tumbling down

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                                   your last
                             chapter seven
                              tumbling down

  "Where have you been?"
Her voice is deadly smooth; thick with her usual British accent, but harsh, as if laced with poison. I'm taken back by her sudden interest in my location, given that she don't blink an eye when I left.
  My cheeks burn red as I attempt to avoid her question.
  "Why do you care?"
She rolls her eyes, huffing angrily. Rebekah Mikaelson mad is a usual thing- one that I've seen multiple times before- but every time, it seems to scare me. This time provides no exception.
  "We've got eyes all around New Orleans. And one of our spies caught you leaving Kate's house not half an hour ago. So, kindly, I'd appreciate if you told us what in the bloody hell you were doing with a witch."
  I shrug, pursing my lips. I can feel myself blushing, but hope that doesn't give me away.
  "It's none of your business," I start to say, but I'm abruptly interrupted by her eyes, forcing her gaze to lock into hers.
  Her pupils dilate. Oh god, she's compelling me. Nothing good can come from this.
  Did I forget to take vervain this morning?
I mentally kick myself, drawing in a shaky breath.
  "Are you or your friends plotting something against me or my family?" She asks, cautiously wording her sentence.
  I can feel the compulsion pulling words from out of my throat. It bubbles up from inside of me, like a burp.
  "No," I say, simply.
She seems satisfied with that, but does not hesitate to ask another question, narrowing her eyes.
  "What were you doing with Kate, then?"
I bite my lip, trying hard not to answer. But I can feel my response bubbling up, up, until I can't hold it back anymore.
  She'll find out and send me home.
I won't even be able to tell Klaus. He won't even ever know why I'm here. Alright. Maybe I can divert my answer?
  "I was looking for information," I say, trying hard not to reveal too much. That's a vague understatement of the truth- but in reality, I was looking for information.
  She glares at me.
  "Information about what?"
And there it is. There's no avoiding this question. I'm on the verge of tears- I shouldn't be this emotional. Damn hormones.
  And, suddenly, I feel something bubbling up inside of me. But it sure as hell isn't from compulsion.
  Using vampire speed, I duck under Rebekah's arm, flaming my palm over my lips, trying to stop myself from puking all over their floor.
  Sprinting to the bathroom, I choke, pressing my lips shut. And, finally, after what seems like forever, I reach the bathroom, and puke last night's dinner in the toilet.
  Alright. So, maybe pregnancy symptoms start today instead of next week. Convenient.
  I throw up a few more times before finally flushing the toilet, keeping my face in the toilet bowl in case my stomach pulls any more tricks.
  I hear footsteps behind me. Damn it. I forgot about Rebekah. Cautiously, she walks beside me, and I avoid her gaze, wiping my mouth with my sleeve.
  She purses her lips.
She knows something's up. Vampires can't get sick. That's a well known rule.
  She mumbles something under her breath before helping me up, her sour mood suddenly gone.
  Her gaze meets mine.
  "What's wrong with you?"
Maybe it's the hormones. Maybe it's her soft, almost soothing tone, and the fact that I've been keeping this information to myself for almost four days, but suddenly, everything comes tumbling down.
  I break down in tears, reduced to a sobbing heap on the floor. All she can do is sit in front of me, looking genuinely confused, her eyebrows furrowed.
  And, after awhile of silence, and my occasional sobs, I let out a miserable laugh, keeping my eyes trained on the floor.
  "I'm pregnant."
  Rebekah didn't believe me at first.
I mean, who would? I'm a vampire. It's physically impossible for me to have any kind of baby. But, as impossible as it seems, this is happening. I try to explain to her everything Kate told me, calmly, seated on the bathroom floor of her manor.
  Of course, excluding the part where I tell her that it's her niece that I'm carrying. I'll get to that later today.
  She tries to act like she understands.
But, in reality, she's conflicted, confused, and genuinely concerned.
  After a while, she starts asking questions, and I answer as best as I can. Questions normal humans would ask normal humans.
  How far along are you?
  When are you due?
  Girl or boy?
I can only answer some of them, but I try my hardest, and she's appreciative. I think.
  And then, at one point, the big question that I've been crossing my fingers that she didn't ask.
  "Who's the father?"
She asks almost innocently. I told her the father was a hybrid- which probably makes the most likely suspect Tyler. But I don't want to lie to her. Not when I'll tell Klaus about this soon enough.
  I take a deep breath.
  "Klaus," I mumble, but it comes out as soup. She purses her lips, raising an eyebrow.
  "I'm sorry?"
I bite my lip, lacing my fingers in front of me.
  "Klaus," I say, louder.
  She seems to get it this time.
Her eyebrows furrow, confused, and she backs away from me, scrunching her nose. Then, suddenly, her mood changes, and she's surprised; her eyebrows raised, her head to the side. And, finally, acceptance, and she looks at me with both sympathy and confusion.
  "Wait. So you and my brother...?"
She asks, hesitantly. I can't imagine how awkward it must be talking about this for her, but if it is, she doesn't show any signs.
  I laugh under my breath.
  "It was a one-time thing." Then I realize I worded it to make it sound like it was a one night stand. "He promised to leave and never come back in exchange for my... confession or whatever."
  She laughs at that, still in shock. I look over and realize she's beaming, her eyes glossy.
  "This is actually happening. Oh, god."
She draws in a shaky breath, helping me to my feet in silence.
  "Does he... know?"
I shake my head, chuckling.
  "That's why I came here. To tell him. I'm planning on telling him... soon."
  She seems satisfied that she knows about her niece before Klaus does, and, giddily, she takes my arm, leading me to my room, excitedly jabbering about how much fun it will be to be able to have a baby around.
  Her reaction was unexpected, but kind. And, as much as it scared me, I'm glad to have someone I can talk to about all this.
  Now I just need to tell Klaus.
a/n: crappy ending I know but ungh the show needed more rebekah / caroline they would've been such an iconic duo

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