My little pumpkin

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Bradley's POV

I'm sitting here, waiting. To the sound of all of the machines around my little Kayla. She's laying there, it doesn't look like she's sleeping. She's just laying there, looking somewhere in between being dead and sleeping. I can't believe she did this, that she's been doing this for so long. Or I know she didn't intend to cut it so deep. It's been two days of just sitting here holding her hand, waiting. I forced Stefani to go home and sleep in a bed and then come back. She really didn't want to, but I want to take care of both my girls. She left but her mom came instead, Stef didn't want me to be alone. Cynthia is getting food, I haven't eaten very well and I didn't want Stef worrying more. So it's nice that Cynthia's here.
"I got you some food in here" Cynthia says when she comes back. She's holding a McDonald's bag.
"Thank you Cynthia" I say with a weak smile and dig into the bag.
"Bradley" She says, I look at her.
"She'll wake up soon" Cynthia says and I nod.
"I hope so, I want to hear my little girls voice again" I say looking at Kayla. Cynthia rubs my shoulder. That's when I hear heels coming closer to the room. Stef is back. I turn around and there she's standing. She hugs me and I don't want to let go. She releases and kiss me.
"Hi mom" Stef says and go to hug Cynthia.
"Kayla" Stef says and takes Kayla's hand in hers. She's sitting on the opposite side of the bed. I sit back down and continuing eating.

Gaga's POV

I'm holding Kayla's hand, wishing for her to wake up more than anything. This kid has really grown on me and I love her just as much as I love Bradley. If not more. I can see how stressed out Bradley is about this. He has rarely slept. I feel something moving in my hand. I look and see that Kayla's trying to squeeze my hand.
"BRADLEY HER HAND IS MOVING" I shout and Bradley quickly run out of the room and tries to find a doctor. They come back running.
"She's trying to wake up now, it can be a little hard but hearing you should really help." The doctor says.
"Kayla, come on pumpkin you can do this" Bradley speaks softly.
"I love you and I know you can do this" I say.

Kayla's POV

I'm hearing my dad and gaga. But I still can't wake up. I tried squeezing gaga's hand, it kind of worked but not really. Now I'm just trying to open my eyes. But they're so heavy. The worried voices are really helping. Okay come on Kayla you have to do this for your dad, for Gaga. And Cynthia is also here. I try one more time and I see a bright light. Omg did I die? Is this heaven? Not that I believe in that or that I would end up in heaven. No wait, I'm not dead. It's the hospital lights.
"She's awake" I hear Gaga's voice say. There's one more person in here and I assume it's the doctor. I can see more clearly now and not just the light and shadows. Everything is still happening so slow. Their voices is blurry and I can't say anything.
"Kayla" The doctors voice brought me back to reality. Everything is pretty clear now.
"Ye-es" I say turning my head.
"How are you feeling?" The doctor asks.
"Tired" I say, trying to adjust.
"Do you remember what happened?"
"I think I do" I say. As all the memories are coming back to me. I look over and I see gaga's sad face. I remember her trying to help me. I can't even face my dad. So I look over at Cynthia instead, I never met her before. But I've seen her in pictures and I've wanted to meet her.
"So she will stay for one more night and she'll talk with our therapist" the doctor tells my dad.
"okay, is there something I can do?" he asks.
"just be there for your daughter, but don't overwhelm her" the doctor says and my dad nods. The doctor leaves and my dad walks over and takes my hand in his.
"We'll come back" Gaga and Cynthia says before leaving the room.
"I'm sorry dad" I say,looking down at our hands.
"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault you're feeling like this" He says.
"It's not your fault either" I reassure him.
"Maybe not, but can you please try this therapy thing? And see if it helps you? I'm not good with this things, but I know Stefani is. So I'm glad we both got her. I will always be here for you, even tho I'm not the best" He says.
"I love you dad, I will try it. I want to get better, for you. And dad this wasn't meant to happen. I didn't mean to cut this deep"
"I love you more pumpkin. But you shouldn't do this at all, when you hurt yourself you hurt me. We need to get you a new coping method."
"I don't want to hurt you, I guess you're right" I say, moving my hands to scratch at my bandage.
"But whenever you feel you have to hurt yourself, tell me or Stefani. We will help you and be there for you"
"Okay" I say.
"And do you think when we get home, that you can give me the stuff you use to hurt yourself to me?" He asks again.
"Good" He says and kisses the top of my head. Gaga and Cynthia comes back. They both give me a hug.
"I'm so glad you're finally awake" Gaga says relieved.
"And I'm glad I finally get to meet you" Cynthia says with a smile.
"So am I" I answer to both of them.
"Stefani have told me so much about you" Cynthia says.
"Only good things I hope" I answer looking at gaga who smiles.
"There's only good things to say about you" Gaga says and winks at me. I roll my eyes and smile.
"I may have just met you, but you remind me of Stefani when she were young" Cynthia says. That caught me by surprise. That I even reminded of gaga a little bit was the kindest compliment ever.
"Really?" I say shocked.
"Yeah" she says.
"Is that something nice?" Gaga asks and both me and Cynthia nods.
"Mostly" Cynthia says. Then she leans over and whispers in my ear.
"Tell your dad to go rest, he has barely done that as long as you slept" I nod and looked over at my dad. He looks so tired and worried to death.
"Dad, you should go rest" I say. He looks at me confused.
"Dad, really, you look so tired and I'm okayI promise"
"If you say so" He says and goes away to the corner where there's an armchair.
"Kayla it was really nice meeting you, but I need to go.But remember you're always welcomed at my house and I hope we'll meet soon again" She says and gives me a hug.
"Thank you, so do I" I say. She leaves and now it's only me and gaga. Or well my dad too but he's already sleeping.
"Stef, I'm sorry" I begin but she cuts me off.
"No, I'm sorry. I tried to help you, I failed. I couldn't stop the bleeding" She says and sits down next to me. I grab her arm.
"No please don't beat yourself up because of this. This is not your fault. You did what you could, that's more than enough" I say, still holding her arm.
"Kayla I just, I was so worried. Seeing you like that, it was the worst thing ever. I see you as my own daughter" She says looking down at the floor. I didn't know she felt that way.
"I see you as my mom, I've never really had a mother figure. And I really want one" I say taking her hand in mine. She smiles at me and kisses my hand.
"I'm here now, and I'll try to be the best mother figure you deserve"

A/N:OMG IM SO SORRY!! I didn't think it would take me this long to update. Like this is insane. I wanted to do a christmas chapter but that didn't happen. I think I'm going to try write a new years chapter maybe. But I'm a little confused on which month I'm at in this book right now but oh well. Thanks for reading<3 (btw the picture at the top is one of my own drawings)

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