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                               your last
                           chapter two

I'd like to think of this as a learning

A mistake I'll never make again. Ever. And I can look on this particular event with a positive outlook; learning from my mistakes and never repeating them.

But, for once, it's not just me who's involved.
Unfortunately- and I shutter at the thought- Klaus Mikaelson happens to undoubtedly be the father of the child I'm carrying, and as much as I hate to admit it, he deserves a part in his child's life. Still, Klaus Mikaelson, a father?

The concept is so utterly ridiculous that I almost laugh. If I could, I'd keep him out of this completely. I want him gone. Don't I?

But that's not my decision to make.

For this baby to grow up fatherless- that's even worse than having a shit father such as Klaus Mikaelson. This baby deserves to know who their father is, and in this scenario, unfortunately, I can't see any good coming from that.

Assuming, of course, that he'll want the baby.
Which, of course, he won't. He'll probably tell me to run off and take care of the baby on my own. Or, even worse, deal with the problem on his own.

I shudder at the thought.

One day, and I'm already attached to the bean-sized object planted in my womb. Funny. I never believed the stories they told about mother's connection with their children until now.

Klaus deserves to be in his child's life.
There. I said it. He deserves it. Because it was as much his mistake as it was mine. Of course, I slept with a thousand-year-old hybrid, but that's besides the point.

That's why I booked a flight to New Orleans, leaving in three hours, as soon as I got the news. Trying not to think, I took a cab to the airport, boarded my flight, and regretted it for hours.

And here I am. Pregnant with a hybrid baby, about to spring the news on the immortal baby daddy, and trying not to cry as I think about all the possible scenarios that could come from this.

A child. Inside of me. The thought is ridiculous. As a vampire, I was habituated to the thought of never being able to have children. I still am. So, when I found out I was pregnant, it took me awhile to get used to the idea. Of course, I'm not entirely ready for this. I might never be.

Now or never. I breathe in, breathe out.
Outside the airplane window, there's clouds, dancing carelessly in the wind. I envy that kind of freedom- unbound, floating.

I've never really been outside of Mystic Falls until now. I have everything I need there- what more could I possibly want?

Until now, of course. Now I need more.

I wonder what New Orleans is like. There must be a reason Klaus adores it so much- I trust his taste in cities. Attempting to distract myself from the task at hand, I float into a distant thought train, trying hard to think about New Orleans.

I haven't booked myself a hotel yet. Crap.
I assumed that once I sprung the news on Klaus, he'd let me stay, but I'm not planning to tell him immediately. Maybe in a week or so. He'll need to get used to me first. I have to make sure telling him is the right decision.

Quickly, I dial a hotel in the general centre of New Orleans, negotiating myself a room. My whole body buzzes with both excitement and nervousness.

Should I drop off my things first? No. No, I'll need to talk to him as soon as possible. What if he doesn't want me anymore? Or the baby?

Drawing in a shaky breath, I check my watch. We should be landing any minute now.

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now