school again

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"Kayla you don't have to go if you don't want" My dad says while I'm getting ready in my room. It's Friday, I came home yesterday and I already want to get back to school. I wanna meet everyone and I'm tired of being alone. Like I think I need this. My dad on the other hand does not think this is a good idea. And said I could just meet my friends after school.
"But dad I want to go" I tell him again.
"I just, you came home yesterday. Do you really think you're ready?"
"Dad, I've told you. I'm ready, I think it'll be better for me if I go to school and not push it to the future." I say, walking out of my room. Passing my dad who was standing in the door opening.
"If you say so, but I still think this is a bad idea. And I still think you shouldn't go" He says. I walk into the kitchen where gaga's sitting.
"Good morning kiddo" She says and I hug her. She made some breakfast so I take some of it and go sit next to her on the kitchen island.
"So you're going to school today?" She asks.
"Yeah, dad doesn't like it tho. But I just wanna go there and not wait. Besides, it's Friday so it's not like it's school tomorrow as well." I say and take a bite of my egg.
"That's true, and i'll go talk to your dad. You just sit here and enjoy your breakfast." She says and leaves. I don't know what she'll tell him but I think he will listen to her. Because he loves her so much.

Bradley's POV

I'm sitting on my bed with my hands in my face and elbows on my knees. I just think Kayla going back to school is a bad idea. She just got home. I hear a knock on the door and I see Stefani standing there. She's so beautiful, how did I ever get so lucky.
"Hi" She says walking towards me. I open my arms so she stands between my legs and I can hold her.
"Hi" I say back.
"I hear you don't want your daughter to go back to school" She says while stroking my hair.
"I just don't think she's ready for it yet" I say looking up to her face.
"I think you're wrong" She says and goes to sit besides me in the bed. She continues before I could answer.
"I think you're not ready to let her go away from you. You're worried. You want her near you at all times. And when she's in school you have no idea what's happening" She says and that really hits me. Because she's right. I am worried. And I'm the one who's not ready for her to go back. I just want to know that's she's okay all the time. And I want to see her, nearly losing her was the most frightening thing I've ever experienced.
"Am I right or am I wrong?" She asks, interrupting my thoughts.
"You're right" I say, looking at her.
"Tell her that while you're driving her to school. She's a smart girl, she'll understand." Stefani says and plant a kiss on my lips before leaving me again. God this woman, she's just amazing in all ways.

Kayla's POV

I just finished my breakfast when Gaga comes back into the kitchen.
"He'll drive you to school" She says with a smile. And right behind her comes dad.
"Ready to leave?" He asks and I nod. I have no idea what she told him, but I guess it worked. We walk down to the car and we both get in it. When we start driving he starts talking.
"I'm the one who's not ready for you to go back there" He says. He continues.
"I almost lost you, and I'm scared that it'll happen again. And I won't have any idea on what's happening when you're in school" He says. I'm shocked. I didn't think anyone cared so much for me, but it looks like this destroyed both gaga and my dad. I feel so horrible.
"I'm sorry dad, I didn't know this made you this worried. But I promise that I won't do anything like this again. I can text you between every class. But you should get back to work today too, so you have something on your mind" I say, and he looks at me with a smile, we're already at school.
"Okay, I will" He says. I nod and hug him.
"I'll see you after school, bye love you" I say, and open the car door.
"Bye, I love you too" He says before I close the door. I walk towards the entrance. I've never felt kind of happy on going to school. But knowing I have friends in there makes this easier.
"KAYLA" Cole shouts and run towards me.
"Hi" I say back with a weak smile. I'm still feeling weak after all the blood loss.
"Are you okay now? I missed you so much" He says and released me from his tight hug.
"Yes I'm okay now, just a little sore" I say, and notice some other people coming behind him.
"Kayla!" Millie and Kimberly says and hugs me at the same time.
"Hi" I say, and then hug the rest of our group. Michael aren't here yet.
"I'm so glad you're okay" Lilly says with a smile.
"Me too" James and Melvin says at the same time, making us other laugh. The bell rings making the group split and walking to our classes. Me, Cole and Kimberly are in the same class so we walk together.
"Just so you know, everyone knows about you nearly dying and being in the hospital" Kimberly tells me. I sigh.
"How?" I ask.
"It's all over the internet, paparazzis aren't nice people" Cole says making me roll my eyes. God I hate paparazzi. My thoughts are interrupted by our teacher who tells us what we're doing today. I feel everyone starring at me, and my arms. I look down and see that my sleeve had gone up a little exposing my bandage. I pull my sleeves down and look down on my desk. Kimberly strokes my arm, I look over at her and she gives me a sympathy smile. She noticed everyone starring.
The rest of the day passes by pretty fast. I texted my dad between every class so he wouldn't worry. Michael still hasn't showed up and it was soon the last lesson. I open my locker and a note fall out. That's weird. I pick it up and turn it around.
You can't even kill yourself, my god you're such a failure. Better luck next time<3
I gasp, there's a razor stuck on the note. I know this must be from Emily. I knew she hated me, but this is just insane. I stand there not knowing what to do. I can't tell my dad, this just proves I shouldn't have gone to school today.
"Kayla?" I turn around and see my art teacher.
"Mrs White" I say and try to hide the note but it's too late, she saw it.
"What's that?" She asks with a slight smile. Should I show her or just act like it was nothing. I'm tired of the secrets.
"I don't know I just found it in my locker" I say and give it to her. She gasps.
"Kayla this is horrible and very serious, do you know who this could be?" She asks. I shake my head.
"I'll take this to the principal.."I interrupt her.
"Please my dad can't find out! I don't want him worrying even more" She looks at me with a confusing look but then she just nods.
"But Kayla, are you okay? Please always come talk to me if you feel down and don't know what to do" She says, I nod and she leaves. God why is everything so complicated? I decide I'll go take a cigarette before class. I need this so bad.

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