who you hang out with and I know who she is. And I care because you're my brother and if you get famous I'll now a famous person" She answers.
"Stalker, and I'm not dating her for her fame silly. I'm not like you" I say and Mia turns around looking offended.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She says with her hand on her hip.
"You know what I mean"I says and Mia still looks confused and offended.
"Are you calling me a gold digger?" Mia asks and I nod. Waiting for my punishment.
"So you're the one calling me a gold digger when your previous girlfriends have either been rich and now famous too" She says.
"That's not true" I say to my defense.
"I haven't dated anyone, so no gold digger here"
"yet" I answer and she rolls her eyes.
"Just go get Maya and Maria, food is ready. Because I'm more of a home wife than a gold digger"She says and I laugh walking out of the room. Stopping when I'm at the door.
"Desperate housewife" I say.
"Love you too dickhead"She replies and I just shake my head and laugh.

A/N:Thank you @234kayla for the idea <3

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