Daddys little girl

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"Kayla come on" Gaga says pouting. It's Saturday morning and she's been begging me all morning to tell her how my date went.
"Hmmmm" I answer, like I have all the other times. She rolls her eyes.
"You're mean" She says eating her toast.
"Love you too" I say with a smile. I haven't stopped smiling since yesterday. Michael just really makes me happy.
"Honey your daughter is mean" Gaga says looking at dad who just mutters an "mhm", not looking up from his food. Me and Gaga looks at each other confused. He hasn't said a word all morning. Which is weird for him.
"So I need to go to my house today. Got some things to do. But I should be back tomorrow I think" Gaga says changing subject.
"Oh okay" I say with a sad tone.
"I'm sorry baby, but I'll see you tomorrow" She says and I nod with a smile. We finish breakfast, with dad barely saying a word. Making me worried. But I'll talk to him when Gaga leaves.

"Call me if you feel you need it okay? I love you" Gaga says hugging me.
"Love you too" I say with a smile. She kisses my dad bye and I walk into the living room not wanting to see too much. I hear the door closing and footsteps approaching the living room.
"Hey pumpkin, what you doing?" He asks, first time hearing him talk and sounding happy today.
"Just playing a game on my phone" I answer and he nods sitting down next to me. I think for a moment before shutting my phone off.
"Dad can I ask you a question?" I ask.
"Yeah of course, you can ask me anything" He answers and I nod.
"What's wrong? You barely said a word at breakfast.." I pause realizing something.
"Is there, is there something wrong between you and Gaga?" I ask, afraid of the answer.
"Nonono honey no. There is nothing wrong between me and Stefani, I love her and she loves me. Don't worry about that okay" He answers and I let out a revealed breath.
"Thank god" I mumble. My dad continues talking not acknowledging me mumbling.
"And about this morning. I guess there's something wrong. But ah forget it, it's not important" Dad says shaking his head.
"Clearly it is. Come on dad, we tell each other everything" Almost everything, I think but don't say out loud.
"Okay. So I'm not really, I don't... I don't like that you're dating. I thought I'd be okay with it but I just, I'm not ready for my little girl to grow up yet." He admits and I'm shocked.
"Dad.." He cuts me off.
"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to leave me. You're my little girl and it feels like I'm losing you, I'm still not over you almost dying. That really stuck in my head, that I was going to lose you. And now it feels like I'm losing you again" He says and I can see that there's tears in his eyes threatening to spill.
"Dad, you're not losing me. I'm sorry that I scared you when I accidentally cut too deep. I'm sorry, I didn't want you to go through that. And even if I'm dating, I'll still be your daughter. I'll still be your girl, but I'm not that little anymore dad." I say and he nods slowly. I takes his hand and squeezes it.
"You're right, as always. I will try to get used to you dating and growing up. But even when you're 30 years old you will still be my little girl" He says and messes up my hair while he smiles. I laugh.
"Okay, whatever you say." I say and he gives me a side hug.

Bradley's POV
"So, do you wanna do something special today?" I ask.
"Can we go to the amusement park, pleaseeeeee" Kayla says with puppy eyes and I laugh. She has done this since she was a toddler and there was something he wanted. I could never say no.
"Sure, go get dressed and then we will leave" I says and she jumps up from the coach and practically run towards her bedroom to go get ready. I shake my head with a smile. Whatever she says, she will always be a little kid. There's always this little kid inside of her mind. I'm so lucky I've got her, and she's turning from this adorable little girl to this amazing woman. But not yet, she's still a little girl. My little girl. She's so wise too, always have been. I remember when she was little and she decided stuff for me, she was very bossy. But still caring and kind. I always admired her, but sometimes it feels like I missed so much. That I failed her. Because she has all of these problems now and it's all my fault. I failed her, I didn't protect her from everything. She didn't feel like she could tell me some stuff. Didn't she trust me? I know she said she didn't want me to worry, but what if that wasn't the reason?
"I'm done now, can we go??" Kayla says interrupting all of my thoughts. She notices that I was in my own world.
"Dad are you okay?" She asks worried.
"Yeahyeah, I was just daydreaming" I say with a smile and she returns it, even if she still looks worried.
"Okay let's go" I say and she immediately lights up.
"I'm forcing you on all the rides" She says with a smirk.
"Oh god, what have I forced myself into" I say fake worried which makes her laugh.

A/N:Heyooo I hope you like this chapter! And btw thank you for all your sweet comments and for 8k reads?! What?! I'm so happy you like this story, don't forget to vote and comment if there's anything you'd like to read!

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