Why do I already trust you?

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Gaga's POV
I feel for her. She needs help. But she doesn't understand it herself. She doesn't have anyone to talk with either. I really want to help her. But I don't know how. I don't want to tell Bradley yet. I don't want to ruin her trust for me yet. We're sitting in her room.
"So Stefkin, you have dogs right?" Kayla says, waking me up from my thoughts.
"Yes I do, three of them." I tell her, her eyes widen.
"Will I meet them some day?"
"Definitely, I think they will love you." I tell her. Kayla is so beautiful. She doesn't look a lot like Bradley. Which makes me assume she looks like her mom. But there's still a resemblance between her and Bradley. They both have blue eyes and brown hair.
"I saw your documentary" She tells me.
"Oh you did? What did you think?"
"I loved it. It was very personal. And I think you're very brave for publishing such a personal documentary" She tells me. That warms my heart, that she loved it.
"Thank you. You're very well spoken for being a teenager"
"I guess it's because I'm raised by my dad." She tells me with a smile.
"Yeah your dad is very good with words"
"He sure is"
I look around in her room. My eyes stop at her desk. On her drawings and paintings. She notices and walk up to her desk.
"Do you want to look on some of my work?" She asks. I nod and go up to her desk.
"These are very beautiful. You're very talented." I tell her, she does really have a gift. There's two paintings/drawings that really catches my eye. They have a deep meaning into them. They all have, but these two. They're just something extra.

 They're just something extra

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"I guess you liked those the most" Kayla says emotionless

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"I guess you liked those the most" Kayla says emotionless. I look at her. She's looking at the drawings.
"You draw with a lot of meaning." I say. She shrugs her shoulders.
"Well you're very talented." I say again, giving her some reassurance that she's good.
"Thank you. If you want, I can make you something" She says, her expression turning into a happy one instead. Which makes me happy.
"I'd love that!" I say with a smile. Which makes her smile.
"Oh I think dinner is ready now" She says, I nod at her and we leave her room.

Kayla's POV
Gaga, or Stefani, is very nice. I've never experienced this much kindness from one of dads girlfriends before. I've never opened up this much before either. I don't know what's happening with me. But I had this instant connection with her. And I trust her.
"So what did you think about Kayla's art?" My dad asks Gaga.
"It was so good, she really has a gift" Gaga says, with a smile.
"That's what i've always told her. Haven't I Kayla" Dad says. I just nod at him with a smile. I don't have the energy to talk anymore. But I know I'll have to talk or they'll think somethings up. And I don't want my dad to worry. The two of them keep talking about their movie, me joining the conversation sometimes. I can feel gaga glancing at me a couple of times.
"May I leave the table" I ask my dad when I'm done. First he looks at my plate, then he nods. I put my plate in the dishwasher and walk into my room. I want to give them some private time. I'm not in the mood for drawing, so I decide to go out for a walk.
"Where are you going?" My dad asks when I'm on my way to the front door.
"I'm going out for a walk" I say.
"Be careful" He tells me, he always say that. He's so worried that something will happen to me. I walk to the park and sit down on a bench. I sit there just looking at the people passing by, and the nature. Then I get some inspiration and quickly sketch it down. I always need to change my surroundings to get inspired. So I always carry a sketchbook with me, to just sketch an idea and then redo it later. I notice someone sitting down besides me. I don't bother to look who it is so I keep sketching.
"Kayla, right?" The person says, who sounds like it's a boys voice. The person knowing my name got be a little worried. So I look up at the person. It's a boy. Looks to be in the same age as me.
"Who are you?" I ask, confused but kind of polite.
"Michael, I go to your school" He says. No one at my school likes me, so this isn't looking good.
"Oh, I'm sorry but I don't remember seeing you" I say.
"It's okay. We've never talked before. But we do have some classes together."
"That makes me feel awful, we have classes together and I don't remember you" I say, giggling. Which he does too.
"Don't worry about it. Hopefully you'll remember me now on" He says with a smile. He's kind of cute.
"What're you doing?" He asks, glancing at my sketchbook.
"Just sketching some ideas, I came here to get some inspiration."I say looking down in my sketchbook.
"Mind if I take a closer look?" He asks. I nod. He looks at it in awe.
"Wow you're talented." He says, giving me my sketchbook back.
"Thank you" I say.
"I'm more of an writer myself." He says, taking out a note book. He hands it over and I look through it. He's good with words.
"You're very talented as well" I say, he truly is. I give it back and I can see him blushing just a little bit.
"Thank you" He says with his cute smile again. That's when my phone starts to ring. Must be my dad.
"Sorry I have to take this." I say and he just nods.
"Hi dad, what is it?"
"You do know you've been out for over an hour and you didn't answer my texts" He says in a worried voice. I look at my phone and see some of his texts.
"Sorry I forgot about the time, and I didn't see your texts"
"It's okay, you're fine right?"
"Yes ofc I am"
"Good, but can you come home now?"
"Okay, bye"
"Bye love you pumpkin"
I hang up the phone. A little disappointed. I didn't wanna leave Michael. It's the first time someone from school is talking to me in a nice way.
"I guess you have to leave." Michael says before I say anything.
"Yeah, he's a little overprotective so you know" I say.
"Okay, well I can walk you home. If you want." He asks, I nod. Trying to seem more cool than I actually am.
"So what's your living situation like" He asks me.
"My mom left when I was born. So it's just me and my dad. Or well, me, my dad and his girlfriend."
"Is she nice" He asks.
"His newest one is actually the only one who's been nice to me"
"Well that's good, right?"
"Yeah, I guess it is. And how about your living situation?"
"It's me, my 3younger sisters and my parents. They're divorced though. Only my dad has a new partner."
"How is it like, having siblings?"
"They're the people you love and hate the most. They always get one your nerves, but I still love them. And you always have someone to blame things on or someone to hangout with" He says, I've never had a sibling. Some days I wish I had one.
"Can I have your number or snapchat or anything?" He asks me.
"Yeah sure" He gives me his phone and I put in my snapchat and number. He can find my instagram himself if he's interested.
"Thank you" He says, taking back his phone.
"This is where I live. I say, looking up at apartment house.
"Oo fancy" He says, jokingly. I laugh at him.
"Well bye" I say, he gets up to hug me and I smile at him.
"Bye" He says, and walks away. I turn around and I can see that my dad is looking out from the window. Told you he was overprotective.
"Who was that?" He asked directly when I got inside.
"Friend from school" I tell him and he nods.
"No, but we recently started talking" I say and he nods again.
"So he was the reason you missed my texts?"
"And I was drawing" I say. Sitting down in the couch.
"Oh, I see" He says, sitting down next to me.
"Did gaga go home?" I ask.
"Yeah, she says she's sorry she couldn't wait for you and say goodbye." He says turning on the tv. Wow she's sorry for that?
"Well I'll see her again, right?" I ask.
"Yes you will" He says with a smile.
"Now, what do you wanna watch?" He asks, while scrolling around on netflix.
"Horror film" I say very quickly and he sighs with a smile.
"Why did I even ask" He says with a small laugh and goes into the horror movie section. He clicks on a title and looks at me for approval. Annabelle, I nod at him and he puts on the movie. I move closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me. I love these moments with my dad. But I still can't stop thinking about Michael.

I guess I need helpWhere stories live. Discover now