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Bradley's POV

I look next to me, seeing my daughter sleeping. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. Being at the amusement park took all of her energy. It always did. She's the prettiest girl in this world, and she's the most important person in my life. I don't know what I'd do without her. The same goes with Stefani. God I love her so much, I would do anything for her and Kayla.That's when I realize. This is probably what Kayla feels for Michael, and what he feels for her. I can't be against her dating, I can't be against her happiness. I have to be a supportive father. I haven't met Michael yet, but if Kayla likes him. I'm gonna do my best to like him too, and be nice to him. I park the car in the parking lot. Not wanting to wake Kayla up I pick her up and carry her inside. I notice some paparazzis and cover her face. She snuggles closer to me, making me nostalgic. I always carried her when she fell asleep. Never wanting to wake her up and ruining her peace. I put her in her bed and put her covers over her. I kiss her on the head then I walk out of her room. I take out my phone and I see some texts from Stefani. I get all warm and fuzzy just reading her name.

Hey honey, can you come pick me up? I miss you so much, I had a very bad day today. The pain is insane, I've done everything to make it less painful. Nothing helped. It just ended up with me and a bottle of wine. I also miss Sonja a lot today, and I just really need you right now (yeah I may be a little drunk right now but nothing serious) I love you and it's okay if you can't <3

I love her, and this is making me worried. She texted this 10minutes ago. Kayla is sleeping, but I'm putting a note in the kitchen in case she wakes up. I already have my outerwear clothes on so I just head to my car immediately. Before I start driving I text her that I'm on my way. The drive there takes around 20 minutes. I get in with the key she gave me.
"Stef?" I shout.
"In here" I hear a weak drunken shout from the room next to me. When I get in there I'm met with a little drunk Stef next to the piano and an empty bottle of wine. I smile at the view, until I see the tear stains on her face. I open my arms and she runs into them. She immediately burst into tears.
"Bradley, I missed you so much. I can't be alone, I'm weak. I'm in so much pain. I miss Sonja so much it hurts, I don't know what I'm going to do" She rambles on as she cries. I hug her closer to me, kissing the top of her head.
"I'm here now, I love you so insanely much. Come home with me and I'll take care of you" I say and she nods. I lift her up bridal style and take her into my car.
"Is there anything you need to take with you? Not clothes, you already got that at my place." I say, she shakes her head. I can see that she gots her phone so that's already with her. I get into the car and starts to drive home.
"I don't deserve you" She randomly says. Her eyes is still shut. I put my hand on her leg.
"Yeah you do, you deserve better than me. But I would never leave you. You're the person I love the most and would do anything for, and Kayla of course." I say and I can see her smiling.
"I really love you, and I really love Kayla too" She says taking my hand in hers.
"Where is Kayla by the way?" She asks now opening her eyes.
"She's at home sleeping. She fell asleep in the car on our way home from the amusement park" I say and I can't help but smile when I think about it. Stef notices.
"That's so cute" She says, now sounding more drunk than before.
"So are you, my drunk little italian" I say and she laughs.
"Speaking of Italian, my mom wants us to visit soon. She wants to meet Kayla again" She says and I nod.
"I think Kayla wants to meet her as well" I say and keep my eyes on the road.
"Right isn't it christmas soon?" Stef asks and looks like she's starting to freeze.
"Thanksgiving first, then Christmas. It's 4th of November." I say and she nods slowly. "Look, we're here" I say and she looks outside. I get out of the car and open the door to her. She thanks me with a kiss. When we walk in we do it as quiet as we can.
"Oh god Stefani you're not even walking straight." I say and try my best not to laugh.
"I'm a little drunk yes" She says, while looking completely drunk.
"Okay come here" I say and carry her bridal style into the bedroom. She kisses my cheek and I throw her carefully into bed. Making her giggle.
"Come join me"She says with both of her hands directed towards me.
"Go to sleep silly" I say and get into bed. She snuggles close to me and I wrap my arms around her. I kiss her on the head a couple of times.
"Goodnight" She says and then quickly after fall asleep. It doesn't take too long for me to fall asleep either.

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