and so it starts

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                                 your last
                           chapter eight
                           and so it starts

  It's been an hour since I told Rebekah.
An hour of hushed conversations, trying to contain our wild excitement, although we know no one else is in the house. I can admit that it's nice being able to talk about this with someone. I suppose I just didn't imagine it'd be with Rebekah.
Suddenly, it seems that our relationship has skyrocketed- she's always wanted to be human, and a child is just about as human as it gets. A child. As much as this seemed surreal before, now that I'm experiencing real pregnancy symptoms, it's realer than ever. Over the past hour, I've puked a total of seven times- each time, Rebekah helps me through it, holding my hair back and whispering encouragements despite her disgusted tone. Nothing has changed there.

I waddle around the room, the aftertaste of puke lingering on my tongue. Gross. After experiencing this, why would women decide to have yet another child? I can't imagine ever wanting to go through this again.

Rebekah supports my shoulder, noticing my pale pallor and wincing as she helps me into my bed. Suddenly, blankets feel like heaven on my skin. I was scared about being ousted about my pregnancy before today. Little did I know.

  "So," Rebekah starts, trying to get my mind off of vomiting. Her expression is still a little disgusted, but frankly, after what she just witnessed, I can't blame her. "When are you going to tell my brother?"

Her words shouldn't scare me as much as they do. A shiver runs down my spine, and I clench my jaw, staring at my fingers, laced delicately on my lap. I swallow audibly.
  "I don't know."

My voice has almost left my body. I sound so frail; weak, probably, from all the continuous puking. My gaze travels to my fingers.
  "I'd appreciate if you didn't tell him. For now."

I expect her to huff, or respond with a sarcastic comment but eventually comply. Instead, she cocks her head, furrowing her eyebrows, and nods slowly. My eyebrows raise slightly in surprise.

  "What are we going to tell them?"

At first, I don't understand where she's going with her words. Tell them what? I thought we just agreed that we wouldn't tell them anything. But then I remember that vampires don't get sick, and that I've just vomited multiple times in the toilet and appear nowhere near healthy.

  "I don't know. That I'm... sick. Or something."

She doesn't answer. She doesn't need to.
For a while, it's silent, just the occasional glance between us and slight smiles. It's oddly comforting, having someone near me that understands what I'm going through. I forget that she's Klaus's brother, and one thousand years old, and for a split second, it's just two seventeen year old girls, sitting together.

  Then she speaks, and it's gone.

"I still don't understand how this is possible."

I let out a frustrated sigh, biting my lip, my gaze meeting hers.

"I don't either." Then, I raise my eyebrows, swallowing loudly. "Kate thinks it has something to do with the fact that Klaus is a hybrid. She's probably right."
  She's definitely right. Vampires have been having sex for thousands of years- what makes me think that I'd be the exception to the 'no babies' rule? Werewolves, however, are free to have babies. I'm not different. It's Klaus that's special.

Rebekah must see the disappointed expression on my face, and attempts to lighten the mood, one eyebrow raised.

"They're back."

I let out a shaky sigh, adjusting my position so that I'm lying comfortably in my bed. I shouldn't have to throw up for another ten minutes, more or less. I should be fine- for now.

Rebekah sends me a sympathetic glance, then speeds out of the room, the silence following eerily quiet. I try to listen in on what's going on downstairs, but they speak in whispers, and I can only make out bits and pieces.

"What do you mean, she's sick?"

Klaus's angry tone is the first thing that I hear. I can almost see his expression.

"We don't know what's wrong. She's been throwing up all afternoon."

And then Rebekah's soothing whispers, thick with false worry. She adds the last part- something I probably should have reminded her to tell them.

I hear a growl, and inaudible conversation. Gradually, their words become louder, and I can make out full sentences.

  "Let me see her."

I take note that Klaus doesn't ask for permission- instead, he demands, and as a result, he gets what he wants. Unfortunately for him, though, Rebekah's the same way.


Her voice is hard; stubborn. Klaus lets out a low, throaty growl.

"You will not talk down to me. Let me see her!"

This time, Klaus's voice is laced with pure rage, and for a moment, I'm scared he'll dagger Rebekah again. Luckily, though, his words become quiet and threatening.

"You will let me see her, sister."

Silence. They're probably exchanging moody sibling eyes. This can't get out of hand. I don't want Rebekah and Klaus quarrelling because of me.

I wince at the soreness of my throat, push the sheets off my legs, and stand up. A floating sensation comes over my body as I drift down the stairs, my feet padding gently against the carpeted stairs.

I realize how ridiculous I must look; pale and withdrawn, sporting a white nightgown. They might mistake me for a ghost.

I reach the bottom of the stairs.
Just as I predicted, Klaus and Rebekah are face to face, each growling softly. Klaus looks livid; prepared to snap her neck at any instant.

I take another step, and the stair creaks. Everyone's gaze immediately snaps to me, their eyes concerned. Klaus looks positively worried.

Rebekah hurriedly rushes to my side, taking my hand and trying to lead me up the stairs. I shake my head.

"What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting," she pushes, helping me up the stairs. However, I refuse to tear my gaze away from Klaus's.

"I heard yelling," I mumble, and Klaus's jaw ticks, guilt manning his expression.

"That was just Nik," Rebekah snorts quietly, pushing me up another step. "Don't worry. Get back to bed."

Klaus's bright turquoise eyes glaze over, and he shows no sign of emotion. My gaze hardens, and I look away and reluctantly follow Rebekah up the stairs.

As soon as I reach the top step, I hear Klaus's pained sigh, and his slow footsteps leading away from the stairs.
a/n: what do you think is a reasonable chapter word length? I usually do 2000-3000 words but I want to do more. would you rather a lot of short chapters or a few really long chapters?

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