don't believe

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                                 your last
                         chapter twelve
                            don't believe

  I wake up like every other day.

My arms outstretched, hair spread in a fan around my cheeks, exhaustion clouding my thoughts. Sunlight streams through the frosted glass window, welcoming me to a new day.
  The first day of November.

I enjoy a twisted moment of peace, a knot at the bottom of my stomach reminding me of yesterday's events.

After the heated conversation with Klaus, he still didn't believe me, insisting that it wasn't possible and left to see a witch late at night, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I cried for a long time.

Nevertheless, today, I'm fully healed- or as healed as I need to be- and ready to start a new day. A day where I don't have to stress about telling Klaus. Because I already did. Now, I just need to wait for him to confront me- or vice-versa.

I groan, pulling my fingers through my hair at an attempt to tame the wildly messy curls falling down my shoulders. After a long minute, I surrender, pulling my hair into a quick messy bun and walking down the stairs, wiping my eyes nonstop.

Rebekah is the first to notice me.

First, her eyebrows draw to the centre of her forehead- concerned, isn't that sweet- and her eyes widen, almost asking a question. I shake my head, telling her to leave it alone, but she walks over to me at vampire speed, inpatient.

"What happened? Where's Nik?" She asks frantically, her hands on my shoulder. Then, softer, "How did it go?"

Luckily, Elijah and Kol are either not listening or don't care, because they sit at the edge of the room, sipping coffee. Elijah sports a simple black tux, whereas Kol's entire body is covered in a fuzzy cerulean bathrobe and matching slippers. He cocks an eyebrow at me.

Rebekah shakes my shoulders.

"What did he say? What happened?" She asks, clearly waiting for an answer. I shake my head again.

"Not now, Bekah."

She sighs, not quite accepting defeat but understanding that now is not the time.

"Fine, then. Coffee?" She beams, as if today is the most normal day in the world. It could be.

I smile back, waltzing to the kitchen in record time and pouring myself a cup of coffee. Rebekah seas herself next to Kol and Elijah, and I follow, taking occasional sips out of the mug in my hands.

I enjoy a good fifteen seconds before someone brings up Klaus.

"Where's Nik this fine morning?"

Kol asks his question almost innocently. If only he knew how much Rebekah and I would take that to heart.

Rebekah shoots him a glare.

"I don't know," Rebekah lies smoothly.

Kol looks at me almost expectantly, as does Rebekah. Elijah sits still, sipping some unknown liquid from a mug.

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now