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your last
chapter twenty three

I've been on three plane rides within two months. Each to different places- magical, gorgeous places that I'd never imagine going. You'd think that I'd grow sick of plane rides. They're long; boring. But I've spent my entire life dreaming of one day riding an airplane in the sky, and every time we take off, I can't tear my eyes off the window. It's a fascinating concept to me. Giant hunks of metal, floating in the sky, carrying what could be hundreds of people. And so I try not to take airplanes for granted.

Klaus, however, is quite the opposite. As someone who travels often, he's seen transport in it's lows and highs, and air is the most fast and convenient mode of travel. He's absolutely bored every time, falling into a half-slumber dream-like state, with his eyes closed but still conscious.

This time, though, is different. We spend the entire ride talking, about anything, really. He's reluctant to open up. For a good reason. But I'm confident that I'll crumble his walls over time and eventually, he won't get angry whenever I ask him a personal question.

Not that I answer personal questions. Which is considerably fair. But I suppose we haven't gotten to that level yet. Hypocritical, maybe.

A gasp slips through my lips as I feel a rising in my stomach. At first, I think it's morning sickness, which is thankfully over, but after much thought, I realize that it's merely the plane landing. Klaus laughs at my expression.

We spent our last day in Hong Kong doing exactly what we did the three days prior, exploring the town, forgetting that we were leaving that night. I'm disappointed that we have to go, but I'll be able to see Matt, who I've missed dearly, and Klaus promises me that we'll return sometime soon.

Now, it's dark. A moonless night. An dewy glow fades upon our skin; illuminated by the artificial lighting of the airplane. Klaus's eyes are closed, but I can tell he's awake due to his steady breathing. I'm wondering if this man ever sleeps- he's in a constant state of alertness.

The plane lands with a jolt, and Klaus's eyes flutter open. It's nearly eleven in the morning in Hong Kong. While we weren't there for long, I'm strongly habituated to the time zone, and I haven't slept a wink.

Klaus sits up with a groan, his lips pursed. Together, we make our way out of the plane, trudging mindlessly into a taxi and driving home in absolute silence. I almost fall asleep a total of twelve times, woken only to the loud noise of cars honking. Classic New Orleans, as I've unfortunately learned.

It's almost dream-like as we open the door to the Mikaelson mansion, stumbling inside like two very drunk teenagers. Unfortunately, Klaus is most definitely not a teenager, and I am definitely not drunk. And won't be for another seven months, much to my dismay.

Usually when we come in late at night, it's dark and silent. Kol occasionally likes to blast heavy metal in the basement for the sole purpose of annoying us all, but other than that, Elijah and Rebekah each keep to themselves. Today, though, we enter to a loud male laugh and a feminine giggle. Rebekah. Rebekah giggles?

I immediately recognize Matt's soft tone, sobering automatically, and perk up. I try to listen closer and see where they are so I can come say hello, but they must beat me to the chase, because I can hear Matt's heavy footsteps coming closer.

I look down. Shit. I forgot I was showing. The shirt I'm wearing does definitely not conceal the bulge where the baby is, and it'll be impossible to explain it. Vampires can't gain weight, plain and simple. Well, I suppose pregnancies are the one exception.

Matt's impish grin is the first thing that greets my vision in the heavy darkness of the mansion. It's astonishing how much I realize I've missed him when I finally see his face. His cerulean blue eyes. His gelled blonde hair. While we're not together anymore- and I don't intend on ever getting back together- he's still my best friend, and I still want the best for him.

"Care!" Matt exclaims, walking over to me awkwardly with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Rebekah appears behind him, her eyes wide at my protruding stomach which Matt has apparently not noticed yet.

He envelops me in a hug, wrapping me in his warm arms. I gladly return the embrace. As much as I'd love to forget about my life in Mystic Falls, Matt is one aspect I don't intend on forgetting.

"Matt! How are you?"

He ignores my question, pulling back and grinning wildly. His eyes travel down, down...

"Care..." he starts, hesitantly. I brace myself mentally, prepared for the worst. "Are you pregnant?"

I don't answer at first, scrunching my nose and covering my stomach with one hand. Klaus must sense my discomfort, because I feel his presence behind me, tall and protective.

"And what is he doing here?" Matt asks, slowly, referring to Klaus. I wince again.

Klaus's gaze meet mine. We both remain silent, our eyebrows furrowed. I admire the lack of disgust in Matt's tone, seeing his distaste for the supernatural or vampires.

"Are you guys..." he begins, swallowing. "Together?"

"No," I blurt immediately, regaining my composure. Klaus narrows his eyes, thrown off. Sure, we've had some unofficial fling going on. But I'm sure he thinks nothing more of it.

Klaus looks absolutely enraged. I'll deal with that later.

"No," I repeat, more sure this time. "But... yeah, I'm pregnant. And I know it's impossible, so don't ask."

I brace myself for his criticism, snarky remarks. But they never come.

"That's amazing, Care," he exclaims, pulling me into his embrace once again. "Is that why you left? What you were doing in Hong Kong?"

I still haven't told him Klaus is the father. He assumes I'm here to visit him. Of course. Matt is decently smart, but not smart enough to figure this out.

"No. I was in Hong Kong for... other reasons," I clarify, earning a death glare from Klaus. Matt purses his lips.

"How long have you known?"

I look down at my feet.

"Two months."

Matt raises his eyebrows at that, surprised.
He hesitates a moment before asking his next question, clearing his throat.

"Who's the dad?"

I assume he thinks it's Tyler. Because we were together a while before I found out I was pregnant. But it's most definitely not Tyler who's the father, and I'm positive of that.

My eyes meet Klaus's. And my gaze travels back to Matt. He deserves to know what's going on.

"Klaus," I mumble, certain that his human ears can't hear my voice. He raises his eyebrows, confused.

"Klaus," I repeat, more certain of my words. For a moment, I look at Klaus, who wears a smug smirk proudly. Damn him.

Matt raises his eyebrows. Hesitantly.

"Wait, you guys have..." he trails off, and I nod, blushing wildly. "Oh. So that's why you're here."

A brief moment of guilt. He thought I was here for him. And partly, I was. Just not entirely.

"Sorry," I say, not entirely sure what for.

"Don't apologize," Matt says finally, smiling so hard his eyes narrow. "I'm here for you, Care. I'll always be here for you."

And just like that, it's like we were never apart.
a/n: I don't really like season 7-8 matt but before that matt is good. don't like him as a character but like him with rebekah- stebekah is also alright but mabekah is literally the best

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now