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Bradley's POV
"She looks just like you" I say to my fiancé, who is holding our newborn daughter.
"Yeah" She answers faintly.
"Are you okay honey?" I ask. Pulling a strand from her hair and put it behind her ear.
"Yeah, just tired. Can we leave soon?" She asks, giving me a tired smile. Not weird she's tired, she gave birth a couple of hours ago.
"I'll go ask the nurse" I say leaving the room. The nurses say she's good to go. Because it all looks good. I get back to the room and we get ready to go. We put Kayla in the car seat before leaving. She's so beautiful. I'm very glad she looks like her mom.
"You sure you can hold the car seat?" I ask Lily, my fiancé.
"Of course I can, I'm a strong independent woman" she says with a fake sassy voice and laugh. That beautiful laugh.
"Oh I'm sorry" I say with a fake offended voice. We leave the hospital and head to our car. Lily seems really distant.
"Lily, you sure you're okay?" I ask her.
"Yeah, don't worry Brad" She says, I don't really believe her tho. But I don't wanna be to pushy. We're about to cross the street when Kayla starts to cry. I can hear Lily sigh before putting down the car street on the bench.
"Hey, I'll see what's the problem. I say, bending down, facing Kayla and having the street behind my back.
"Shh pumpkin" I say, and Kayla goes back to sleep.
"Okay pumpkin is calm again" I say, but I don't get a response. I turn around to the edge of the street where Lily was standing. She's not there. I look around, but I can't see her.
"Lily?!" I yell. Hm maybe she went to the car? But why would she do that. I take the car seat and head to the car. But Lily isn't there.
"LILY" I yell again. Now more panicky. Where the hell did she go. Did she go back to the hospital? Maybe she forgot something. I'll just wait in the car and see if she comes back.
After half an hour I realize she's not here. I take out my cellphone and try to call her.
"This number blocked you"
What the hell? I must be calling the wrong number. No, no this is hers. I try again.
"This number blocked you"
Why would she block my number? I decide to call her mom. But right before I push the call button I notice a note in Kayla's blanket. I take it out.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had to do this. I'm an horrible person. But I just can't take this. I don't want to be a mother. I don't want this life. Please take care of Kayla. I love you, but I just can't live this life. I'm sorry I know I should've said this in person and not like this. But I couldn't see your face. I've blocked your number so you won't call me. I've already found a place. It's not in the us and I won't tell you where. Don't go looking for me. Move on. I've taken all the stuff in our apartment that's mine. I wrote you this note so you wouldn't file a police report or anything. I'm okay. I just don't wanna live this life. I'm sorry. Bye.

The ring is taped on the note. I can't believe this. I'm trying my hardest not to cry. But I'm failing. I don't know what to do. At least I have Kayla. The love of my life. I will take care of her. I'm never gonna leave her. I'm never gonna leave like Lily.
"I'll never leave you pumpkin, I'll protect you with my life. I love you" I tell my daughter and kiss her tiny hand.
"I guess it's just gonna be us two from now on" I start the car and start the drive home. I'm a single father. I can't do this. Can I?

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