Friday, Im in love

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"Kaylaaaaa" Gaga says while running into the hallway. Greeting me with a hug.
"Uhm hi?" I say with a laugh. I had just gotten home from school.
"So it's Friday today she says" With a smirk.
"Oh it is? I had forgotten." I say with a fake surprised face and she roll her eyes.
"Ha ha very funny" I stick out my tongue at her and she ruffles my hair.
"Are you excited?" She asks.
"I think so" I say, she's talking about my date. And to be honest I'm terrified and thinking about canceling. I don't think I'll manage to go through with it. Yeah I love Michael but this dating thing, not so much.
"It'll go great" She says and kisses my cheek.
"What if it doesn't?" I say.
"I'm sure it will go great, so go shower of your nervousness" She says and I nod and walk to my bathroom.

Gaga's POV

She's going on her first date, and she look so nervous about it. She doesn't seem excited at all. And I think it's her anxiety creeping up on her.
"I'm worried about Kayla" I tell Bradley. I'm on the phone with him, his stuck at the office working with the movie. He's the directors she has to be with them when they edit and stuff.
B:Why honey?
G:Because she doesn't seem excited about her first date
B:I'm sure it's just the nerves, she will calm down soon
G:I don't know, it looks like she'd rather die then go on this date
B:Honey I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, but talk to her about it
G:Yeah maybe, I'll talk to her
B:Okay good, I have to go now, was there something else?
G:No, bye I love you
B:I love you too, bye honey
He hangs up the phone and I sit there thinking. I didn't tell Bradley about tuesday night. That I'm having major pains right now. I don't have the time to think about myself, all my time goes to Kayla. My doctor told me to rest, that's why I had to cancel my tour. And I guess I'm resting but I'm also worrying. I just really want to get back to work. I hear that Kayla's done showering so I knock on her door.
"Can I come in?" I ask.
"Uhm, yeah sure" She says.
I walk in and she's in her robe and has her hair up in a towel. She's sitting on the ground.
"What are you doing?" I ask and walk to where she's sitting.
"I can't do it." She says. Moving her arm so I can see her scars. I shiver seeing them. She notices her arm is exposed and fix it quickly.
"Do what?" I say, knowing she doesn't want to talk about her scars right now.
"The date" She says, with a "duh" tone.
"Why? You like him and he's nice right?"
"Yeah I really do, I think" She says trailing off.
"You think?" I ask confused
"It's just that my mind is very confused and anxiety on top of that" She says and I nod.
"So you want to go but there's a voice inside of you telling you no you can't do that or you will do something wrong?" I ask her and she just nods while fiddling with her hands.
"I think you should go on this date. To prove to the voices and yourself that you can do this" I tell her.
"I guess you're right. Ugh this is just, too much" She says with a sigh. I take her hand in mine. She turns her head to look me in the eyes.
"It will be fine, I promise you. If that boy loves you, he will make sure you feel safe. And maybe you should tell him that you feel like this, so he can help." I say.
"Yeah, that's actually a good idea. I know he won't judge me and I think he'll understand. I was scared to write about this to him before. But maybe it will make things easier." She says, sounding more relieved. I nod.
"Okay go now, I have to get changed" She says and I laugh.
"Okay missy" I say and kiss the top of her head.

Kayla's POV

Gaga's talk didn't do that much, but it isn't her fault. It's my mind. But I will tell Michael about my anxiety. He's not just someone I'm romantically interested in, he's also one of my best friends. So I know he won't judge me. I take out my phone and start writing a message.

I feel like I have to tell you. I have social anxiety and this situation makes me overthink like an idiot. But I'm willing to go through any panic at all for you. So I'm not canceling. I just wanted you to know, that I'm gonna be worried for like everything and you will probably have to do any talking with people (if needed). Sorry that I'm a mess.

I look at the message over and over. My thumb waiting to press the send button. Should I really send it? Maybe he won't understand. Maybe I'm all wrong and he will judge me. What if he doesn't really like me and thinks this sounds desperate. Maybe he will talk about me with his friends telling them that I'm obsessed.
Okay I have to stop, this is just crazy. Who even thinks this much. I hit send and immediately lay my phone on the bed and get up to get dressed. I hear my phone vibrate, signaling it got a text. I'm scared so I ignore it. I look myself in the mirror. Hm, this outfit doesn't look that bad to be honest. If I just put some makeup on then I should be good to go. Maybe I should read his text first. So I know he didn't cancel. I walk to my bed and take my phone. Waiting a little while before opening messages. Smiling when I read what he wrote.

Hey, it's okay. I will take care of you, and I will make sure you won't feel scared. And if you panic, I will be right there to calm you down. Don't say sorry, I love you.❤️

Fuck he's making me blush. I answer with an I love you too then I shut my phone off again. I put some makeup on and do my hair. Then I get another text from him, telling me he's outside. It's time. Hopefully I won't fuck it up. Hopefully it will go great.

A/N:Very sorry for late update. It's just been a lot right now.  I'm also having a writers block. But I just need to say THANK YOU so so so much for everyone reading. I'm amazed, I never thought I would get so many reads. 7k??? So thank you<3 Also sorry for a bad chapter, I just wanted to post something.

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