Please, I love you

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"Ooo I like that color" Gaga says pointing at the screen. I've decided I'll redo my room again. I came home from school a few hours ago. Michael never showed up. And he hasn't answered me either. And redoing my room is how I deal with feelings.
"Me too, and that storage thing to my records and record player" I say, obviously very into what I'm doing.
"You're very welcome to redo my house" She says and stretch out on the couch. It's just me and her at home. Dad is doing some scenes without her today.
"I would love too." I say excited.
"But are you even there?" I ask with a laugh.
"Nice question, but no not that much. Because I always wanna be with you and your dad" She answers and caresses my hair.
"Maybe you should move in together" I suggest.
"I mean you're already kind of living together" I continue.
"Yeah, but actually moving in together would be so much work. I don't think you want to leave this place, and I have my horses and dogs in the other house so you know" She says and I nod.
"Yeah you're right" I say and keep looking at furniture. I feel my phone vibrate and take it out from my pocket. Michael is calling. I get up from the couch and go into my room. I click answer.
M:I'm so sorry
M:Because I didn't come to school today, and I didn't text you or anything
K:It's okay, I was just worried you were mad or something
M:No I just had to do this thing. But can we meet up now?
K:Yeah sure, meet me at that bench where we first met in 20.
M:Okay bye
I hang up the phone and take my jacket. I make sure my cigarettes and lighter are in there. I walk out to the front door.
"Where are you going?" Gaga asks me.
"Meeting a friend" I say and put on my shoes.
"Okay, but don't come home too late and always answer when I call or text" Gaga says back before keep looking at some designs. I leave the house and when I'm halfway to the park I take out a cigarette and light it. I fucking needed that so bad. When I get into the park I hear kids yelling and playing at the playground. That makes me think about when I was younger.

flashback 9 years
"Dad walk faster!" little Kayla shouts at Bradley.
"I'm coming honey, but you're walking way too fast" He says while laughing. He and his then girlfriend are holding hands while Kayla is running before them. They're going to the park.
"Dad can you push me?" Kayla asks while climbing up to one of the swings.
"Of course pumpkin" Bradley goes up to push his daughter on the swing.
"OMG BRADLEY COOPER" A group of girls yells. Which makes Bradley turn around.
"I'll be right back pumpkin, Amy take care of her" Bradley says and goes away to take pictures and sign some pictures.
"Of course" Amy says and rolls her eyes.
"Amy can you push me?" Kayla asks her stepmom. She doesn't even answer but instead she's talking in her phone.
Kayla sits in her swing waiting for her dad to come back. She overheard what Amy and her friend is talking about on the phone.
"Yeah, And this stupid kid, I'm just here for his money, and fame, yeah I know" Kayla is shocked. She needs to tell her dad. His girlfriend is using him, this wasn't new. Amy notices that Kayla heard and sees that she's on her way down the swing to tell her dad about it. Amy grabs Kayla's arm.
"Oh where are you going?"She asks in a mean voice.
"To my dad" Kayla says and tries to get out of her grip.
"You're not telling him anything, besides no one would believe a 6 year old" Amy says and pushes Kayla down to the ground.
"DAD" Kayla yells while crying. Bradley comes rushing over.
"What happened?" He asks while picking Kayla up.
"She started swinging by herself and then just fell off" Amy lies to Bradley who falls for it.

end of flashback

Dads previous girlfriends were all trash, literally none of them liked me. Not that I liked them either but still. I'm just so happy I got gaga. She's one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I smoke another cigarette before I see Michael approaching me. He smiles and wave, I do the same.
"Hi" He says and greets me with a hug.
"Hi" I say and we both sit down at the bench.
"You know I was worried sick. I just saw all the paparazzi pictures and I didn't know what to think or do. And I just want you to know that I love you so much, you mean a lot to me" Michael says.
"I'm sorry. It was an accident." I answer while scratching my arm.
"Yeah but you're hurting yourself. And that hurts me as well."He says and takes my hand in his.
"Don't say that"
"But It's true. I'm just glad you're okay and here with me right now."
"So am I, surprisingly" I say with a slight chuckle.
"And I think we should talk about what happened at the party" He says looking down at me, making me looking down at my hands. I nod.
"Do you like me?" He asks. I nod again.
"Do you like me?" I ask him, afraid of the answer.
"I do" He says back, which causes me to smile a little.
"And I do want something to happen between us, do you?" He asks.
"I think I do. It's just a lot going on in my head and I don't want to burden you" I say, he puts his hand on my knee.
"You would never burden me, I just want you to be happy. We can start by going on a date?" He says.
"Yeah, that works" I smile.
"Friday? We can talk about the time and stuff later by text" He says and I nod with a smile. He leans in and plant a kiss on my lips. I kiss him back. He pulls back with a smile.
"If I ever push you or you feel I'm moving too fast, just tell me okay" He says. Ugh what a gentleman.
"I will" I say.

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