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your last
chapter seventeen

Klaus has been gone all day.

For what reason, I don't know. Perhaps he doesn't love me anymore, and is running away from me, and the baby. Not even three months in. Bravo, Caroline.

I didn't get to see him this morning due to an unexpected but appreciated visit from Elijah, much to my discontent. After last night's activities, I was hoping we could talk a little. Get to know each other.

But now he's gone.

It upsets me that something is more important than me this morning- a day that should be strictly reserved for me, as selfish as it is. But, truthfully, I should come to terms with that fact that he is a very, very old Original hybrid and has a social life that doesn't strictly revolve around me.

I bite my lip, my eyes stealing lingering glances out the window, searching for Klaus's car. He should be back soon, as the sky's just turning orange at the edges.

I've been looking so much at the road that the fact that he could have walked completely skipped my mind. So, when I hear the front door open, I give myself a mental kick, my heart pounding.

Should I go downstairs, or wait for him to come?

After a brief period of thought, I decide to wait for him to come to me. I don't want him to see me as a clingy girlfriend.

Why do you care what he thinks? You're not his girlfriend. You're not his anything.

I sit crossed-legged on my bed, fiddling with my fingers. Please come upstairs. Please come upstairs.

So, when I hear the faint knocking at my bedroom door, I practically scream with excitement, hurriedly tiptoeing to the door.

I rush to pull it open while managing a casual composure, smoothing my hair rapidly. And, immediately, there stands Klaus Mikaelson.

His hair is wet from the pouring rain outside, dripping down his neck and behind his ears. Strawberry blonde curls bounce down his skin, and he smiles impishly, looking at me from under his lashes. He appears absolutely soaked.

What catches my attention, though, is the bouquet of white roses he carries. At least thirty- intricately designed, with a card stuck in the middle of the bundle. His eyes meet mine.

Childishly, he sticks his hands out, placing the flowers in my hands. It's almost ridiculous to see him like this- nervous, romantic. It's almost relaxing. Finally. A side to him that isn't completely composed.

Still, he doesn't look nervous at all as I take the flowers, unsure whether to look at him or the bouquet. Finally, I decide on him, smiling genuinely and hugging the bundle of flowers closer to my chest.

"Good morning," he whispers, and I grin.

"Good morning."

For a while, we don't say anything, just beaming wildly and staring intensely into each other's eyes.

Until Kol decides to interrupt- quite rudely, may I add.

"Just say something already," he says, poking his head out of his bedroom door. "This is exhausting to listen to."

That's all it takes to sour both of our highs, and he both glare daggers at him. Klaus opens his mouth to say something, but I beat him to it.

"Then, by all means, Kol, don't listen."

Kol just sends me a sneaky smirk before disappearing into his room. Now I remember why we killed him.

I forget about Klaus, the 1000-year-old hybrid standing directly in front of me, until he speaks again, and I'm almost immediately immersed in him again.

"How was your day?" He asks, politely. Always the gentleman. He appears flustered, the tips of his ears burning red. Klaus Mikaelson, flustered? God, I broke him.

I open my mouth, but when no sound comes out, I snap it shut, quickly regaining composure.

Perfect now that you're here.

"Fine," I say briefly, shifting my weight. Can't appear too eager. He smiles at that, his gaze falling to the floor.

"I'm glad to hear it."

There's a quick moment of silence between us, not awkward, but comfortable. Suddenly, his expression shifts from giddy to serious, and he draws in a breath.

"Caroline, there's... business that awaits me in Eastern Europe. I'll be flying there tomorrow, and staying for two weeks." My stomach drops, and my eyes meet his. He's going to be gone, for two weeks? He'll miss important parts of the pregnancy. "And..." he hesitates, obviously flustered. "I'd appreciate if you accompanied me."

Whatever disappointment I was feeling three seconds ago is immediately lifted, replaced by utter giddiness.

"Of course!" I say, a little too eagerly. Screw it. My lips curve into a grin, and at my answer, Klaus seems to match my mood. I don't know what this side to Klaus is- something I've never seen before- but it's even more appealing than his usual self. It makes me feel prized; special. Appreciated. Something I deserve to feel more often.

The tension in the air dissolves, and I almost squeal. Two weeks to finally sort out our relationship. Two weeks to get to know him; who he is; maybe even see the side to him that he hides from everyone.

"Where are we going?" I ask, hesitantly. I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of planes yet, seeing that my first time on a plane was on the way here. And yet, I want to become at ease with the idea. Progress.

"A little bit of everywhere."

Vague answers like this make me even more curious. As a certified control freak, I need to know where we're going. I glare at him, trying to get the message across without tearing him to pieces.

He chuckles softly, smiling to himself.

"Russia. Ukraine. Poland, if things go to plan."

I don't ask what he's going to be doing. Frankly, I don't want to know. I assume it has something to do with his rebellious hybrids and their revenge mission against him.

"Do you think things will go to plan?"

His smile strays slightly at the edges, his eyes narrowing at the thought.

"I do, yes."

If this does have to do with the hybrids, Tyler will somehow be involved- seeing as he's left Mystic Falls very recently to join their pack. That won't be a fun encounter. The father of my baby, whom I recently kissed, and my ex, who dumped me to pursue his revenge after him. Enjoyable.

My head skips a beat. If, in fact, we do see Tyler, he'll instantly sense I'm pregnant with his... magical hybrid senses. I haven't told anyone at home yet, though I should definitely tell them soon. I suppose I forgot about them with everything that's going on.

Klaus and I spend the night talking quietly, mostly about his adventures in Europe, until the sun sets and I fall asleep in his arms.
a/n: I HATE THIS SO MUCH SKSUHEHISIH but thank you for 800 reads I don't deserve that💓
also ps. Rebekah & Klaus are very off character so far but I'll get them back on track asap. apologies to anyone who was kind of annoyed at how unrealistic they are

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