fighting at the cemetery

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Kayla's POV

"Honey hurry up we need to leave soon!" I hear my dad shout from the hallway.
"I'm coming!" I shout back while putting on the last detail on my outfit. The bracelet my grandma gave me, not dad's mom but my real moms mom. She gave me this before she died. Told me it had been in our family for generations and she didn't know where her own daughter was so I got it instead. I asked her a lot about mom, and never got any answers. When I asked why she left me, grandma always cried and said she didn't want to answer. Grandma and grandpa wanted to be a part of my life even if my mom wasn't. It wasn't just me my mom left, it was them too. I don't know if they had any contact, not that I knew of. My dad liked being at grandmas house too. I miss grandma now, because it's thanksgiving. I wear her bracelet everyday. Only taking it off when I shower. I get my bag and then walk to the hallway. Where dad and gaga is standing.
"You look beautiful sweetheart" Gaga says with a smile that I return. Dad takes my bag and Gaga takes my hand. We walk out of the apartment and straight to the car. I notice a few paparazzis and my grip on gaga's hand tightens. When we get into the car we start to drive immediately.
"Where are we going first?" I ask.
"Picking up your grandmother" Dad says. I nod and take out my headphones. I go into spotify and scroll through my playlists. What do I want today. Bring me the horizon yes. Happy song comes on and I put my head on the window and look out. Thinking about everything. My friends, my family, school, life in general. Thinking about situations that happened and that could happen. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.
"Good morning sunflower" I hear someone whisper and I immediately know who it is.
"Grandma!" I shout and hug her.
"Hi honey" She says and kisses me on the cheek.
"Mom put your seatbelt on so we can drive" Dad says from the front seat.
"Okay drama queen" Grandma says making me laugh.
"So sunflower how are you?" Grandma asks, looking worried.
"I'm okay, just tired. But it's better now" I say, not lying too much. Things are better, but it's not okay.
"Okay good, I'm sorry I ruined your sleep" She says looking less worried. She turns away from me and start talking with Gaga and dad. I put in my headphones but I don't put on any music. I pretend to sleep. Instead I'm listening in on what they're saying.
"I need to talk to you it's important" I hear grandma say.
"What is it?" Dad asks. It's silent, I think grandma is checking if I can hear.
"Someone reached out to me. A special someone." She says, toning on the last part.
"Wait are you sure, is it really?" My dad asks with a shaky voice. It's silent again.
"Why now? Why to you? What does she want?" Dad asks.
"She said there was something she wanted, she won't stop until she gets the thing she wants. She said that she's looking for you, but that you're famous is making it both easier and harder. I guess she's doing it now after they died" Grandma says.
"No, this isn't happening. What does she want I don't understand." I hear dad say.
"I'm sorry honey, I don't know why." Grandma says.
"Kayla can't know, she can't." Dad says with an angry tone to his voice. Gaga hasn't said anything, I don't know why. But I'm pretty sure I know who they talk about. My birth mother. But why is she reaching out to my grandma, to my dads mom? And what is it she want. Is it me? Why would she want me now? I feel the car stop and pretend that I wake up. I look out the window. We're at the cemetery. Where my grandpa is buried, It's been 7 years without him now. I know it's still hard for my grandma. We walk out of the car. We get to the grave and lay down the flowers. I lay down a sunflower. That was my grandpas nickname on me. He always said that it was because I was always shining like the sun. Of course that was a long time ago that I shined with happiness. We stay there silence for a couple of minutes before we need to go. I take my dad's hand and let Gaga and grandma walk before us back to the car. I wanted to ask him about the conversation they had.
"Dad I have a confession to make" I say, he looks at me confused.
"What is it pumpkin?" He asks.
"In the car, I heard your conversation. Who were you talking about? What is it "she" wanted?" I ask and my dad freezes.
"Kayla it's not okay to eavesdrop, you know better" Dad says, sounding more scared than angry.
"Dad, was it mom? Can you please confirm if it was her you were talking about?" I ask, stopping in my tracks.
"Kayla.."He starts.
"Dad please, tell me. You've never told me anything, you didn't tell me why she left. Why would she come back now after grandma and grandpa died when she didn't talk with them either." I answer starting to cry. I know this is hurting dad. But I want to meet my mom. I want to know why she isn't a part in my life, or why dad doesn't want me to know that she's looking after him. I want to know what it is she wants and won't stop until she gets. Is it me she wants? Maybe she wants a relationship with me.
"Kayla, there's a reason why I never told you. I didn't want you to get hurt. That she's looking after me now is suspicious. I have no idea what she wants, I don't want to lose you because of her. If she is coming back because she wants you." Dad says, I can hear his voice break.
"But why aren't I allowed to have a relationship with her? I know she left you with me, but I'm sure she had a reason. Maybe she's been looking after me for a long time, maybe she's regretting it dad. Please can't you let grandma reach out to her again." I beg him, starting to get annoyed. I don't understand why he's against me getting to know my mom. If that's what she wants.
"Kayla stop. Your mom left because she didn't want to have a kid anymore. She left a note and when I turned my back she left. I saved the note, if you don't believe me. But she wasn't ready to be a mom, she didn't want to be a mom. She was an alcoholic, so was I. But when she got pregnant I changed immediately. She didn't. But I thought she was getting better, she seemed excited. But the day you were born she left. It doesn't make sense that she even remembers us now. Or that she would want to have contact with you now. I know her, I'm sure she wants something. Why would she wait until after her parents died to look after us?" My dad snapped. I was left speechless. Was this true? It was my fault she left? My dad didn't tell me the reason why she left because he protected me.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap that way" Dad says immediately regretting everything.
"If she reaches out to me, I will meet her. She's my mom. I have the right to do that." I say back with no emotion.
"Fine. But if she hurts you, I already warned you." Dad says and walks into the car. I get into the backseat and doesn't say a word. My grandma or gaga doesn't say anything. The drive is very silent. I regret fighting with my dad. But I just got annoyed. I can see that my grandma is looking like it was her fault. That she shouldn't have said anything, because there was a risk that I could hear it. I look at her and give her a smile, making sure she knows it wasn't her fault and that I'm not mad.

Bradley's POV

I didn't want to be mad at Kayla. I didn't want to tell her that her mother left because she didn't want to be a mother. I knew it was a mistake. I know Kayla's already struggling and now it feels like I made it worse. I just didn't want her to get hurt. Her mother may actually want to have a relationship with her now. I'm just so overprotective over Kayla. I don't want her to be left again. Especially not know when she's already fragile. I just hope that nothing bad will happen to Kayla. Because if she gets hurt, Lily will regret it. I won't let it happen. I just wish Kayla will listen to me.

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