Cozy nights

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The door bell rings and I shoot up from my spot in the couch. I open the door to see Cole standing there.
"Hi bitch" He says hugging me.
"Long time no see" I say with a laugh.
"Like your outfit by the way" I add.

"Thanks, I like yours as well" Cole says

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"Thanks, I like yours as well" Cole says.
"Omg the dogs" Cole says. I didn't notice that they had been running after me. He kneels down to pet them. I know that he knows it's Gaga's dogs. Like he's a fan. That's when Gaga comes in.
"You must be Cole"She says with a kind smile. Cole tried to keep his cool and just smile like an idiot.
"Yes I am, omg I'm sorry I just I need to hug you" He says and goes over to her open arms.
"No need to be sorry." She says with a laugh.
"That's cute" I say at their little meeting.
"Soo what do you two want for dinner?" Gaga asks us. We look at each other.
"Pizza" We say in unison. Then we got shocked for saying the same thing at the same time.
"You two are crazy" Gaga says with a laugh and goes back into the living room.
"Can I see your roooooom" Cole begs and I nod. His reaction was the same as Gaga's.
"It's so pretty what the hell" He says as I laugh.
"Oh I'm sorry did you think it was gonna be ugly" I say and act offended.
"No but shhh" He says and we both laugh. Gaga walks in.
"What do you want on your pizzas?" She asks.
"Pepperoni andddd?" I look over at Cole.
"Veggie" He says with a smile.
"Noted" Gaga says and leaves again.
"So before we go back into the living room. I need to ask you some questions" Cole says looking at me. I laugh and nod.
"You and Michael?"He says with a smirk.
"Okay I don't know. I think we both like each other. Don't know if we want a relationship or just cuddling. But feelings just confuse me" I say with a smile. God I've never had these kind of feelings before. I don't know if I like them.
"Hm okay. I think something should happen. You look cute together" he says and I just roll my eyes with a small smile.
"Let's ask gaga" he says and run towards the kitchen.
"NO" I say and run after him.
"Gaga"Cole says standing in front of her.
"cole shhhh" I say, trying to cover comes mouth.
"Yes Cole what is it" Gaga say with a laugh.
"Soo Kayla here.."He says but I cover his mouth again. He's stronger than me, so he hold my arms so I can't cover his mouth anymore.
"Kayla likes this guy, and he likes her back. What do you think she should do"Cole says and I mutter before releasing myself from Coles grip.
"Ohhh"Gaga says with a smirk and walks towards the living room. We follow and we go sit in the couch.
"I think you should go for it, if you like him and he likes you" She says, with her kind smile.
"We will see what happens. I'm not sure what I want" I say. Do I really want a relationship? Do I just like having someone I can cuddle with?
"So what movies have you planned for us to see?" Gaga asks.
"Mary Poppins, Mamma Mia, Finding Nemo and sinister" Cole says proudly.
"Who doesn't like a good mix" I say with a laugh.
"Musicals, disney and horror. That actually sounds amazing" Gaga says.
"Omg they should do a movie with all three of them" Cole says with an amazed expression.
"Oh god, why did you get that idea" I say laughing.
"I can just picture mickey mouse singing bang bang with a gun in his hand" Cole says back laughing even more.
"Bang bang by nicki, ariana and jessie?" Gaga asks laughing as well.
"Duh" Cole says. Which makes us laugh even more. Interrupting our weird talking session the doorbell rings.
"Must be the pizza" Gaga says standing up to take the pizzas.
"I can't believe I haven't freaked out yet, I think I'm very calm" Cole whispers with a smile.
"Yeah you're doing fine" I say with a chuckle. Sometimes I forget that Gaga is actually famous and people know who she is, because I see her as the mom person in my life.
"I've got pizzaaaa" Gaga says holding them up like she's really proud.
"Yas gaga" Cole shouts laughing and claps his hands.
"You know she lives for the applause"I say which makes Cole laugh more.
"You're silly, both of you" Gaga says rolling her eyes with a smile.

A/N:There's a lot of things going on in my life. That's why updates are going slow. But I'm trying my hardest here. I'm also slowly getting into a writers block so you know that's awesome. But I just want to thank all of you for reading! It means a lot

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