I'm overwhelmed

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Grandma's POV

I notice that Kayla has been gone for some time. I decide I will go look after her. I walk up the stairs. And I hear Stefanis and my granddaughters voice. I thought about knocking but instead I just opened the door quietly. That's when I see Kayla's wrists. Of course I knew what had happened. About her in the hospital and how she ended up there. I've always thought about it. Why she never wore short sleeves. But seeing it with my own eyes. It was too much. I have to say something but I don't know what.
"Kayla..." Which makes her turn around and Stefani to look up at me. They both look shocked.
"Grandma" Kayla says with a scared expression.
"Should I go?" Stefani asks. Kayla shakes her head.

Kayla's POV

I didn't want this to happen. I don't want to talk about this with her. I don't want her to know.
"I don't want to talk about it" I say, trying to face her.
"But honey I'm here for you. I care about you. Talk to me" She says, sadness in her voice. Making my grandma sad makes the urge of hurting myself stronger.
"I know you are, I just don't want to talk about it with you. I love you too much. I'm sorry" I say looking down. Stefani puts one of her hands on my shoulder and the other on my grandmas.
"It's okay, but still know I'll always be there for you" She says and I nod. She leaves the room and I stand there speechless.
"Kayla how are you feeling?" Gaga asks. I want to respond but it feels like I can't. I'm completely frozen.
"Kayla?" She asks again.
"It's fine, it's okay" I manage to get through, still zoomed out. I'm thinking about my grandma. Maybe I should've told her everything. But then again I wouldn't know what to say. I barely know the reason to why I'm like this. I should be happy, I've got a loving family. I've never really thought about the reason to why I'm sad and why I have this bad anxiety. Maybe it's because of the bullying? But it feels like it started before that. Maybe because of my mom, I don't know. I feel like there are a lot of stuff not just one.
"You mentioned your mom, do you want to talk about her? And what happened?" Gaga asks and I look at her confused. Did I accidentally say something of that out loud? But then again, I'm not sober.
"I don't know what to say. I don't know her, and I don't know if I want to meet her either. She didn't want me, she regret having me. So why would she be interested now?" I say, thinking about everything my dad said.
"And then again she hasn't even reached out to me yet and she hasn't said that she wants to meet me. So I don't know why I'm even thinking about it." I add.
"Then you don't think about her, until she reaches out and she says what she wants. Decide then what you want. Every decision is okay, it's important that it's your decision and not anyone else's."Gaga says and I nod. But I can't stop thinking about her. How does she look, is she still an alcoholic, do she have any regret of leaving us, does she still love me, or is she here for the fame? I don't know.
"But Kayla we need to talk about what happened before your grandma came in" Gaga says and I nod slowly. I had already forgotten about it.
"What triggered it? Was it your mom?" She asks.
"I don't know it was just too much in my brain. That was my first time since I almost died." I said and gaga nods.
"Please, talk to me before doing it the next time. I don't care what time it is, just talk to me. Or at least someone. It feels like I've already told you that, but please." She says and I nod.
"I think we need to go back downstairs now, okay?" She asks and I nod. We get downstairs and grandma looks like nothing ever happened. She didn't tell anyone and what happened, which was what I was most afraid of.
"Kayla look at this picture of Stefani when she was in your age. A true rebel that girl" Joe says with laugh in his voice. They're going through old pictures. Grandma had pictures with her too, on grandpa and when dad was little.
"Kayla look" Grandma says and waves me over. I go over to her and dad. Me and dad haven't spoken yet. I look at the picture and a smile is formed on my face. A genuine one.

Seeing the picture of me and my dad makes me happy, but then sad

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Seeing the picture of me and my dad makes me happy, but then sad. Because of what happened at the cemetery.
"Dad?" I say turning around looking at him. He's smiling.
"Yes pumpkin?"
"Can we talk?" I ask. He nods and we walk into the kitchen.
"Dad I'm sorry for what happened, I don't want to fight with you. Especially not over a woman who isn't in my life. I love you."
"Kayla, I'm the one who's sorry. I was mean, I was just worried, or well still am, that she would hurt you. It's your choice not mine, and I shouldn't have said those hurtful things, I didn't mean them. And I love you more."
"I know dad, I know. And we don't even know what she wants, she probably doesn't want to see me it's probably something else. I don't know why I got my hopes up."
"Even if that's not what she wanted in the first place, you can still see her if that's what you want. You're old enough to make your own decisions, I'm not gonna make them for you." He says I nod and he opens his arms for a hug. I practically run into his arms and hug him very tightly. A year ago my dad was all I had, or well my grandma too but still. And now I have Gaga and her family, my friends and of course, Michael. I miss him like crazy.
"Dad I have to make a phone call." I say and he nods with a smirk knowing who I'm talking about. I roll my eyes and take out my phone while dad walks away. I click on Michaels picture and dial him. He doesn't take long to answer.
"Kayla! Happy thanksgiving!"
"Happy thanksgiving"
"How are you doin?"
"Well everything sucked very badly but now it's good again. You?"
"It's good, actually at my dads house. Mom needed too work. Why did everything suck?"
"Well I had a fight with my dad because of my mom I don't even know, so I felt very bad over that. My grandma found out about my scars and that obviously freaked me out. But she didn't make a big deal out of it so I'm thankful. But me and my dad are fine now so everything is fine again"
"Eventful day huh? There has been no fighting here today so I'm very thankful"
"Well that's what thanksgiving is all about" I laugh in the phone.
"Your laugh makes me happy, and it must also mean that I'm a comedian."
"Yeah sure whatever you say"
"And if you don't mind, when your grandma find out about it. Were there any new scars?"
"Okay yeah I broke my streak today, but I really tried. The alcohol just didn't help today."
"The alcohol is just another form of self harm. And it's just as bad, both are destroying you. And I don't want that. Because I really care about you. I just don't like to see you get hurt"
"I know. I'm sorry, I want to stop, with both. The cigarettes are just not helping anymore, and they needed a push. Maybe I need help with it, but I don't know. I just don't feel the need for getting help yet."
"Getting help is a very good idea you know, but if you're not ready that's okay. I'll be here for you when you are"
"I know"
"I have to go back, but snap me?"
"Yeah same, yeah bye"
I hang up the phone and a smile is put on my face. Maybe life will get better sooner or later. Not right now but I've got hope again. It's not much but I've got people around me that love and care about me. Even though I don't share everything and don't want to either. I know they still care. I'm surprised that my mind is thinking positive, I've never thought like this before. That I might actually have a future.

A/N:Mygod I'm sorry I haven't updated but I've just had such a writer's block. Also haven't been at my best. But I'm gonna try to update more. Write some suggestions on things to write!

Xoxo swedishdramaqueen

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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