I love Friday Nights

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Everyone in our friend group got the text from Emily. But everyone ignored it. And didn't stop hanging out with me. Im still in shock. I mean I would never do that to anyone. But I mean I'm no one. And my previous "friends" have left me because of Emily. But I guess they weren't really my friends. Why is people suddenly nice to me? Is it some kind of miracle? First Gaga, then Michael and then the others. But even though all of this is happening. I don't feel happier. I almost feel worse. And I feel selfish for it.
My thoughts are interrupted by my phone who's vibrating. It's Millie calling.
M:Hey! When are you coming?
K:As soon as Michael is here
M:Goood, well bye see you soon! Love you
K:Bye love you too!
She hangs up the phone. I put the phone back on the table and finish up with my fast sketch. Then I get up and look into the mirror. Yeah this outfit is fine. It has long sleeves so it's good. Should my hair be in a ponytail or should I just leave it out? I drag my hair up in a ponytail. No, it looks better out. I've already done my makeup. Ugh can Michael be here already. At that exact moment Michael texts me that he's outside. I put on a jacket, I double check that my cigs are in the pocket. I take my phone out of the charger and then I take my charger as well. I leave my room and I see my dad and Gaga in the couch.
"You leaving?" My dad asks.
"Yeah I'm going to Millie's" I say, while putting my shoes on.
"When will you be home?" He asks, now standing in front of me.
"Don't know, I'll text you" I say giving him a hug.
"Bye Stefkin"I shout.
"Bye Kayla" She shouts back. I get out and meet Michael outside.
"Hey" I say giving him a hug.
"Hey" He says back.
"Are you drinking tonight?"I ask.
"Not that much. Alcohol isn't good for you" He says winking at me.
"I guess, but I don't really care either" I say back with a smile.
"But I care" He says. I just laugh it off. Millie and Melvin doesn't live that far from me so we're there pretty fast. Michael just opens the door and we walk in.
"KAYLA"Millie says coming up to me and hugs me.
"Hi, you drunk?" I ask, she just smiles and then hugs Michael. Then like all the others come and hugs us. I walk into the living room where the alcohol is. I take a cup and put some vodka, sprite, cola and red bull in. It's a true witch drink but I don't care because it's good.
"I'm so getting drunk tonight" James say, mixing his own drink. I chuckle at him.
"Probably smoking some weed too, you want some?" He asks.
"Maybe" I say.
"There you are" Kimberly says coming up to James kissing him. Then she takes my cup and takes a sip.
"I love you Kayla" She says then walks out again. I sit down in the couch. We're all sitting around a table, or well yeah the alcohol. Kimberly, James and Michael comes into the room. Michael sits down next to me. He drags my legs so I have them on his lap. He's stroking my knees.
"I wanna play a game" Cole says.
"What game?"Melvin asks.
"What about truth or dare but just truth?"Lilly says.
"Let me get a little more drunk first" I say and drinking from my cup.
"Take it easy"Michael says with a laugh. I just shake my head with a smile. He's always looking after me. He doesn't like when I drink too much or smoke. Because he doesn't like that I'm hurting myself. And I don't care about myself so he says someone has too.
"Okay lets start with Cole" Lilly says.
"Shoot" He says.
"Have you ever been with a girl before?"
"No, I've been gay and I've known I was gay since day 1" He says which makes us chuckle.
"Okay, James" Cole says. James nods.
"who was your first kiss?" Cole asks which makes Kimberly look at James. She was resting her head in his lap.
"I'm being completely honest now. Kimberly was my first kiss. The others were like in preschool and I don't count them" He says, which Kimberly liked.
"Okay, Michael" James says.
"Who would you like to kiss in this room?" James asks with a smirk. Everyone looks at Michael, so do I.
"Wow, well I guess if I have to choose, Kayla" He says looking at me, I smile. I would be jealous if it were someone else.
"Okay, I'm bored with this game now. Can we play twister?" Melvin asks. Everyone agrees.We all take turns on who spins and who plays.
"Left foot on red" I say. I don't know what's funnier. Watching them play or participate. They're all twisted up. James is too drunk so he loses every round.
"I WON AGAIN" Millie shouts and does a dance.
"Lucky you" Melvin says and Millie roll her eyes.
"Now I wanna go have a smoke" Lilly says. Most people agrees. Except me and Michael. Or well. Michael didn't want me to smoke so I agreed on staying.
"You're torturing me" I whine.
"I'm sorry I care about your health" He says with a laugh. I stretch out my tongue at him.
"So, you want to kiss me?" I ask him, with a smirk.
"How drunk are you?" He asks.
"Or, will you remember this tomorrow?" He adds.
"Maybeeee" I say tilting my head. He shakes his head with a laugh.
"If you wanna kiss me, just kiss me" I say. He looks me in the eyes.
"It doesn't have to mean anything, it's just a kiss at a party" He says. I nod. He wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck. He leans in and brushes his nose against mine. I smile before he kisses my lips. It lasts for a while. I guess we both wanted that. We break the kiss and he laughs.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" He says.
"You're not the only one"I say, we're still very close to each other's faces.
"The thing I wanted the most, was just to cuddle with you tho" He says with a chuckle. I kiss him on the nose before unwrapping my arms and laying my head on his chest. That's when the others come in.
"Please say you kissed" Cole says. I just smile at him.
"Knew iiiiiiit" Melvin says excitedly. We both roll her eyes and I feel his grip tighten around my waist.
"I wanna dance" Kimberly says, and stands up. James stands up with her and they both just dance.
"I'm just gonna ignore the fact that they're slow dancing to 'don't you worry about a thing' and think that's cute"Cole says which makes us other laugh. Kimberly and James relationship is very cute. They're really taking care of each other but they're not a boring couple. They're just there. They've also been together for quite some time now.
"I just want this to happen like every friday night" Lilly says.
"I mean it can, maybe not always with alcohol but you know" Millie says.
"I'm getting tired now tho" Cole says stretching his arms. He's laying in Melvin's lap. I know Cole has a crush on him. But I don't know about Melvin.
"Okay so you know there's the couch in this living room, my parents bed, Lilly's aka the guest room bed, my bed, Melvin's bed and then the couch in our living room. Make your pick" Millie says.
"We're taking your parents room bye love you" Kimberly says while she and James walks away.
"Guest room, I know that bed is comfy" I say and get up from my position. Michael is behind me and we walk upstairs.
"Just cuddling" I say, and Michael nods.
"You're drunk, I would never do anything to you when you're not in your right state of mind" Michael says kissing the top of my head. We go into the bed and we lay close in a comfy position.
"Is this okay?" He asks, and I nod.
"Can you text my dad I'm sleeping at Millie's? I'm scared I will write like I'm drunk" I say handing him my phone.
"Well you are" He says with a slight chuckle. He writes the message and hands back the phone.
"Goodnight" He says.
"Goodnight"I mumble back.

A/N:Heyyy!Thanks to everyone who's reading my story! Do you have any suggestions for this book? On a chapter you want to see or something? So please write it cuz sometimes I run out of ideas. And I try to update as much as possible! And again, thank you for reading

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