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                                  your last
                              chapter ten


How I've missed the feeling of fresh air, the sound of nearby traffic, the rush of danger that follows finally being outside.

I breathe in, absorbing my surroundings one last time before being dragged back into the stuffy mansion- in which the smell of blood will probably make me go insane and puke a bunch more- where all I have to talk to realistically is Rebekah. Sure, we're not a dynamic duo yet, but we're getting there. She makes a considerable amount less of sarcastic per hour.

Rebekah rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest- obviously not amused. I smile sheepishly.

"You've got to stop going outside without my permission," he decides, her tone hard.

I roll my eyes. "I will do what I want. And I want to go outside. I haven't been out there for a week."

She softens a little at that, pressing her lips in a line. "Next time, ask me first. I'll accompany you." Surprised, I don't talk at first, but not, giddy inside. My plan of telling Klaus within the next few days fell out the window- it's been three days since that deadline expired. Every time I try to work up the courage to walk to his room, I chicken out and back away.

'Telling him will ruin your relationship,' the voice in my head tells me every time. And every time, I listen. But this has gone on far too long.

Squaring my shoulders, I change the subject, looking straight into Rebekah's eyes.

"I'm telling him today," I decide before I can change my mind.
"Do you think he's going to be mad?"

I didn't mean for that to come out so scared. Curious, maybe, or confident. But fright is never something I'll show to other people, unless I know them well or trust them.

Rebekah meets my gaze in the mirror from where she braids my hair.

"Honestly?" She asks rhetorically, her fingers dancing across my scalp. "Yes. I don't want to worry you, but I want you to be prepared."

Her words just send another wave of guilt and fright through my system. I give her a tight-lipped nod, my eyes drifting back to my reflection.

I'm supposed to start showing soon. I've hit the one-month-and-three-weeks mark, and most women start showing at two months. Of course, everything about this pregnancy is unpredictable, but I'm basing my knowledge off human pregnancies, seeing as most symptoms have been human so far.

  On that note, I've stopped throwing up.
Alright, that's a lie. I've stopped throwing up as much. Maybe twice a day now, at most, and only when I smell something that triggers nausea- in other words, blood.

We've been trying to get blood into my system. And succeeding, relatively. Rebekah adds almost a cup of sugar before it smells anywhere near edible, and even then, I wrinkle my nose at the scent. Luckily, no one else in the house has been here to witness my abnormal drinking habits.

Klaus is off trying to figure out what's happening to me. Or, correction: what was happening to me. As in it's over, for all they know. Elijah accompanied him, eager to finally get out of the house.

And, of course, Kol is still here, but doesn't really leave the basement, and even when he does, he does nothing but comment on my dreadful appearance, to quote. Luckily for him, Klaus isn't here to overhear Kol say that.

Still, my blood consuming habits and Kol are the least of my problems. Smack dab in number one is the one thing I can't stop thinking about- Klaus. Or, telling Klaus, for that matter. He's going to hate me forever.

Still no interactions with Klaus. I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing.

Rebekah must notice my bad mood, because she furrows her eyebrows, concern clouding her eyes.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine."

Those are by far the most encouraging words I've heard her utter. Ever. Which, come to think of it, is a discouraging thought on its own.

Not entirely convinced, I nod, staring at my interlocked fingers. My skin feels clammy; sweaty.

"I called Nik," Rebekah says, swiftly changing the subject to something less sentimental. "He'll be here late at night. You can tell the rest of the family when you wish."

Again, and nod. Rebekah has, strangely enough, been a huge help throughout this entire process. Without her, I'd probably still be in my room, crying about how I have to tell Klaus soon. Oops. That's happening anyway.

Trying to distract myself, I make conversation.

"What do you think your family will think of me?"

Rebekah meets my gaze, biting her lip.

"Elijah is very fond of you. He appreciates how you bring out the better side of Nik. But, he is extremely skeptical of your relationship and feelings for him. Kol, on the other hand, does not give a damn. He'll take it as an opportunity to mock Nik at any moment possible."

I sigh quietly, not particularly wanting to imagine how Klaus will take that.

"And you?"

She's quiet at first, but smiles genuinely- a rare feat for her. I appreciate it.

"I think you make my brother happy, and that this... baby will be a chance at a fresh start for him." Then, her voice softens, and she looks at me from under her lashes. "And I think you should give him a chance."

I scoff, crossing my arms.

"Yeah. No," I refuse, not entirely believing my own words. At that, Rebekah grins, her eyes drifting back to the intricate braid on the back of my head.

"You've already slept with him. There's no denying the fact that you two have something going on."

I roll my eyes, not particularly wishing to keep talking.

"Had something going on. Now, my only priority is..." I gesture towards my stomach, "this big guy."

She scoffs, finishing off the braid and placing her hands firmly on my shoulders.

"He'll be back in an hour. How do you feel?"

How do I feel? It's a simple question. But, as soon as the words leave her mouth, my entire body freezes, and something flutters at the bottom of my stomach.

"Nervous," I manage to choke, suddenly unable to speak. She smiles, putting my braid in front of my shoulder.

"Don't be. Being nervous won't help you."

I don't immediately feel better, but as she starts talking about something else- I don't hear what- something lifts inside of me, and an eerie calm falls over my body.
a/n: kind of a filler chapter but skskdk I'm so excited for Caroline to tell him :) and I promise you it'll happen next chapter! stay tuned

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now