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                                  your last
                          chapter sixteen

  We don't come back until late at night.

Unbelievably lost in each other, we refused to tear apart until the clock struck twelve, much to our discontent. But, reluctant as we were, we separated, keeping as much contact between us as possible.

We didn't speak in the taxi drive, our fingers intertwined, each of us trying hard to surprise the splitting smiles we both wanted to break out. But, we kept our composure, entering the mansion politely and quietly.

I didn't expect him to be so... polite. Charming. Patient. He was unbelievably kind, and gentle- and still is, for that matter.

"Goodnight," he whispers, and something inside of me drops. He's leaving? But, as much as I want to be disappointed, I understand and agree.

"Goodnight," I mumble, lost in his features, and turn, expecting to pad all the way to my room. I don't expect his hand to reach on my shoulder, spinning me around rapidly, my giggles filling the hallways.

He presses a long, lingering kiss to my lips. As if he doesn't want to let me go. I feel the same way.

And, quietly, we go our separate ways.
I wake to the feeling of pure bliss.

I was expecting myself to be absolutely guilty about the events from the night prior- but, try as I might, I'm overjoyed at the freedom that follows. I sit up immediately- a rare feat for me.

Quickly, I stumble out of bed, scrambling to apply my makeup and do my hair as quick as possible, desperate to get downstairs. What the hell is wrong with me?

Just as I'm about to run downstairs, my bedroom door creaks open. Knock much? At first I think it's Klaus, but when I hear the sweet cough that is strictly Elijah, I stiffen.

Perfect. The protective brother talk.

"Caroline," he says, nodding in my general direction. He wears a suit- casual attire for the sophisticated Original. I nod back, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Elijah," I whisper. "What... are you doing here?"

He steps towards my bed, raising his eyebrows.

"My brother is in an unusually good mood this morning." Then, tilting his head towards me, "I have reason to believe that you are the source of his happiness."

I swallow. Audibly.

"Please understand that I don't mean to be condescending. I'm just trying to help you understand that whatever route you plan on taking, I assure you, you should be absolutely certain of your decision before acting."

And then, with furrowed eyebrows;

"And if you plan on running, we understand, and I myself will try and aid you in your survival."

I bite my lip. Running? Turning Elijah against his family? I'm not planning on it.

"Thank you, Elijah. But I'm not planning on running."

He seems surprised at that, but absolutely relieved. The tension in the room dissolves.

"Very well then. Are you sure? This is a commitment for eternity."

I gulp. Eternity is a long time.

"I'm not going to commit to anything just yet. I'll decide as I go, and eventually, I'll make a decision." I meet his worried gaze. "Soon."

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now